Mitch Daniels


Lady Germanotta Snicks
Dec 4, 2011
I heard he might get into the Repo race. Well, that's nice. But, sorry, he is going to have to convince me in a big way why he should be able to sit on the couch and do nothing for months and through several state primaries and then just assume he should be able to waltz into the Prom and be crowned King. NOT!
Check him out G.

I think you will like what you learn about him.

The folks in Indiana like him a lot.

I doubt that he will jump in though.

Don't think he want to lead anything but the State of Indiana. Of course he can't run for Gov again as he's serving out term two.
I will. But, i don't like someone coming late for supper thinking they should get a full pass. Can you imagine if Palin would try to step in at this late date? Everyone would go nuts and trash her for not paying her dues or whatever, including Repos. So, why should Daniels or Jeb or anyone else even be considered? he was Bush's budget director and primary author of the tax cuts for the wealthy.

Good job boys.

If the idiot wins you'll need plenty of this as your world crumbles.
[ame=]How Stuff Works - Jack Daniels Whiskey - YouTube[/ame]
And, i think it would set a bad precedent. Just sit back, do nothing, don't campaign day after day, speech after speech, baby kissing, hand shaking, visiting diners or whatever and lay low and then just up for the date? No way. If he really respects the process, he will go out now and squash any and all rumors that he might run.
And, i would vote for Paul, Perry, Bachmann or Cain as write ins before i would vote for Daniels at this point. he was Bush's budget director and primary author of the tax cuts for the wealthy.

Good job boys.


Swallow, did Obama cut taxes or not?
Did Obama re pass the Bush era tax cuts or not?
Did Obama spend more or less than the year before, and the year before and the year before?
Has military spending gone up or down under Obama?
Over all did Obama grow Government or shrink it?

Swallow, get lost as no one here takes you seriously.
S never takes into account what his side does.

He's only interested in demonizing the OTHER side. LOL
I heard he might get into the Repo race. Well, that's nice. But, sorry, he is going to have to convince me in a big way why he should be able to sit on the couch and do nothing for months and through several state primaries and then just assume he should be able to waltz into the Prom and be crowned King. NOT!

Well, if they're going to "Repo" the whole field, they'll need someone. :cool:
The Republican establishment is desperate.

They thought Romney was a shoe in.

They will convince Daniels to jump it...not to win, but to split the Gingrich vote.

They'll do whatever they need to do to get their guy Romney the nomination.

They just want you to have the illusion you have a choice about who will be the nominee...not an actual choice.
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Sorry, i watched him give the rebuttal. Doesn't exactly light a fire in anyone's arse. And, he needs to lose the combover which makes him look even older and more fossilized.

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