Mitt's CONtradiction


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
After saying 47% of Americans pay no income tax, blithely unaware of state income taxes, today Mitt comes back and says the "47%"* WANT to pay taxes. If so, why does he avoid all he can? Why so much venom directed at taxation on this board?

*If ever there was a DIVISIVE candidate, Mitt takes the cake. Not only is he an "us v. them" type, he even gives PERCENTAGES.
The guy paid 15.5 million dollars in taxes in 2010. Jesus! What a dick.
What about the people who are fighting the constitutional battle over the IRS? There are good arguments that pay for labor is excluded from 'revenue'. To many Constitutional fundamentalists, paying no Federal income tax is heroism.
I asked you on another thread. Can we see your receipt for OVERPAYING your taxes or for additional contributions that you made to The Treasury Dept to help the rest of us out?

He paid what he had to...doesn't need to or have to pay one red cent more. Get over it...he's rich.
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You do realize that you usually dont mention State income tax in a discussion about FEDERAL income tax, right?
Mitt's taken out of context comment was what Obama would call "typical white behavior"
Willard doing some "class warfare" in front of filthy rich donor types? Whoda thunk it? It was only lefties that engaged in class warfare, we're told - except Romney did it behind closed doors.

Funniest thing is Jimmy Carter's grandson helped get Willard punk'd. Muhahahaha!

Regards from Rosie
Mitt is hoping that people don't look too deeply into this because, if they do, they'll learn that our federal income tax is very progressive while payroll tax, which mitt doesn't pay, is sky high and very REgressive.

Mitt is taxed at the much lower capital gains rate. That's why he pays almost no income tax and its also part of the reason why he refuses to release even one entire year of his income tax returns AND why he refuses to tell us what his/ryan's tax plan is.

2/3 of his 47% DO pay payroll tax and 2/3 of the remaining 1/3 are elderly who have earned their Social Security and Medicare.

BTW, I am one of the 47% he looks down his nose at. I started working when I was 13 and now that I'm retired, I get Soc Sec and Medicare.

The funny part is, according to LyinRyan, so is his mother. Remember, he said she lives on Social Security and Medicare. He lied when he said that. We all knew it was a lie but still, according to Mittens, she's an Obama Freeloader. And, while Ryan's mother is independently wealthy, she still gets that SS and Medicare. If she really believed in the lies her son and his partner are telling, she'd send it back.

That's a lot like the hypocritical rw's here who say they don't want to pay for fire fighters and police but would call them at the first sign of trouble.

Others of the 47% he looks down on ... The wounded veteran who gets care at the VA hospital and that the R wants to penalize for his wounds and the single mother who is working her way through college so she can provide a better future for her kids. And, yes, the R idolizes dead beat dads - Joe Walsh comes to mind. So is the parent of the child who relies on the school for the same good quality meals idiot rw's don't want their kids to get. They are getting money in form of government assistance so Mittens calls them lazy freeloaders.

I'm very glad I don't live in the same United States as Mittens, Ryan and their followers do.
After saying 47% of Americans pay no income tax, blithely unaware of state income taxes, today Mitt comes back and says the "47%"* WANT to pay taxes. If so, why does he avoid all he can? Why so much venom directed at taxation on this board?

*If ever there was a DIVISIVE candidate, Mitt takes the cake. Not only is he an "us v. them" type, he even gives PERCENTAGES.

Too funny, his number is right.

He paid 15 mill in taxes, you?
After saying 47% of Americans pay no income tax, blithely unaware of state income taxes, today Mitt comes back and says the "47%"* WANT to pay taxes. If so, why does he avoid all he can? Why so much venom directed at taxation on this board?

*If ever there was a DIVISIVE candidate, Mitt takes the cake. Not only is he an "us v. them" type, he even gives PERCENTAGES.

Mitt, unlike Obama, wants to help create jobs so that people will earn enough money so that they can pay taxes. Obama seems to just want to keep adding to the food stamp rolls. 15 million more people are on food stamps thanks to the Obama economy. Btw.. Can you tell us why the Obama administration failed to protect our consulate after having been given three days warning?
Mitt is hoping that people don't look too deeply into this because, if they do, they'll learn that our federal income tax is very progressive while payroll tax, which mitt doesn't pay, is sky high and very REgressive.

Mitt is taxed at the much lower capital gains rate. That's why he pays almost no income tax and its also part of the reason why he refuses to release even one entire year of his income tax returns AND why he refuses to tell us what his/ryan's tax plan is.

2/3 of his 47% DO pay payroll tax and 2/3 of the remaining 1/3 are elderly who have earned their Social Security and Medicare.

BTW, I am one of the 47% he looks down his nose at. I started working when I was 13 and now that I'm retired, I get Soc Sec and Medicare.

The funny part is, according to LyinRyan, so is his mother. Remember, he said she lives on Social Security and Medicare. He lied when he said that. We all knew it was a lie but still, according to Mittens, she's an Obama Freeloader. And, while Ryan's mother is independently wealthy, she still gets that SS and Medicare. If she really believed in the lies her son and his partner are telling, she'd send it back.

That's a lot like the hypocritical rw's here who say they don't want to pay for fire fighters and police but would call them at the first sign of trouble.

Others of the 47% he looks down on ... The wounded veteran who gets care at the VA hospital and that the R wants to penalize for his wounds and the single mother who is working her way through college so she can provide a better future for her kids. And, yes, the R idolizes dead beat dads - Joe Walsh comes to mind. So is the parent of the child who relies on the school for the same good quality meals idiot rw's don't want their kids to get. They are getting money in form of government assistance so Mittens calls them lazy freeloaders.

I'm very glad I don't live in the same United States as Mittens, Ryan and their followers do.

Obama is hoping that people WILL focus on this and deflect from our dead ambassador and a Middle East in full melt down thanks to his lack of leadership.

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