Mittens' loopholes

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

The stock maneuver included $172,397 in shares of Sensata Technologies, a company now under fire for a high-profile effort to offshore central Illinois jobs to China.

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?
Democrats take on this. First meeting "find out how Romney did it than we'll do it too, as u can see many of us are rich and we LOVE money"

Second meeting "okay now that we learned his secret, we too can do the same thing than blame him for being successful poor folk hate that, we have tons of mindless soliders to start class warfare."

Third meeting: "okay this isnt working, apparently unbeknownst to us people actually like money too, so we're just going to rinse and repeat til they believe the lie, all agree? YES"
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

The stock maneuver included $172,397 in shares of Sensata Technologies, a company now under fire for a high-profile effort to offshore central Illinois jobs to China.

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?

Business men and right wing politicians have, over the last 30 years, tried to make "legal" and ethical into synonyms. It looks like they have succeeded. Romney may be legal but he is light years from being ethical.

We will see if he American people have been so brainwashed that they will accept a sleazy, amoral businessman turned sleazy amoral politician as their president.

I particularly liked Ann Romney's comment that Mitt has given "those people" all they are going to get.

Reminds me of "Let them eat cake".
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

The stock maneuver included $172,397 in shares of Sensata Technologies, a company now under fire for a high-profile effort to offshore central Illinois jobs to China.

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?

we have a repub that follows the law on taxes.

We have admin full of people that dont.

Your concern is absolute BS and very telling about the strength of your character.
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

The stock maneuver included $172,397 in shares of Sensata Technologies, a company now under fire for a high-profile effort to offshore central Illinois jobs to China.

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?
A better question is... if it is legal, WHY DO YOU GIVE A FUCK?

Dumb ass
Democrats take on this. First meeting "find out how Romney did it than we'll do it too, as u can see many of us are rich and we LOVE money"

Second meeting "okay now that we learned his secret, we too can do the same thing than blame him for being successful poor folk hate that, we have tons of mindless soliders to start class warfare."

Third meeting: "okay this isnt working, apparently unbeknownst to us people actually like money too, so we're just going to rinse and repeat til they believe the lie, all agree? YES"

I like money. I respect those who have made money with effort and work. I despise those like Romney who get their money off the backs of others, usually through their misfortune, and then use that money in unethical ways to the detriment of their country.

Henry Ford was a bastard but he made his business honestly. Romney is just a bastard.
I like money. I respect those who have made money with effort and work. I despise those like Romney who get their money off the backs of others, usually through their misfortune, and then use that money in unethical ways to the detriment of their country.

Henry Ford was a bastard but he made his business honestly. Romney is just a bastard.

can u show this to me so i can see it as well. im not saying your wrong, an opinion is just that, i just want to know for myself, if u are right great, than ill learn something. Im all for that.
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

The stock maneuver included $172,397 in shares of Sensata Technologies, a company now under fire for a high-profile effort to offshore central Illinois jobs to China.

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?
A better question is... if it is legal, WHY DO YOU GIVE A FUCK?

Dumb ass

Then why the fuck are you concerned about welfare and Obamacare?
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?
A better question is... if it is legal, WHY DO YOU GIVE A FUCK?

Dumb ass

Then why the fuck are you concerned about welfare and Obamacare?

because we have to pay for it. we don't Pay shit for mr. Romney, he's wealthy don't you know. See the difference?
The hypocrisy on the left is stunning. They rely on daily blogs generated by tax exempt propaganda sources like Media Matters and then they whine about smart business people who pay their taxes. Barry Hussein's treasury secretary admits cheating on his taxes because he is too stupid to fill out an IRS form and Barney Frank told us that Fannie Mae was doing fine when it was on the verge of collapse. Maybe the left should think about the people who are ruining the Country rather than criticizing the private sector.
Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm

Here's my question -

If all of this is/was legal, and apparently it is, why is he so set on hiding it from the American people?

We already know that he made money by sending jobs out of the country -

We know he's wealthy, we know he invests in other countries rather than his own.

So, what is he hiding?
A better question is... if it is legal, WHY DO YOU GIVE A FUCK?

Dumb ass

Then why the fuck are you concerned about welfare and Obamacare?

When did I state I was concerned about welfare? Please, link to any post I ever made on this site, stating I was concerned about welfare.

As for Obamacare,it directly affects me, so I am concerned. What Romney does LEGALLY with his money does NOT directly affect me, so I don't care.

It's not rocket science.

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