Mittens says he would cut funds to border security

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney Budget Promises Leave Tough Cuts To Social Programs, Domestic Agencies

President Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. He has put more "boots on the ground" than any other president. Obama went against McCain and Kyl, both of whom had refused the help that Napolitano had requested many times while she was guv of Arizona. Once she was in a position of power, she increased Border Patrol and worked with Obama to deport illegals.

Now, Mittens says he's going to cut border security.

We have fewer illegals coming into the country - because of Obama's tough stance.

By this time next year, if Mittens is elected, all that will change.
Then maybe you should vote for Mittens.... after all, you assholes hate border security.

Oh, and all those lies you just told about Obama should make you blush. :redface:
Obama said it himself...
McCain on Obama Granting Work Permits to Illegals: He Can't Do It Because He's Not King
June 19, 2012 - Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told on Monday that President Barack Obama does not have the authority to unilaterally grant illegal aliens the authorization to work in the United States because he is not a king.
In making this argument, McCain said he was referencing Obama's own words. asked McCain, “President Obama said Friday that his administration would like to grant work authorization to some illegal aliens. Where specifically does the Constitution authorize the Executive Branch to permit illegal aliens to work in the United States?”

“This is the same action that a year ago, I believe it was, that President Obama said he couldn’t take, because he wasn’t king. Those were his words. So, obviously the action taken without legislation through Congress, in my view, is not correct,” McCain said. “I think that it requires legislative action from the Congress of the United States,” he added. McCain appeared to be referencing a statement about immigration reform that Obama made on Univision television in October 2010. "The most important thing we can do is to change the law because the way the system works--again, I just wanna repeat, I'm president, I'm not king."

On Friday, President Obama announced that “effective immediately,” without any congressional action, the Department of Homeland Security would “lift the shadow of deportation” from hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens between the ages of 16 and 30 who have been in the U.S. at least five years and meet other criteria. “Over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorizations,” Obama said.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to make immigration law. Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 4 and 18 of the U.S. Constitution say: “The Congress shall have the power … To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization … [and] … To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers.”


See also:

60 Illegals From Countries That ‘Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists Caught Along U.S. Coastlines
June 19, 2012 – The U.S. Border Patrol in fiscal 2011 caught 60 aliens from countries “that have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members” trying to enter the United States through its coastal boundaries, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
In fiscal 2011, the Border Patrol caught a total of 6,552 aliens along the U.S. coast lines. Of these, 4,123 were “other than Mexican” (OTM). CBP provided with a country-by-country breakdown of the nations of origin for these 4,123 OTMs apprehended along U.S. coast lines.

In May 2011, the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security published a list of what DHS calls “specially designated countries” which the IG defined as those “that have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members.” The IG report also carried an appendix naming the 34 nations, plus the West Bank and Gaza, that DHS considers “specially designated countries.” (The list of “specially designated countries” appended to the DHS IG report initially included Israel. However, after Israel’s presence on this list was reported by CNSNews, DHS removed it and said it had been included by mistake.]

In fiscal 2011, nationals from 16 of the specially designated countries were among those caught along U.S. coastlines. These included:

Bangladesh: 2
Egypt 2
Indonesia 5
Iran 1
Iraq 1
Jordan 7
Lebanon 1
Libya 1
Morocco 4
Pakistan 1
Philippines 10
Sudan 1
Tajikistan 7
Thailand 4
Turkey 5
Uzbekistan 8

In a Rose Garden address Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama said the changes caused by his executive order will make immigration policy "more fair, more efficient and more just."

"This is not amnesty. This is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It's not a permanent fix," Obama said to take on conservative criticism of the step. "This is a temporary stopgap measure."

Noting children of illegal immigrants "study in our schools, play in our neighborhoods, befriend our kids, pledge allegiance to our flag," Obama said, "it makes no sense to expel talented young people who are, for all intents and purposes, Americans."

When a reporter interrupted Obama with a hostile question, the president admonished him and declared that the policy change is "the right thing to do."

Under the new policy, people younger than 30 who came to the United States before the age of 16, pose no criminal or security threat, and were successful students or served in the military can get a two-year deferral from deportation, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said.

It also will allow those meeting the requirements to apply for work permits, Napolitano said, adding that participants must be in the United States now and be able to prove they have been living in the country continuously for at least five years.

The change is part of a department effort to target resources at illegal immigrants who pose a greater threat, such as criminals and those trying to enter the country now, Napolitano said, adding it was "well within the framework of existing laws."

This seems to be a watered down version of the DREAM act that the Obstructionists -- I mean Republicans -- can't seem to find a way to maintain the status quo with.

Let's see how it goes:
Rep. Steve King of Iowa, a leading GOP foe of Democratic proposals for immigration reform, threatened to file a lawsuit asking the courts to stop Obama "from implementing his unconstitutional and unlawful policy."
Willard like most GOP trash love illegals and think they all should have amnesty, just ask Reagan.
Willard like most GOP trash love illegals and think they all should have amnesty, just ask Reagan.

I don't think that's a true statement.

Amnesty would mean having to pay legal wages, provide ERISA benefits, and actually treat them as regular humans. What GOP trash wants that? :D

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