Mitt Romney, Friend in Need


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
This article is filled with stories about a man that walks the walk.

Mitt Romney, Friend in Need
Good Deed Doer

By: Dan McLaughlin (Diary) | September 17th, 2012 at 06:15 PM

The Obama campaign has spent months laboring to get this election to be about anything but the president’s record and the candidates’ policy proposals. As often happens in campaigns, this requires painting caricatures with no connection to the facts. The Obama camp has worked hard to make Mitt Romney out as a bad, unfeeling, cold-hearted rich guy who only cares about his own bottom line. Romney himself hasn’t helped the matter by being such a stiff, tin-eared speaker who actually looks and sounds like a walking stereotype; political communication is not among his skills. But the reality is that Romney’s biography shows him to be a real-life Good Samaritan who has walked the walk of caring for his fellow man not only with his own money but with his own time and his own hands. I’ve had my share of political complaints about Romney, but on this score, the critics should be ashamed of themselves: Romney is a genuine role model of what private citizens can do to assist those in need.
Click the links above, all of which have much longer accounts of these and other stories of Romney’s good works.

You may choose to dislike Romney’s politics, his policies, his ham-handed speeches. But what a better country we would have if half the people attacking him now could compile half of the list above. Compared to Barack Obama, who had half his house paid for by a slumlord convicted of bribing politicians, I’d rather depend on Mitt Romney if I really needed a friend when the chips were down.
Mitt Romney, Friend in Need | RedState
This article is filled with stories about a man that walks the walk.

Mitt Romney, Friend in Need
Good Deed Doer

By: Dan McLaughlin (Diary) | September 17th, 2012 at 06:15 PM

The Obama campaign has spent months laboring to get this election to be about anything but the president’s record and the candidates’ policy proposals. As often happens in campaigns, this requires painting caricatures with no connection to the facts. The Obama camp has worked hard to make Mitt Romney out as a bad, unfeeling, cold-hearted rich guy who only cares about his own bottom line. Romney himself hasn’t helped the matter by being such a stiff, tin-eared speaker who actually looks and sounds like a walking stereotype; political communication is not among his skills. But the reality is that Romney’s biography shows him to be a real-life Good Samaritan who has walked the walk of caring for his fellow man not only with his own money but with his own time and his own hands. I’ve had my share of political complaints about Romney, but on this score, the critics should be ashamed of themselves: Romney is a genuine role model of what private citizens can do to assist those in need.
Click the links above, all of which have much longer accounts of these and other stories of Romney’s good works.

You may choose to dislike Romney’s politics, his policies, his ham-handed speeches. But what a better country we would have if half the people attacking him now could compile half of the list above. Compared to Barack Obama, who had half his house paid for by a slumlord convicted of bribing politicians, I’d rather depend on Mitt Romney if I really needed a friend when the chips were down.
Mitt Romney, Friend in Need | RedState

Great article. I don't think I've ever read of Obama doing something like this.. Unless it was just for the cameras.
Favorite one..

Ken Smith, the former director of the New England Center for Homeless Veterans, also came on Beck’s show to discuss what Buzzfeed called “a cringe worthy moment in 1994.”

During the visit to the shelter, Smith said Romney first looked at the shelter’s books for about 45 minutes and then took a tour of the facility. At the end of the tour, Romney asked what Smith’s biggest problem was. Smith told him the shelter had problems paying for milk, and Romney replied, “Well Ken, maybe you can teach the vets to milk cows.”

The next day, Smith said, the newspapers were killing him for the remark, and Romney called Smith to apologize. The following day, the milkman showed up, offloaded his milk and gave Smith a bill that was half of its normal size. The same things happened for a month, two months, three months, and then for a full two years, Smith said. Finally, on the day the milkman was to retire, he told Smith that Romney had been paying for the milk.

“Romney’s generosity has helped tens of thousands of veterans who are homeless, who have been through this facility, with nourishment,” Smith said. “The milk cartons said the name of the milk company, it didn’t say, ‘donated by Mitt Romney.’”

Glenn Beck uses Friday show to highlight stories of Mitt Romney's generosity | Deseret News
Good a time as any to re-post Romney's convention intro. Not only is the guy a true humanitarian, but a great family man as well. I particularly like the photos of him goofing with his kids.

It's hilarious watching right wingers canonize a guy they wouldn't have wanted representing them as a talking head on fox news four years ago.

It's hilarious watching right wingers canonize a guy they wouldn't have wanted representing them as a talking head on fox news four years ago.


You're wrong Shogun, I voted for Romney 4 years ago as well. And I don't think we should canonize Romney but I'm a bit tired of watching your side demonize him personally.
It's hilarious watching right wingers canonize a guy they wouldn't have wanted representing them as a talking head on fox news four years ago.


You're wrong Shogun, I voted for Romney 4 years ago as well. And I don't think we should canonize Romney but I'm a bit tired of watching your side demonize him personally.

I voted for him 4 years ago as well. And he'd dropped out of the primary by the time my state voted.
Yeah, Romney told woman whose home was submerged to go home and call 211. What a guy...

Lakhota.. Why don't you regale us with some tales of good deeds that Obama has done on his own. I anxious to hear of his good works.
It's hilarious watching right wingers canonize a guy they wouldn't have wanted representing them as a talking head on fox news four years ago.


You're wrong Shogun, I voted for Romney 4 years ago as well. And I don't think we should canonize Romney but I'm a bit tired of watching your side demonize him personally.

Indeed. I'm tired of your side pretending that Obama is an antichrist muslim. However, the fact remains that four years ago Romney was a flip-flopping, opportunistic and fair weather republican making quick caveats to a liberal state congress and now, all of a sudden, he's the pope of conservatism. That is my point and the origin of such ironic humor as we see right wingers pretend that Romney is more than he has been crafted into for the sake of the 2012 election.
You guys are just pissy because you can't measure up. How much charitable service have you given your fellow man?
It's hilarious watching right wingers canonize a guy they wouldn't have wanted representing them as a talking head on fox news four years ago.


You're wrong Shogun, I voted for Romney 4 years ago as well. And I don't think we should canonize Romney but I'm a bit tired of watching your side demonize him personally.

Indeed. I'm tired of your side pretending that Obama is an antichrist muslim. However, the fact remains that four years ago Romney was a flip-flopping, opportunistic and fair weather republican making quick caveats to a liberal state congress and now, all of a sudden, he's the pope of conservatism. That is my point and the origin of such ironic humor as we see right wingers pretend that Romney is more than he has been crafted into for the sake of the 2012 election.

Nope. The point of this particular thread is that Romney is a decent human being who actually puts in the time and money to charitable service. Your guy is the one-percenter....

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