What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.
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Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Dear Angelo
Honestly I cannot tell how much of this is for the hard hitting hammering in the actual political process,
how much is "media posturing" to troll response from the public to join in the hammering,
and how much is really necessary or effective to push for reforms or changes.

When I talk with people in person, where we agree,
and our reasons and objections are more tangible to work with.

Hammering away rarely helps with the actual negotiations toward real working solutions.
In fact, it obstructs the process.

I'll always remember reading a short article on diplomatic negotiations by
a Ford funded Asian policy foundation.

The article pointed out a common and critical error
was ESTABLISHING a position TOO EARLY ON in the process
so that side is compelled to stick to their guns or look weak.

I also find this hinders efforts to correct problems and come to a solution,
because one a side rejects something emphatically "without exception" to make a STANCE,
then even working out solutions "with the other side" risks looking like they are "compromising."

In truth, when solving problems, neither side has to compromise their objectives.
These end up being achieved but just not the WAY they envisioned it which causes
objections from others. By the time the solution addresses objections to correct or
bypass them to avoid conflicts, the final answer comes out DIFFERENT than anyone
imagined going into the process. So it doesn't help to decide in advance what the
answer is going to look like, demand that without compromise, and try to bulldoze through.
The other side doing the same makes the process DEADLOCK.

This approach to adversarial politics seems to be used for public baiting and trolling
for support, donations and votes. Trying to rally support or opposition by taking
the most inciteful approach, whether or not this is really the final solution.

The worst part is it ends up hurting both sides in not being able to defend or achieve their goals
1. It blocks negotiations to resolve the objections so better solutions CAN be worked out
2. It WASTES time, resources, money and effort fighting
so those resources are TAKEN AWAY from investing in better solutions
3. It DESTROYS good faith relations and turns/divides people against each other
who could be working on either separate or joint solutions without such conflict

I wish all govt officials in charge of decision making either
went through conflict resolution training, or had assistance to facilitate.
And there was a special task force set up to offer assistance and training to
facilitate bipartisan solutions to save taxpayers resources to invest in agreed solutions!
She is a little bit of everything you hate and fear wrapped up in an attractive package and making entirely too much sense.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.
That’s BS. Go to church and listen to how some preachers preach, how they use intonations and volume to present their message to the crowd. Go to a music concert and listen to how the lead singer addresses the crowd in between songs. There is an art to rallying a crowd. To stirring emotions, to portraying a message to keeping the audience engaged. Some are great at it and others suck at it.

Nobody is going to sound the same during a rally and during a congressional hearing... not even trump.

I’m not a Harris fan. She seem fake to me. But you all don’t need to bring race into it.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Democrats have this thing about lying, Super Dupe.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Yeah, she draws blood, and that's no lie.
I admire all those things about her that you listed at the beginning, though.

She's too scary to win, so don't worry about it.

Didn't know she was black, either.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Questioning, matter-of-factly, whether or not the highest law enforcement officer in the land followed proper procedures in a high-profile criminal case, and the officers involved in decision-making were free of conflicts of interest, by a woman, and a woman of color, no less, that really demonstrates some heretofore unknown arrogance.

Mind boggling.
I figure she's spent a good deal of her life trying to look and act white....that can lead to identity issues. She's rude as hell and could barely hide her hatred of Kavanaugh and Barr either because they're white, she can't touch them legally, or it's all for the cameras. I thought she might be formidable at one point but it turns out she's just a bitch and America doesn't like bitches like Kali does so the Senate is as far as she gets.

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