Mittens confesses

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney: Cayman Islands Accounts Used By Foreign Investors To 'Not Be Subject To' U.S. Taxes

Romney said that offshore sub-companies in the Cayman Islands help foreign investors avoid paying taxes on investments in the United States. Bain Capital currently has 138 such sub-companies headquartered in the Cayman Islands.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That's why Mittens jumped at the chance to get amnesty its why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Mittens is just a common criminal except that he lies, cheats and steals wit huge amounts of money.

Bet those spineless rw's jist kint wait to vote for this scumbag.
Mitt is the best choice for opportunities to get me my own perfectly legal Cayman Island offshore fund.
lol, Lefties act like they were all born just yesterday.

good grief..
Hey look at that... Just like Obama he can occasionally tell the truth.
Mitt Romney: Cayman Islands Accounts Used By Foreign Investors To 'Not Be Subject To' U.S. Taxes

Romney said that offshore sub-companies in the Cayman Islands help foreign investors avoid paying taxes on investments in the United States. Bain Capital currently has 138 such sub-companies headquartered in the Cayman Islands.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That's why Mittens jumped at the chance to get amnesty its why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Mittens is just a common criminal except that he lies, cheats and steals wit huge amounts of money.

Bet those spineless rw's jist kint wait to vote for this scumbag.

"The so-called offshore account in the Cayman Islands, for instance, is an account established by a U.S. firm to allow foreign investors to invest in U.S. enterprises and not be subject to taxes outside of their own jurisdiction," Romney said. "So in many instances, the investments in something of that nature are brought back into the United States. The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe. Sometimes a foreign entity is formed to allow foreign investors to invest in the United States, which may well be the case with the entities that.... are describing as foreign accounts."

Someone didn't read their own link :(
Mitt Romney: Cayman Islands Accounts Used By Foreign Investors To 'Not Be Subject To' U.S. Taxes

Romney said that offshore sub-companies in the Cayman Islands help foreign investors avoid paying taxes on investments in the United States. Bain Capital currently has 138 such sub-companies headquartered in the Cayman Islands.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That's why Mittens jumped at the chance to get amnesty its why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Mittens is just a common criminal except that he lies, cheats and steals wit huge amounts of money.

Bet those spineless rw's jist kint wait to vote for this scumbag.

Not much of a "confession", most voters know off shore bank accounts are a means to avoid taxes. Not illegal either.
whens mittens going to clear all of this up?

When birthers grow a brain.
In other words, it will never happen.

Mittens won't come clean, because he knows if he does things will be much worse off for him.

oooooooooooooooooo, much worse...
How how has it worked out for Obama so far?
Him and Romney are neck and neck in the polls and the Majority of the people STILL DISAPPORVE OF OBAMA..
this is a NYslime/CBS poll and they have them in DEAD HEAT
Obama, Romney in dead heat in presidential race - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

but you liberals can dream

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Mitt Romney: Cayman Islands Accounts Used By Foreign Investors To 'Not Be Subject To' U.S. Taxes

Romney said that offshore sub-companies in the Cayman Islands help foreign investors avoid paying taxes on investments in the United States. Bain Capital currently has 138 such sub-companies headquartered in the Cayman Islands.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That's why Mittens jumped at the chance to get amnesty its why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Mittens is just a common criminal except that he lies, cheats and steals wit huge amounts of money.

Bet those spineless rw's jist kint wait to vote for this scumbag.

"The so-called offshore account in the Cayman Islands, for instance, is an account established by a U.S. firm to allow foreign investors to invest in U.S. enterprises and not be subject to taxes outside of their own jurisdiction," Romney said. "So in many instances, the investments in something of that nature are brought back into the United States. The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe. Sometimes a foreign entity is formed to allow foreign investors to invest in the United States, which may well be the case with the entities that.... are describing as foreign accounts."

Someone didn't read their own link :(
Uhh... I don't think you understand what Mitt is saying there. Because... that absolutely promotes what he said. Just because the money *may* come back into the states doesn't mean that the all the taxes were paid.
Mitt Romney: Cayman Islands Accounts Used By Foreign Investors To 'Not Be Subject To' U.S. Taxes

Romney said that offshore sub-companies in the Cayman Islands help foreign investors avoid paying taxes on investments in the United States. Bain Capital currently has 138 such sub-companies headquartered in the Cayman Islands.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That's why Mittens jumped at the chance to get amnesty its why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Mittens is just a common criminal except that he lies, cheats and steals wit huge amounts of money.

Bet those spineless rw's jist kint wait to vote for this scumbag.

"The so-called offshore account in the Cayman Islands, for instance, is an account established by a U.S. firm to allow foreign investors to invest in U.S. enterprises and not be subject to taxes outside of their own jurisdiction," Romney said. "So in many instances, the investments in something of that nature are brought back into the United States. The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe. Sometimes a foreign entity is formed to allow foreign investors to invest in the United States, which may well be the case with the entities that.... are describing as foreign accounts."

Someone didn't read their own link :(

did you really expect him to?
Not much of a "confession", most voters know off shore bank accounts are a means to avoid taxes. Not illegal either.

No one says it is illegal. It is simply an immoral, unethical, spineless thing to do. It is what we expect of fatcat rich guys who really care little for anything except the bottom line.

Legal, ethical and moral are not synonyms.
No one says it is illegal.

Well, at least we can all agree on that...

It is simply an immoral, unethical, spineless thing to do.

How so?

It is what we expect of fatcat rich guys who really care little for anything except the bottom line.

Sorry, but if I had mad cash, I'd park it offshore as well. It's the smart thing to do.

Legal, ethical and moral are not synonyms.

English major?
Not much of a "confession", most voters know off shore bank accounts are a means to avoid taxes. Not illegal either.

No one says it is illegal. It is simply an immoral, unethical, spineless thing to do. It is what we expect of fatcat rich guys who really care little for anything except the bottom line.

Legal, ethical and moral are not synonyms.

you must have missed this part of the OP...

It is cheating on your taxes.

Last time I looked, cheating on your taxes was illegal.

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