Mitt Romney Tax Return Reveals Outsourced Payroll, Shielding Household Labor Costs


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Zach Carter and Jason Cherkis

WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released his 379-page tax return for 2011 on Friday. Enclosed were the names of his foreign investments, the addresses of his Cayman Islands interests, and the performance of his Goldman Sachs funds. Absent, however, was any information about the household help the Romneys employ to maintain their various estates.

This lack of transparency stands in contrast to Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees" all in one state, presumably Massachusetts. Household employees include "babysitters, drivers, nannies, caretakers, health aides, private nurses, cleaning people, housekeepers and yard workers," according to the IRS.

Romney left the 2011 form detailing payroll taxes for his household help blank, attaching a note to explain that they would be reported quarterly on a separate form. A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

There is no financial benefit or penalty associated with filing this information every three months instead of once a year. But, as with his 2010 tax return, Romney is utilizing a narrow definition of the term "tax return" to avoid releasing some of his tax documents to the public. In 2010, for instance, Romney declined to release a form associated with his Swiss bank account. While required by the IRS, the foreign bank account form is filed separately from the tax return, allowing Romney to withhold the document while boasting about his campaign's transparency for releasing a year's worth of tax returns.

Experts questioned the timing of the move and its nature.

More: Mitt Romney Tax Return Reveals GOP Candidate Outsourced Payroll, Shielding Household Labor Costs
More Romney shell game. He claims he wants to make taxes more transparent and fair? Look how he walks the walk.
Fellows who know little about quarterly filing is sad!

"Romney left the 2011 form detailing payroll taxes for his household help blank, attaching a note to explain that they would be reported quarterly on a separate form. A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company."

Also known as contract employees.
Get a grip and learn something people!
romney treats his household help better than Obama treats his blood relatives*

*assumes that his real Dad is not Frank Marshall Davis
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A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

"outsourced"? :lol: how convenient that the wages won't be reported til AFTER the election. Last time he filed their salary was @$20K for 4 people :eusa_eh:

Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees"
A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

"outsourced"? :lol: how convenient that the wages won't be reported til AFTER the election. Last time he filed their salary was @$20K for 4 people :eusa_eh:

Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees"

That doesn't even sound like it's legal. I wonder if they were also illegal aliens like the ones he has do the landscaping on his mansions :eusa_think:
By Zach Carter and Jason Cherkis

WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released his 379-page tax return for 2011 on Friday. Enclosed were the names of his foreign investments, the addresses of his Cayman Islands interests, and the performance of his Goldman Sachs funds. Absent, however, was any information about the household help the Romneys employ to maintain their various estates.

This lack of transparency stands in contrast to Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees" all in one state, presumably Massachusetts. Household employees include "babysitters, drivers, nannies, caretakers, health aides, private nurses, cleaning people, housekeepers and yard workers," according to the IRS.

Romney left the 2011 form detailing payroll taxes for his household help blank, attaching a note to explain that they would be reported quarterly on a separate form. A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

There is no financial benefit or penalty associated with filing this information every three months instead of once a year. But, as with his 2010 tax return, Romney is utilizing a narrow definition of the term "tax return" to avoid releasing some of his tax documents to the public. In 2010, for instance, Romney declined to release a form associated with his Swiss bank account. While required by the IRS, the foreign bank account form is filed separately from the tax return, allowing Romney to withhold the document while boasting about his campaign's transparency for releasing a year's worth of tax returns.

Experts questioned the timing of the move and its nature.

More: Mitt Romney Tax Return Reveals GOP Candidate Outsourced Payroll, Shielding Household Labor Costs

So after scouring the tax return this is the best the huffpos can come up with?

Keep flailing democrats.
By Zach Carter and Jason Cherkis

WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released his 379-page tax return for 2011 on Friday. Enclosed were the names of his foreign investments, the addresses of his Cayman Islands interests, and the performance of his Goldman Sachs funds. Absent, however, was any information about the household help the Romneys employ to maintain their various estates.

This lack of transparency stands in contrast to Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees" all in one state, presumably Massachusetts. Household employees include "babysitters, drivers, nannies, caretakers, health aides, private nurses, cleaning people, housekeepers and yard workers," according to the IRS.

Romney left the 2011 form detailing payroll taxes for his household help blank, attaching a note to explain that they would be reported quarterly on a separate form. A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

There is no financial benefit or penalty associated with filing this information every three months instead of once a year. But, as with his 2010 tax return, Romney is utilizing a narrow definition of the term "tax return" to avoid releasing some of his tax documents to the public. In 2010, for instance, Romney declined to release a form associated with his Swiss bank account. While required by the IRS, the foreign bank account form is filed separately from the tax return, allowing Romney to withhold the document while boasting about his campaign's transparency for releasing a year's worth of tax returns.

Experts questioned the timing of the move and its nature.

More: Mitt Romney Tax Return Reveals GOP Candidate Outsourced Payroll, Shielding Household Labor Costs

You have to be one of the most ignorant people I've ever run across... you're making TM look relatively well-informed.
Could somebody please tell this naive dumbass that the "taxes" issue is deaD except to the hyperpartisan left nutters.

Stupid fuck...........he gave 4 + million to charity = deaD issue. To the 5%-7% of the political center it is deaD that is. Nobody else matters.............asshole.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

So Lakota.......pick up those chinstraps at The Sports Authority yet? The razors in the bathroom? s0n............just trying to help here.:D Spending 16 hours a day falling all over yourself trying to swing the election from some nether-region of the internet isnt going to do.........well.........dIcK.:2up:
By Zach Carter and Jason Cherkis

WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released his 379-page tax return for 2011 on Friday. Enclosed were the names of his foreign investments, the addresses of his Cayman Islands interests, and the performance of his Goldman Sachs funds. Absent, however, was any information about the household help the Romneys employ to maintain their various estates.

This lack of transparency stands in contrast to Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees" all in one state, presumably Massachusetts. Household employees include "babysitters, drivers, nannies, caretakers, health aides, private nurses, cleaning people, housekeepers and yard workers," according to the IRS.

Romney left the 2011 form detailing payroll taxes for his household help blank, attaching a note to explain that they would be reported quarterly on a separate form. A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

There is no financial benefit or penalty associated with filing this information every three months instead of once a year. But, as with his 2010 tax return, Romney is utilizing a narrow definition of the term "tax return" to avoid releasing some of his tax documents to the public. In 2010, for instance, Romney declined to release a form associated with his Swiss bank account. While required by the IRS, the foreign bank account form is filed separately from the tax return, allowing Romney to withhold the document while boasting about his campaign's transparency for releasing a year's worth of tax returns.

Experts questioned the timing of the move and its nature.

More: Mitt Romney Tax Return Reveals GOP Candidate Outsourced Payroll, Shielding Household Labor Costs

You have to be one of the most ignorant people I've ever run across... you're making TM look relatively well-informed.

Soggy bro.........he is the most naive in here by far!!! Amazingly so......and thats saying something for some of the freakshows we see in here all the time. Seriously.......a guy like this might well go jump off a bridge after election night. I know I joke about "k00ks" all the time, but this one is off the reservation ALL the time!!!
Could somebody please tell this naive dumbass that the "taxes" issue is deaD except to the hyperpartisan left nutters.

Stupid fuck...........he gave 4 + million to charity = deaD issue. To the 5%-7% of the political center it is deaD that is. Nobody else matters.............asshole.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

So Lakota.......pick up those chinstraps at The Sports Authority yet? The razors in the bathroom? s0n............just trying to help here.:D Spending 16 hours a day falling all over yourself trying to swing the election from some nether-region of the internet isnt going to do.........well.........dIcK.:2up:

Are you really this fucking stupid? The next administration is going to have to make major policy decisions regarding taxes. How the major candidates walk the walk is the best indicator we have of the direction they'll want to move. Romney claims he wants to cut the taxes for the wealthiest, and cover that with changing deductions. Doing the math, that means things like standard deductions, mortgage interest deductions, child care credits, earned income credits, are likely to go away.

Sorry moron, but how Romney approaches his own taxes isn't even close to being dead.
Sorry, I can't get worked up that Romney correctly and appropriately files his taxes.
By Zach Carter and Jason Cherkis

WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released his 379-page tax return for 2011 on Friday. Enclosed were the names of his foreign investments, the addresses of his Cayman Islands interests, and the performance of his Goldman Sachs funds. Absent, however, was any information about the household help the Romneys employ to maintain their various estates.

This lack of transparency stands in contrast to Romney's 2010 return, which listed $20,603 in wages paid to four "household employees" all in one state, presumably Massachusetts. Household employees include "babysitters, drivers, nannies, caretakers, health aides, private nurses, cleaning people, housekeepers and yard workers," according to the IRS.

Romney left the 2011 form detailing payroll taxes for his household help blank, attaching a note to explain that they would be reported quarterly on a separate form. A campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post that the task had been outsourced to a payroll company.

There is no financial benefit or penalty associated with filing this information every three months instead of once a year. But, as with his 2010 tax return, Romney is utilizing a narrow definition of the term "tax return" to avoid releasing some of his tax documents to the public. In 2010, for instance, Romney declined to release a form associated with his Swiss bank account. While required by the IRS, the foreign bank account form is filed separately from the tax return, allowing Romney to withhold the document while boasting about his campaign's transparency for releasing a year's worth of tax returns.

Experts questioned the timing of the move and its nature.

More: Mitt Romney Tax Return Reveals GOP Candidate Outsourced Payroll, Shielding Household Labor Costs

So that's how he did it. I know 20 grand isn't a drop in the bucket to pay for a household staff for 4 or more mansions.

I did think it was hilarious that right wingers on the USMB were suggesting all the cleaning and house keeping was performed by Mitt's wife and 5 sons.

These USMB Republicans want to vote for a millionaire and they have less understanding about him than he has understanding for them. Except for when he paints himself brown, he is white. That counts.
Could somebody please tell this naive dumbass that the "taxes" issue is deaD except to the hyperpartisan left nutters.

Stupid fuck...........he gave 4 + million to charity = deaD issue. To the 5%-7% of the political center it is deaD that is. Nobody else matters.............asshole.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

So Lakota.......pick up those chinstraps at The Sports Authority yet? The razors in the bathroom? s0n............just trying to help here.:D Spending 16 hours a day falling all over yourself trying to swing the election from some nether-region of the internet isnt going to do.........well.........dIcK.:2up:

Are you really this fucking stupid? The next administration is going to have to make major policy decisions regarding taxes. How the major candidates walk the walk is the best indicator we have of the direction they'll want to move. Romney claims he wants to cut the taxes for the wealthiest, and cover that with changing deductions. Doing the math, that means things like standard deductions, mortgage interest deductions, child care credits, earned income credits, are likely to go away.

Sorry moron, but how Romney approaches his own taxes isn't even close to being dead.

You retards had a shit fit cause he paid more then he had too. Now you are pissed cause he does what is legally allowed. You fail miserably.

Lets get something straight shall we? What one does right now that is legal has nothing to with what one may do to change what is legal. Or are you claiming no politician is ever serious about changing taxes? I mean even Obama obeyed the law and used all his deductions and functions allowed.

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