Mitt Romney's Plan For A Stronger Middle Class


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Looks like a plan to me.
Mitt Romney’s Plan for a Stronger Middle Class
A Plan For More Jobs And More Take-Home Pay
Energy Independence

• Increase access to domestic energy resources
• Streamline permitting for exploration and
• Eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry
• Approve the Keystone XL pipeline
the skills to suCCeed
• Give every family access to a great school and
quality teachers
• Provide access to affordable and effective higher
education options
• Focus job training programs on building valuable
skills that align with opportunities
• Attract and retain the best and the brightest from
around the world
Trade That Works For America
• Curtail the unfair trade practices of countries
like China
• Open new markets for American goods and services
• Build stronger economic ties in Latin America
• Create a Reagan Economic Zone to strengthen free
enterprise around the world
Cut the deficit
• Immediately reduce non-security discretionary
spending by five percent
• Cap federal spending below twenty percent of
the economy
• Give states responsibility for programs that they can
implement more effectively
• Consolidate agencies and align compensation
of federal workers with their private-sector
Champion Small Business
• Reduce taxes on job creation through individual and
corporate tax reform
• Stop the increases in regulation that are tangling job
creators in red tape
• Protect workers and businesses from strong-arm
labor union tactics
• Replace Obamacare with real health care reform
that controls cost and improves care

Mitt Romney
Just more smoke and mirrors from the vulture capitalist. Anything Romney does for the middle class will require Vaseline, K-Y Jelly, or used motor oil; whichever one can afford.
Looks like a plan to me.
Uhh... yeah...
Mitt Romney’s Plan for a Stronger Middle Class
A Plan For More Jobs And More Take-Home Pay
Energy Independence
Looks more like an outline than a plan to me.

• Increase access to domestic energy resources
• Streamline permitting for exploration and
How? Can we get something as to what's wrong with it? What makes it "clunky" as it were.
• Eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry
Which ones?
• Approve the Keystone XL pipeline
Hey... that doesn't need a how or a why. Good.
the skills to suCCeed
• Give every family access to a great school and
quality teachers
How? Obviously it can't be MORE teachers.
• Provide access to affordable and effective higher
education options
How? You going to subsidize it? I'm pretty sure Mitt knows we are in debt... o.0
• Focus job training programs on building valuable
skills that align with opportunities
How? What does that entail?
• Attract and retain the best and the brightest from
around the world

You know what... You get the idea. It's not a plan. It's a outline of a plan. That doesn't do anything for people who actually think.

Those might actually be the right thing to do... But you can do it the wrong way and fuck up more than you help. "How" and "why" are important.
Looks like a plan to me.
Uhh... yeah...
Mitt Romney’s Plan for a Stronger Middle Class
A Plan For More Jobs And More Take-Home Pay
Energy Independence
Looks more like an outline than a plan to me.


How? Can we get something as to what's wrong with it? What makes it "clunky" as it were.

Which ones?

Hey... that doesn't need a how or a why. Good.
the skills to suCCeed

How? Obviously it can't be MORE teachers.

How? You going to subsidize it? I'm pretty sure Mitt knows we are in debt... o.0
• Focus job training programs on building valuable
skills that align with opportunities
How? What does that entail?
• Attract and retain the best and the brightest from
around the world

You know what... You get the idea. It's not a plan. It's a outline of a plan. That doesn't do anything for people who actually think.

Those might actually be the right thing to do... But you can do it the wrong way and fuck up more than you help. "How" and "why" are important.

Follow the link I provided. You'll find more details there.

A Bus Tour About... What, Exactly?
Looks like a plan to me.
Uhh... yeah...

Looks more like an outline than a plan to me.


How? Can we get something as to what's wrong with it? What makes it "clunky" as it were.

Which ones?

Hey... that doesn't need a how or a why. Good.
the skills to suCCeed

How? Obviously it can't be MORE teachers.

How? You going to subsidize it? I'm pretty sure Mitt knows we are in debt... o.0

How? What does that entail?
• Attract and retain the best and the brightest from
around the world

You know what... You get the idea. It's not a plan. It's a outline of a plan. That doesn't do anything for people who actually think.

Those might actually be the right thing to do... But you can do it the wrong way and fuck up more than you help. "How" and "why" are important.

Follow the link I provided. You'll find more details there.
I did... Now... It's either poorly layed out website or I'm having a retard moment, or it's just not there. All are equally possible.
Romney's offerings are more like simulacra of policy proposals. They look, from far away, like policy proposals. They exist on his Web site, under the heading of "Issues," with subheads like "Tax" and "Health care." But read closely, they are not policy proposals. They do not include the details necessary to judge Romney's policy ideas. In many cases, they don't contain any details at all.
I agree with that. From... that article. I can't find details. HOW...
Uhh... yeah...

Looks more like an outline than a plan to me.


How? Can we get something as to what's wrong with it? What makes it "clunky" as it were.

Which ones?

Hey... that doesn't need a how or a why. Good.
the skills to suCCeed

How? Obviously it can't be MORE teachers.

How? You going to subsidize it? I'm pretty sure Mitt knows we are in debt... o.0

How? What does that entail?


You know what... You get the idea. It's not a plan. It's a outline of a plan. That doesn't do anything for people who actually think.

Those might actually be the right thing to do... But you can do it the wrong way and fuck up more than you help. "How" and "why" are important.

Follow the link I provided. You'll find more details there.
I did... Now... It's either poorly layed out website or I'm having a retard moment, or it's just not there. All are equally possible.

I thought the tab marked issues was pretty easy to spot. Here's a bit from the energy section.
As president, Mitt Romney will make every effort to safeguard the environment, but he will be mindful at every step of also protecting the jobs of American workers. This will require putting conservative principles into action.

Significant Regulatory Reform

The first step will be a rational and streamlined approach to regulation, which would facilitate rapid progress in the development of our domestic reserves of oil and natural gas and allow for further investment in nuclear power.

Establish fixed timetables for all resource development approvals
Create one-stop shop to streamline permitting process for approval of common activities
Implement fast-track procedures for companies with established safety records to conduct pre-approved activities in pre-approved areas
Ensure that environmental laws properly account for cost in regulatory process
Amend Clean Air Act to exclude carbon dioxide from its purview
Expand NRC capabilities for approval of additional nuclear reactor designs
Streamline NRC processes to ensure that licensing decisions for reactors on or adjacent to approved sites, using approved designs, are complete within two years
Increasing Production

The United States is blessed with a cornucopia of carbon-based energy resources. Developing them has been a pathway to prosperity for the nation in the past and offers similar promise for the future.

Conduct comprehensive survey of America’s energy reserves
Open America’s energy reserves for development
Expand opportunities for U.S. resource developers to forge partnerships with neighboring countries
Support construction of pipelines to bring Canadian oil to the United States
Prevent overregulation of shale gas development and extraction
Research and Development

Government has a role to play in innovation in the energy industry. History shows that the United States has moved forward in astonishing ways thanks to national investment in basic research and advanced technology. However, we should not be in the business of steering investment toward particular politically favored approaches. That is a recipe for both time and money wasted on projects that do not bring us dividends. The failure of windmills and solar plants to become economically viable or make a significant contribution to our energy supply is a prime example.

Concentrate alternative energy funding on basic research
Utilize long-term, apolitical funding mechanisms like ARPA-E for basic research

Mitt Romney
Any of you people think Romney has any intention of implementing any trade practices that might anger China or the US(China)Chamber of Commerce? Saw that little tidbit and nearly spit my drink.
Looks like a plan to me.
Uhh... yeah...
Mitt Romney’s Plan for a Stronger Middle Class
A Plan For More Jobs And More Take-Home Pay
Energy Independence
Looks more like an outline than a plan to me.


How? Can we get something as to what's wrong with it? What makes it "clunky" as it were.

Which ones?

Hey... that doesn't need a how or a why. Good.
the skills to suCCeed

How? Obviously it can't be MORE teachers.

How? You going to subsidize it? I'm pretty sure Mitt knows we are in debt... o.0
• Focus job training programs on building valuable
skills that align with opportunities
How? What does that entail?
• Attract and retain the best and the brightest from
around the world

You know what... You get the idea. It's not a plan. It's a outline of a plan. That doesn't do anything for people who actually think.

Those might actually be the right thing to do... But you can do it the wrong way and fuck up more than you help. "How" and "why" are important.

Yes, it is an outline of a plan. A workable plan. We have had too many regulatations agains drilling, Obama said NO to the Keystone Pipeline when it meant more jobs for the working class; we need drilling and not moremotratoriums on the coal industries that put entire cities in fiscal jeopardy, like Scranton, Pa.; education funds are being wasted on social engineering where we could be using it for merit pay on teacher excellence...these are the types of things he's about.

Just where is Obama's plan? An outline, a scribble, anything?
This giant pile of petro industry giveaways does not help a damned thing domestically except the bottom lines of Exxon-Mobil. I wonder how many new tax breaks he intends to frost this manure cake with?
Energy Independence

• Increase access to domestic energy resources
OK... Opening up federal land I would assume

• Streamline permitting for exploration and
OK... Environazis will fight it, but I like this...

• Eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry
Specifically what regulations? I would like to see them laid out...

• Approve the Keystone XL pipeline
Good.. I like this

the skills to suCCeed
• Give every family access to a great school and
quality teachers
Everyone has access to school... how at the FEDERAL LEVEL do you have the power to make sure hey are 'great'??

• Provide access to affordable and effective higher
education options
Ehhhh... Wrong answer Mitt.... The fed should have nothing to do with higher education for adults... that is a personal responsibility

• Focus job training programs on building valuable
skills that align with opportunities
Again... Wrong answer Mitt... Focus on getting the fed out of job training programs... leave that to the charities and/or the states

• Attract and retain the best and the brightest from
around the world
Uhh... Don't think that is something that the government specifically you can really do...

Trade That Works For America
• Curtail the unfair trade practices of countries
like China
OK... I like this... Give me some specifics though

• Open new markets for American goods and services
Don't know what markets are not open... but if you mean working on clearing regulation and taxes to make it easier for our companies to trade, I am with ya on this one....

• Build stronger economic ties in Latin America

• Create a Reagan Economic Zone to strengthen free
enterprise around the world
WTF is this and WTF does this mean??

Cut the deficit
• Immediately reduce non-security discretionary
spending by five percent
It is a start, but it needs to be more, significantly more by the year 2 budget

• Cap federal spending below twenty percent of
the economy
And add in that it can not be more in total than the previous year's tax receipts, and you got this looking better

• Give states responsibility for programs that they can
implement more effectively
They have that responsibility now.. just eliminate the things the fed is not supposed to be doing anyway

• Consolidate agencies and align compensation
of federal workers with their private-sector
And don't forget ELIMINATE agencies that are in place that are against the powers laid out in the constitution

Champion Small Business
• Reduce taxes on job creation through individual and
corporate tax reform
Give the specific reform... and PLEASE start approaching the huge issue that 47% of citizens are paying no income tax at all

• Stop the increases in regulation that are tangling job
creators in red tape
Agreed here

• Protect workers and businesses from strong-arm
labor union tactics
I have no problem with this... but again, give some specifics

• Replace Obamacare with real health care reform
that controls cost and improves care
REPEAL Obamacare and start working on true reform acts that open healthcare up on the free market with less regulation and restriction for purchase


Granted.. this of course is website pitch material.. and not all is bad... and I HOPE we get some details, details, details... but he could do much better in this plan
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This giant pile of petro industry giveaways does not help a damned thing domestically except the bottom lines of Exxon-Mobil. I wonder how many new tax breaks he intends to frost this manure cake with?

Care to enlighten us what Obama has done for domestic energy production? How did that Solyndra project work out?
Just more smoke and mirrors from the vulture capitalist. Anything Romney does for the middle class will require Vaseline, K-Y Jelly, or used motor oil; whichever one can afford.

I bet the left is thrilled to have Lakhota representing their view point, it is so classy and mature.
Romney's plan for the middle class = Exterminate it.

Did you know that if you would ever pull your head out of your ass,( nice self portrait in the avie btw ) you might actually see something other than than feces?
This giant pile of petro industry giveaways does not help a damned thing domestically except the bottom lines of Exxon-Mobil. I wonder how many new tax breaks he intends to frost this manure cake with?

Care to enlighten us what Obama has done for domestic energy production? How did that Solyndra project work out?
Obama doesn't have a plan either that I'm aware of. Or... it's just as general as what Willard is showing. It says *something* but it's really all about *nothing*

And no... that still "issues" tab is still so open and general it doesn't mean anything worthwhile. That's my opinion, I understand you disagree.

Right now it looks to me like you are another "NOT OBAMA" people.

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