Mitt out of touch with reality.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

He lost the election because he did not have a plan that fit all Americans and he could not be trusted that what he said was what he meant and what he said was what he felt certain people wanted to hear at the time. He is now insulting and belittling the 47%ers by saying Afro-Americans and Hispanics voted for Obama because of all the freebies he gave them. Food stamps for Afro-Americans and free healthcare for Hispanics. Obamacare allowing children to stay on their parents healthcare until they are 26 is not a freebie. Parents have to pay a premium for then to stay on it. He gave Mass Romneycare and they still did not vote for him. The 47%er should be offended because they are hard working, temporary unemployed, the (5) million that went back to work because of the 5 million jobs created the past four year by Obama. Maybe that had something to do with why Obama won. Romney had nothing to offer America and Americans, Afro-Americans and Hispanics and other minorities that’s why he did not get their votes.
More wealthy Americans voted for Obama than Romney. More poor white folks on food stamps, welfare, SSI, Medicaid and subsidized housing voted for Romney than for Obama.
But the real reason he did not win was because he was a pathetic, sociopath, habitual, chronic compulsive liar
If he don’t know why so many Americans, Black, Hispanic and White are receiving federal, state and county assistance, he is stupider than I had ever imagined. And Bush put them in that position with his wild and reckless spending, borrowing and printing like a drunken sailor.
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55% of the those who voted for Obama was white. Why did they vote for him? Freebies also? White, black and hispanic folks all received freebies? So who the hell was working that voted for Obama. Who got the 5 million jobs that was created.
55% of the those who voted for Obama was white. Why did they vote for him? Freebies also? White, black and hispanic folks all received freebies? So who the hell was working that voted for Obama. Who got the 5 million jobs that was created.

I am interested in your education level and whether you are on psychotropic medication.
His recent remarks about Blacks and Hispanics was racist and the 47%ers that he comment about had to be Black and Hispanic. If Romney had Blacks and Hispanics in mind when he made the comment, then it was racist–pure and simple In line with his Mormon teachings about blacks being inferior and lazy.
Mitt can't face the reality of the fact that he lost the election because insulted people of color, immigrants, people who don't pay income taxes, women, and those that can't afford healthcare.

He can't face the fact that his ideas sucked-what little we knew of them, and that he was too secretive, and that it was painfully obvious that not only could he not relate to the average person but that he didn't care about anybody but the very wealthy. He was also a serial flip-flopper and a panderer of the highest order.

When you can't even get as many votes as McCain or as many mormon votes as McCain when you are a mormon, maybe it has to do with YOU.
55% of the those who voted for Obama was white. Why did they vote for him? Freebies also? White, black and hispanic folks all received freebies? So who the hell was working that voted for Obama. Who got the 5 million jobs that was created.

I am interested in your education level and whether you are on psychotropic medication.

The is quite understandable since you have no idea what the hell I am talking about.:eusa_shifty:
Seriously. There are bombs dropping in the middle east. Economic issues. Americans dead. And what is MSNBC and CNN talking about? Mitt Romney. The election is freaking over Lefytoons. Eventually the haze of misdirection is going to clear.
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55% of the those who voted for Obama was white. Why did they vote for him? Freebies also? White, black and hispanic folks all received freebies? So who the hell was working that voted for Obama. Who got the 5 million jobs that was created.

I am interested in your education level and whether you are on psychotropic medication.

The is quite understandable since you have no idea what the hell I am talking about.:eusa_shifty:

You got that right!:eusa_angel:
Mitt lost the election because he wanted to cut the free shit Off. End of story...Some ways it is kind of racist as blacks rely on it alot more then the rest of the population. A large percentage of the black population lives off of food stamps, welfare and they mostly work from government jobs. This is a fact.

72% of black males leave their girlfriends to raise the child. This leads to a high percentage of the population living off of welfare.

Defute me or tell me where I'm wrong.
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Mitt can't face the reality of the fact that he lost the election because insulted people of color, immigrants, people who don't pay income taxes, women, and those that can't afford healthcare.

He can't face the fact that his ideas sucked-what little we knew of them, and that he was too secretive, and that it was painfully obvious that not only could he not relate to the average person but that he didn't care about anybody but the very wealthy. He was also a serial flip-flopper and a panderer of the highest order.

When you can't even get as many votes as McCain or as many mormon votes as McCain when you are a mormon, maybe it has to do with YOU.

Damn. :clap2:
Mitt lost the election because he wanted to cut the free shit Off. End of story...Some ways it is kind of racist as blacks rely on it alot. A large percentage of the black population lives off of food stamps, welfare and they mostly work from government jobs. This is a fact.

72% of black males leave their girl friends to raise the child. This leads to a high percentage of the population living off of welfare.

Defute me or tell me where I'm wrong.

You do know there are more whites on welfare than blacks....don't you?
Eight times more whites on welfare than blacks. Nine times more white children than black children on welfare.
Mitt lost the election because he wanted to cut the free shit Off. End of story...Some ways it is kind of racist as blacks rely on it alot. A large percentage of the black population lives off of food stamps, welfare and they mostly work from government jobs. This is a fact.

72% of black males leave their girl friends to raise the child. This leads to a high percentage of the population living off of welfare.

Defute me or tell me where I'm wrong.

You do know there are more whites on welfare than blacks....don't you?

You do know that there's 5 times as many whites? right??? As a percentage of the population blacks have a higher rate.

Poverty By Race/Ethnicity

Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009.

USDA ERS - Page Not Found


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It is close to 7.5 X whites to blacks. The issue is how to define Caucasian.
Eight times more whites on welfare than blacks. Nine times more white children than black children on welfare.

Please enlighten us with your source for that information. Or do you consider Social Security to be welfare?
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Seriously. There are bombs dropping the middle east. Economic issues. Americans dead. And what is MSNBC and CNN talking about? Mitt Romney. The election is freaking over Lefytoons. Eventually the haze of misdirection is going to clear.

The election over.
Their guy won....
All they talk about on MSLSD is how fucked up the republican party is and what they need
to do to fix it...

The left is obsessed with the GOP... :badgrin:

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