MitWit: "polls go up, polls go down"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Just like the windows of his plane.

Mitt Romney Dismisses Polls: 'Polls Go Up, Polls Go Down'

Serious comment - Imagine how this has got to feel. The entire GObP knows they are losing and they know they can throw more money at it, pass more unConstitutional voter suppression laws but, bottom line is that Barack Obama will be our president for the next four years.

Didja all see the footage of the very small crowd yelling "Ryan, Ryan, Ryan" and Mitt having to remind them that he's also running for office?

Imagine how Mitt must feel, knowing he has to go through the motions. He's never given the impression that he really WANTS to be prez and gawd knows, Queen Ann sure as hell doesn't want it either. Hell, he's probably already working on his concession speech.
What else can Mitt say?

His campaign is collapsing

President Obama 4.0...........7 polls, Obama leading in 6, one tied

President Obama 265 ............. Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Colorado................................President Obama 2.5 ..............8 polls, Obama leading 7

Florida...................................Presiden t Obama 3.1.............11 polls, Obama leading in 9

Iowa......................................Presiden t Obama 4.7..............4 polls, Obama leading in 3

Nevada...................................President Obama 4.2...............5 polls, Obama leading in 4

New Hampshire.......................President Obama 1.0...............3 polls, Obama leading in 2

North Carolina.........................President Obama 1.0...............5 polls, Obama leading in 4

Virgina...................................Presiden t Obama 4.5................7 polls, Obama leading in all

Reality is biting the 'Conservatives' in the ass.

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