Mitt Romney Invokes Health Care Law: Nothing 'Shows More Empathy'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Elise Foley

GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney touted his health care law as governor of Massachusetts on Wednesday, a move that tends to create awkwardness for the candidate as he tries to thread the needle between standing behind his achievement and criticizing the president's health care law, which is modeled after it.

"I think throughout this campaign as well, we talked about my record in Massachusetts, don't forget -- I got everybody in my state insured," Romney told NBC's Ron Allen in an interview. "One hundred percent of the kids in our state had health insurance. I don't think there's anything that shows more empathy and care about the people of this country than that kind of record."

Romney's passage of universal health care in Massachusetts was one of his top actions as governor, but it's also one fraught with tension for the candidate with some conservatives. The Affordable Care Act, the law signed by President Barack Obama, is a major point of contention for Republicans. Romney has called for a repeal of the law, but his opponents on both sides have been eager to point out that Obamacare was based on Romney's framework.

Although he does not often discuss his health care law, Romney invoked it Wednesday during a broad attempt at damage control after a video released last week showed him dismissing 47 percent of Americans as "dependent on government" and saying his "job is not to worry about those people."

More: Mitt Romney Invokes Health Care Law: Nothing 'Shows More Empathy'
Seriously, does anyone really know where Romney stands on ANYTHING? I don't.

Romney is a lot like the healthcare bill: You gotta pass him (vote him in) to find out whats in him!
Romney is a lot like the healthcare bill: You gotta pass him (vote him in) to find out whats in him!

Which side of the fence are you on these days?

Neither. I let the idiots argue over the fence and just walked back inside my house to watch football on TV.

Im sick of both parties, and all the politicians. Im sick of radical partisans. Im now just pointing out stupid shit that stupid people on both sides do and say. The days of Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan are over. Our politics will look like Venezuela or Baghdad in 20 years at this rate.

The only thing worse than seeing the outright lies on Fox and MSNBC about the "other side" may be digusting....but whats sad is knowing millions of people consume it as Holy Truth every day.
Romney is a lot like the healthcare bill: You gotta pass him (vote him in) to find out whats in him!

Which side of the fence are you on these days?

Neither. I let the idiots argue over the fence and just walked back inside my house to watch football on TV.

Im sick of both parties, and all the politicians. Im sick of radical partisans. Im now just pointing out stupid shit that stupid people on both sides do and say. The days of Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan are over. Our politics will look like Venezuela or Baghdad in 20 years at this rate.

The only thing worse than seeing the outright lies on Fox and MSNBC about the "other side" may be digusting....but whats sad is knowing millions of people consume it as Holy Truth every day.

Well, I do appreciate your honesty, and I somewhat agree. However, I see much LESS fact checking (and need for) of MSNBC than I do of Fox. I like facts and truth, and I like MSNBC. I have a right to say that, because I used to vote as much or more for Republicans. Reagan put an end to that.
Which side of the fence are you on these days?

Neither. I let the idiots argue over the fence and just walked back inside my house to watch football on TV.

Im sick of both parties, and all the politicians. Im sick of radical partisans. Im now just pointing out stupid shit that stupid people on both sides do and say. The days of Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan are over. Our politics will look like Venezuela or Baghdad in 20 years at this rate.

The only thing worse than seeing the outright lies on Fox and MSNBC about the "other side" may be digusting....but whats sad is knowing millions of people consume it as Holy Truth every day.

Well, I do appreciate your honesty, and I somewhat agree. However, I see much LESS fact checking (and need for) of MSNBC than I do of Fox. I like facts and truth, and I like MSNBC. I have a right to say that, because I used to vote as much or more for Republicans. Reagan put an end to that.

He likes Facts and Truth !!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'm still laughing. I nominate this one for the cow dung post of the month.

WAAT......thanks....that was funny.
By Elise Foley

GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney touted his health care law as governor of Massachusetts on Wednesday, a move that tends to create awkwardness for the candidate as he tries to thread the needle between standing behind his achievement and criticizing the president's health care law, which is modeled after it.

"I think throughout this campaign as well, we talked about my record in Massachusetts, don't forget -- I got everybody in my state insured," Romney told NBC's Ron Allen in an interview. "One hundred percent of the kids in our state had health insurance. I don't think there's anything that shows more empathy and care about the people of this country than that kind of record."

Romney's passage of universal health care in Massachusetts was one of his top actions as governor, but it's also one fraught with tension for the candidate with some conservatives. The Affordable Care Act, the law signed by President Barack Obama, is a major point of contention for Republicans. Romney has called for a repeal of the law, but his opponents on both sides have been eager to point out that Obamacare was based on Romney's framework.

Although he does not often discuss his health care law, Romney invoked it Wednesday during a broad attempt at damage control after a video released last week showed him dismissing 47 percent of Americans as "dependent on government" and saying his "job is not to worry about those people."

More: Mitt Romney Invokes Health Care Law: Nothing 'Shows More Empathy'

And yet, later in the very same day, he said he would repeal ObamaCare.

Its as though he doesn't even remember what his position from hour to hour.

His put down of the 47% was the death knell. No one in their right mind could vote for him after that.

The GObP/pubpots have gotten so radical and so controlling of the population, they really MUST be beaten. We cannot afford to have nutters like them in power.

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