Mitch wants the 51 senate rule to take effect on Healthcare and tax reform!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick

Ummm, it was the democrats that set this little ship in motion dude. Do try and keep up.
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick

Your beloved leftard clown posse set the precedent because they thought the move would insure that leftards would always rule either the House or Senate....they miscalculated and now leftards want to go back to the OLD rules now? Imagine that????

This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick
Too bad you whore fucking democrats pulled the 51 vote rules first ain't it bitch?
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick
+1 for Mammy Speak
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick
---------------------------------------------------------------------- hey TRed , after reading the last 5 or 6 posts do you now understand what happened TRed ??
On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

I don't know what planet you pro Russian bitches have been on, but the GOP systematically opposed every gotdamned thing Obama and Democrats put on the table. They boasted about it, bragged on and Mitch called Obama a 1 term if the democrats had to go nuke on these obstructional bitches, who''s motherfuckin fault is it? You know have the pussy democrats willing and ready to work with both houses and Trump the white bitch and Mitch still wants to go NUKE????

Do me a favor, you Russian bitches, get your fuckin facts together the next time you want to send for me, coming to you whores with facts, is starting to bore me!!!!
On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

I don't know what planet you pro Russian bitches have been on, but the GOP systematically opposed every gotdamned thing Obama and Democrats put on the table. They boasted about it, bragged on and Mitch called Obama a 1 term if the democrats had to go nuke on these obstructional bitches, who''s motherfuckin fault is it? You know have the pussy democrats willing and ready to work with both houses and Trump the white bitch and Mitch still wants to go NUKE????

Do me a favor, you Russian bitches, get your fuckin facts together the next time you want to send for me, coming to you whores with facts, is starting to bore me!!!!
You need to go wash your nasty self!
On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

I don't know what planet you pro Russian bitches have been on, but the GOP systematically opposed every gotdamned thing Obama and Democrats put on the table. They boasted about it, bragged on and Mitch called Obama a 1 term if the democrats had to go nuke on these obstructional bitches, who''s motherfuckin fault is it? You know have the pussy democrats willing and ready to work with both houses and Trump the white bitch and Mitch still wants to go NUKE????

Do me a favor, you Russian bitches, get your fuckin facts together the next time you want to send for me, coming to you whores with facts, is starting to bore me!!!!

Good for them.......they knew that the demcrat party had nominated a closet communist whether the American sheeple knew it or not. White guilt and Barrypuppet's ability to read from a teleprompter and Bushpuppet fatigue was the perfect storm for a compromised empty-suited homosexual with a trans-gendered partner...there was no way that Barrypuppet was going to buck the status quo of further intervention into the Middle East per the PNAC plan and he didn't stray from the script. Yemen, Libya, Bahrain and Egypt fell under whabbism and gave us a new version of the CIA mercenary group we know as "ISIS/ISIL which is nothing but an offshoot of the mujaheddin started by the recently departed (hope he is rotting in hell) globalist Zibigniew Brzezinski in 1979. Barrypupet wanted Assad and Syria but Russia stepped in and good for them. Al qaeda is and has always been a CIA asset and BTW, the Barrypuppet didn't have Tim Osman aka "Osama bin Laden" killed in a raid back in 2011....he had been dead since December of 2001. Your boy was a fraud and an empty-suited sack of shit as with these very salient facts. Trump may turn out to be a puppet as well but I am willing to give him more than 4 months before I declare it.....

One more thing...Seth Rich was the leaker of the e-mails to Julian Assange and he was murdered by the uppercrust of the DNC party for doing so. Russia had nothing to do with the leaks nor did they have anything to do with the contents PROVING what a bunch of lying sacks of shit they are and what a lying sack of shit that the Barrypuppet was when he declared that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server because he contacted her under a different user chew on that, bitch!
On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

I don't know what planet you pro Russian bitches have been on, but the GOP systematically opposed every gotdamned thing Obama and Democrats put on the table. They boasted about it, bragged on and Mitch called Obama a 1 term if the democrats had to go nuke on these obstructional bitches, who''s motherfuckin fault is it? You know have the pussy democrats willing and ready to work with both houses and Trump the white bitch and Mitch still wants to go NUKE????

Do me a favor, you Russian bitches, get your fuckin facts together the next time you want to send for me, coming to you whores with facts, is starting to bore me!!!!
Nobody is blaming them for going nuke.

No turning back now.
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick

It will change this time, the Republicans are going full insane asylum crazy. The next time the Democrats have power you will see a complete destruction of all the Republicans hold dear. There won't be anything left. This is the world Republicans are in the process of creating.
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick

It will change this time, the Republicans are going full insane asylum crazy. The next time the Democrats have power you will see a complete destruction of all the Republicans hold dear. There won't be anything left. This is the world Republicans are in the process of creating.

LMAO!!!!!!! The leftard clown posse CREATED what are they bitching about?
McConnell and his hillbilly contingent of lying whores know that their day is coming. That's why I say to Trump and the Republican'ts in Congress get to it! Do your worst. Scorched Earth approaches and they know it.
# 16 has to be one of the funnies post I have ever read here,,, Republicans (conservatives) doing crazy shit while the dimshit communist try to censor any oration but that they espouse, they are rioting, committing felony arson, murder, aggravated assault on a minute by minute basis. The liberal "mainstream"? press is using intimidation, duress, threats, and extortion to remove the truth from the news and stop anyone from even presenting an opposing opinion on any media outlet of any kind. Yeah we conservatives are really going crazy, you will rue the day we get enough and we do open the gate to hell for you communist piles of shit. It is fast coming. I would say if the communist dimshit scum take even one house of congress over in the next election the gates of hell will swallow liberal lala land like a shark swallowing a shrimp. We await silently cleaning practicing, ever practicing skinning, tying nooses, sharpening, turning, molding, forging, and more practicing. You all need to have your Last will and testament up to date I would say, But what do I know hell I am just a crazy REAL Democrat turned Republican instead of communist with a few dollars to pay to watch some more some liberal communist to scream and cry.
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McConnell and his hillbilly contingent of lying whores know that their day is coming. That's why I say to Trump and the Republican'ts in Congress get to it! Do your worst. Scorched Earth approaches and they know it.

It all started with the leftard clown posse and their desire to push their agenda by "hook or crook" and yet you are surprised that since Pandora's box has been opened that it is being used against your ilk? Seriously????? So, according to you....the rules should go back to the way they were???

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