Mitch McConnell

If it's between private business and government, I take government every time. Insuranse companies have had over 100 years to get it right. What do they do? Steal and steal some more!
If it's between private business and government, I take government every time. Insuranse companies have had over 100 years to get it right. What do they do? Steal and steal some more!

You never did back up your facts. just sayin....
Having said that. The government does the same thing. Look at SS, they stole and stole, and now SS is coming up short. I don't trust the damn government, and you shouldn't either
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It didn't start with Bush Jr.

PJ......Bush jR.....was not the first,nor will he be the last politician to spend money foolishly and govern terribly.....bad politics did not begin in the year 2000....are you old enough to be in this ADULT message board?.....just askin.....
Yes, I think the public just doesn't want the government to get involved in healthcare. Looks like they aren't as stupid as politicians thing they are.

Stupid is too harsh a word. Most Americans are too lazy to study the issues, many even too lazy to read executive summaries, so they rely on a source to tell them what to think. On the health care debate, the rhetoric has been mostly negative, for reform, for the public option and for universal single payer.
Fear works to influence the American voter, and fear is how reform of the health care industry has been framed by those opposed to reform.
McConnell, Boehner and others in the Republican leadership are opposed to reform and support the status quo. They can't justify the status quo, so they resort to dishonesty in framing the issue.

You forgot to mention the dishonesty on the democrats side, with the healthcare reform, it's a two way street with this puppy.

Yeah. Thank God we had GOPers like Sarah Palin around to tell the American people the TRUTH, eh?
Yes, I think the public just doesn't want the government to get involved in healthcare. Looks like they aren't as stupid as politicians thing they are.

Stupid is too harsh a word. Most Americans are too lazy to study the issues, many even too lazy to read executive summaries, so they rely on a source to tell them what to think. On the health care debate, the rhetoric has been mostly negative, for reform, for the public option and for universal single payer.
Fear works to influence the American voter, and fear is how reform of the health care industry has been framed by those opposed to reform.
McConnell, Boehner and others in the Republican leadership are opposed to reform and support the status quo. They can't justify the status quo, so they resort to dishonesty in framing the issue.

You forgot to mention the dishonesty on the democrats side, with the healthcare reform, it's a two way street with this puppy.

Assuming there is dishonesty on both sides, I support the party that supports the greatest good for the greatest number - health care for all - vis a vis the party that supports special interests - the insurance industry and big pharma.
Stupid is too harsh a word. Most Americans are too lazy to study the issues, many even too lazy to read executive summaries, so they rely on a source to tell them what to think. On the health care debate, the rhetoric has been mostly negative, for reform, for the public option and for universal single payer.
Fear works to influence the American voter, and fear is how reform of the health care industry has been framed by those opposed to reform.
McConnell, Boehner and others in the Republican leadership are opposed to reform and support the status quo. They can't justify the status quo, so they resort to dishonesty in framing the issue.

You forgot to mention the dishonesty on the democrats side, with the healthcare reform, it's a two way street with this puppy.

Assuming there is dishonesty on both sides, I support the party that supports the greatest good for the greatest number - health care for all - vis a vis the party that supports special interests - the insurance industry and big pharma.

There you go throwing them there "facts" at 'em. You should know better by now.
Does anyone besides me remember the original question in this thread? No one has answered it yet, so here it is again:
Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....
Does anyone besides me remember the original question in this thread? No one has answered it yet, so here it is again:
Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....

Someone did answer your question in this thread.
Stupid is too harsh a word. Most Americans are too lazy to study the issues, many even too lazy to read executive summaries, so they rely on a source to tell them what to think. On the health care debate, the rhetoric has been mostly negative, for reform, for the public option and for universal single payer.
Fear works to influence the American voter, and fear is how reform of the health care industry has been framed by those opposed to reform.
McConnell, Boehner and others in the Republican leadership are opposed to reform and support the status quo. They can't justify the status quo, so they resort to dishonesty in framing the issue.

You forgot to mention the dishonesty on the democrats side, with the healthcare reform, it's a two way street with this puppy.

Assuming there is dishonesty on both sides, I support the party that supports the greatest good for the greatest number - health care for all - vis a vis the party that supports special interests - the insurance industry and big pharma.

It comes down to ideals, Wry. I'm for taking care of myself, and your for the government to take care of the people. The government is every bit as bad as the corporations when it comes to greed. Look at Reid paying 100 million for one vote in the Senate over the weekend.
Does anyone besides me remember the original question in this thread? No one has answered it yet, so here it is again:
Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....

Someone did answer your question in this thread.

Not that I saw. I saw one lame excuse about how the Democrats blocked any legislation the GOP put forward, but then when asked WHAT legislation concerning healthcare reform the GOP had actually put forward, the poster suddenly disappeared.
Does anyone besides me remember the original question in this thread? No one has answered it yet, so here it is again:

Someone did answer your question in this thread.

Not that I saw. I saw one lame excuse about how the Democrats blocked any legislation the GOP put forward, but then when asked WHAT legislation concerning healthcare reform the GOP had actually put forward, the poster suddenly disappeared.
oh my bad :(
Does anyone besides me remember the original question in this thread? No one has answered it yet, so here it is again:

Someone did answer your question in this thread.

Not that I saw. I saw one lame excuse about how the Democrats blocked any legislation the GOP put forward, but then when asked WHAT legislation concerning healthcare reform the GOP had actually put forward, the poster suddenly disappeared.

I resemble that! LOOK HERE where I quoted and answered your OP

And this which followed:

And the Democrats fought tooth and nail against any legislation offered up by the Republicans.
Not true - Republicans offered NO legislation to fight ...
Put that quote in context:

American Horse: "And the Democrats fought tooth and nail against any legislation offered up by the Republicans. They managed to only allow..."<SNIP>
[during the Republicans tenure in the majority]

Medical Savings Accounts - to encourage savings for medical services and the use of an individuals or family's own money to encourage shopping for medical services

Health Savings Accounts - to expand MSAs

Medicare Advantage - to offer high deductible policies to seniors

Part D to Medicare - to provide drug coverage for seniors in Medicare with seniors payng a premium to support the program
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Assuming there is dishonesty on both sides, I support the party that supports the greatest good for the greatest number - health care for all - vis a vis the party that supports special interests - the insurance industry and big pharma.

Assuming?....:lol:.....the Dems DONT support SPECIAL interests....:lol:....they are fucking you just as bad....because they throw you a bone your satisfied?...this health plan they offer is still going to be a nightmare to those that need it the know like people that have things wrong with them that have what one poster here called the "expensive" diseases or condition.....the elderly is another how does things change for them?......and apparently the mean old Ins. boys have gotten to many of your Dems......
Assuming there is dishonesty on both sides, I support the party that supports the greatest good for the greatest number - health care for all - vis a vis the party that supports special interests - the insurance industry and big pharma.

Assuming?....:lol:.....the Dems DONT support SPECIAL interests....:lol:....they are fucking you just as bad....because they throw you a bone your satisfied?...this health plan they offer is still going to be a nightmare to those that need it the know like people that have things wrong with them that have what one poster here called the "expensive" diseases or condition.....the elderly is another how does things change for them?......and apparently the mean old Ins. boys have gotten to many of your Dems......

Of course you're correct; money, sex, vacations, futures, egos and even black mail, personal ambition, greed and ideology all factor in when it comes to a vote by a member of Congress. We hope they have integrity, we (at least I) hope they vote to provide the greatest good to the greatest number of Americans, but this is not always (or ever?) the case.
Special interests own our legislators - in Congress and in law making bodies from your city/county council to the halls of Congress. In state and national matters, both parties have betrayed our trust, and the elected officials have betrayed the trust of their office. We, the people, are not a priority.
As a young deputy I learned, and later in my career I instructed in the academy, this very simple rule: Watch their feet, not their lips. This principle is axiomatic when watching a criminal or a politician. It's not what they say, it's what they do.
Assuming there is dishonesty on both sides, I support the party that supports the greatest good for the greatest number - health care for all - vis a vis the party that supports special interests - the insurance industry and big pharma.

Assuming?....:lol:.....the Dems DONT support SPECIAL interests....:lol:....they are fucking you just as bad....because they throw you a bone your satisfied?...this health plan they offer is still going to be a nightmare to those that need it the know like people that have things wrong with them that have what one poster here called the "expensive" diseases or condition.....the elderly is another how does things change for them?......and apparently the mean old Ins. boys have gotten to many of your Dems......

Of course you're correct; money, sex, vacations, futures, egos and even black mail, personal ambition, greed and ideology all factor in when it comes to a vote by a member of Congress. We hope they have integrity, we (at least I) hope they vote to provide the greatest good to the greatest number of Americans, but this is not always (or ever?) the case.
Special interests own our legislators - in Congress and in law making bodies from your city/county council to the halls of Congress. In state and national matters, both parties have betrayed our trust, and the elected officials have betrayed the trust of their office. We, the people, are not a priority.
As a young deputy I learned, and later in my career I instructed in the academy, this very simple rule: Watch their feet, not their lips. This principle is axiomatic when watching a criminal or a politician. It's not what they say, it's what they do.

ok then let me ask you this Wry.....why do the people of this country,who say they understand all this,keep voting,with the occasional exceptions, MANY of these same fuckers back into office over and over again?...........for instance....i have see here and heard in real life,how many Dems dont care for Pelosi....but yet here she is in a powerful position,and she will no doubt get re-elected again.....why?
Assuming?....:lol:.....the Dems DONT support SPECIAL interests....:lol:....they are fucking you just as bad....because they throw you a bone your satisfied?...this health plan they offer is still going to be a nightmare to those that need it the know like people that have things wrong with them that have what one poster here called the "expensive" diseases or condition.....the elderly is another how does things change for them?......and apparently the mean old Ins. boys have gotten to many of your Dems......

Of course you're correct; money, sex, vacations, futures, egos and even black mail, personal ambition, greed and ideology all factor in when it comes to a vote by a member of Congress. We hope they have integrity, we (at least I) hope they vote to provide the greatest good to the greatest number of Americans, but this is not always (or ever?) the case.
Special interests own our legislators - in Congress and in law making bodies from your city/county council to the halls of Congress. In state and national matters, both parties have betrayed our trust, and the elected officials have betrayed the trust of their office. We, the people, are not a priority.
As a young deputy I learned, and later in my career I instructed in the academy, this very simple rule: Watch their feet, not their lips. This principle is axiomatic when watching a criminal or a politician. It's not what they say, it's what they do.

ok then let me ask you this Wry.....why do the people of this country,who say they understand all this,keep voting,with the occasional exceptions, MANY of these same fuckers back into office over and over again?...........for instance....i have see here and heard in real life,how many Dems dont care for Pelosi....but yet here she is in a powerful position,and she will no doubt get re-elected again.....why?

Speaker Pelosi is not my representative, she represents a large portion though not all of San Francisco. I might ask you why the people of Minn. have elected Bachman, or the people of Tenn. have elected Blackburn.
The answers are all of these women appeal to the constituents in their districts, most Americans don't take voting seriously and as much as voters complain about pork and earmarks, if the bacon is brought to their home district it transforms from pork to necessary and appropriate funding.
As for Speaker Pelosi, she's good at her profession. Her dad, I believe, was the 800 pound gorilla in Baltimore, MD politics for years, and she learned her craft from a master.
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Did anyone watch McConnell Saturday night before the vote to allow official debate on the healthcare legislation? He kept mentioning all of these ideas that the Republicans had about the topic and how he wished his Democratic counterparts would reconsider their votes and allow the process to start over. Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....:confused:

He answered that question for you this morning on CNN--a program called State of the Union-

That same question was asked of McConnell. He replied they didn't have the votes to pass new health care reform legislation--which included Tort reform, something of which G.W. Bush pressed for--interstate competition--& small businesse's being able to group together to get the same low rates that large corporations get.

Remember that while Republicans held the house & the senate during the 1st years of the Bush administration--they never had the "super majority" that democrats enjoy today.

Democrats have always fought tooth & nail against tort reform because their party is backed by trial lawyers in this country. If passed it would save 54 BILLION dollars.

What a crock. What bills did they introduce?

Maybe you weren't born as yet--but G.W. Bush constantly called for "tort reform" & along with--to allow small business'es in this country to be able to "group together" so they could get the same rates as large corporations get.

Where in the Hell where you?

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