MIT Researchers: Obama Won on Race

You're not really re-circulating that garbage zogby "poll" bought by the anti-obama people, are you?

You can't go wrong underestimating the Democrat electors. Not only is the poll correct in terms of the premise, but the site paid to have a similar poll done on McCain voters. And guess what, it verified the idea that they knew more than those on your side.

Now, my inclination was to leave you out of any inclusion with the know-nothing group, having read your posts, but then you had to go defend Clinton, so I must withdraw my defense. You're on your own.

BTW, based on my post on the January 26 thread, I would like to respectfully suggest that you change your avatar to the picture I added to that post.
Blacks vote black. Whites vote white. But nobody will own up to "racism".
I'm not black and I voted for Obama. But overall, that's probably true..and there's nothing wrong with it.

I think the more interesting demo is the hispanics. They went for Obama, not because he's black, imo, but because he wasn't more of the same shit. Hispanics aren't traditionally supporters of blacks.
The "poll" was a push poll. It has absolutely no statistical validity... Politics Done Right: An Interview with John Ziegler on the Zogby "Push Poll"

And hasn't it dawned on you yet that Obama got 365 electoral votes and has a 70% approval rating?

That isn't just DEMOCRATS.

And even if it were....the party that put a president in office because his VP's hunting buddy was ethically challenged and didn't recuse himself really shouldn't complain too much.
Jillian, she's hopeless. She believes what she is told to believe and has long ago quit thinking for herself. Not worth the bother, except to laugh at, imo.
The "poll" was a push poll. It has absolutely no statistical validity...

Come on. Poll was valid, point was clearly made. You dug up some guy who decides to call it a "push poll," (Because I believe that many of the statements on the survey are questionable or false but are misleadingly presented as factual to the respondent, I characterized the survey as a "push poll" in an article posted early this morning.)

I don't know who this guy is, but I saw both the questioning discussed here, and heard Ziegler promise to use the same questions with McCain suppoorters, and there is no question about the conclusion.

I know you must be sensitive about those who helped put President Obama in the Oval Office, but I'll probably forgive you. Someday.
Jillian, she's hopeless. She believes what she is told to believe and has long ago quit thinking for herself. Not worth the bother, except to laugh at, imo.

Wow, right on cue. If you needed any more proof of the low level of the Obama voter, here she is.

Ravi, careful, you're drooling on the keyboard again.
The facts are irrefutable. Thanks for the link. It's sad that race still plays a huge roll in our country. I found this interesting:

Indeed, "had blacks and Hispanics voted Democratic in 2008 at the rates they had in 2004, McCain would have won," they wrote.
Jillian, she's hopeless. She believes what she is told to believe and has long ago quit thinking for herself. Not worth the bother, except to laugh at, imo.

Wow, right on cue. If you needed any more proof of the low level of the Obama voter, here she is.

Ravi, careful, you're drooling on the keyboard again.
Aw come on, PC. Treat us to some more S&M. :lol:
But Obama garnared nearly 90 percent of the black vote in the DEMOCRATIC primaries, which MAY have put him over the top.

If 90 percent of whites had voted for Hillary and Edwards (or against Obama, as some would see it), people would have been screaming racism, yet no one screamed racism in these primaries. Help me understand that.

Did you just pull that out of your ass?

>90% of whites voted for Kerry in the Democratic 2004 primary against Al Shapton.

Nobody screamed that those whites were racist. Kerry was the better candidate.

And Obama was the better candidate this year. In fact he was an EXCEPTIONAL candidate. He beat the Clinton machine, and he destroyed the republican party in a landslide general election.
The "poll" was a push poll. It has absolutely no statistical validity... Politics Done Right: An Interview with John Ziegler on the Zogby "Push Poll"

And hasn't it dawned on you yet that Obama got 365 electoral votes and has a 70% approval rating?

That isn't just DEMOCRATS.

And even if it were....the party that put a president in office because his VP's hunting buddy was ethically challenged and didn't recuse himself really shouldn't complain too much.

Bush's was 90 percent at one point.

I think Obama's is so high because everyone is relieved that Bush is gone.
90% of white voted for Kerry in the Democratic 2004 primary against Al Shapton.

Nobody screamed that those whites were racist. Kerry was the better candidate.

Al Sharpton is a racist. Im not sure why you would expect white people to want a black racist as their president. I also think the undercover surveilence video of Al Sharpton trying to broker a deal for 10 kilos of cocaine probably played a part in it, dont ya think?
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The facts are irrefutable. Thanks for the link. It's sad that race still plays a huge roll in our country. I found this interesting:

Indeed, "had blacks and Hispanics voted Democratic in 2008 at the rates they had in 2004, McCain would have won," they wrote.

Here's a clue.

Your party's base, and your rightwing media from sean hannity on down, spent the last four years fear mongering about invasions of brown hispanic people. And your party has spent two decades giggling about welfare moms and offering up defenses of the confederate flag.

Do you reallly think most hispanic and black people are going to put up with that shit? Get used to being in the minority, and being a virtually all white christian party.
90% of white voted for Kerry in the Democratic 2004 primary against Al Shapton.

Nobody screamed that those whites were racist. Kerry was the better candidate.

Al Sharpton is a racist. Im not sure why you would expect white people to want a black racist as their president. I also think the undercover surveilance video of Al Sharpton trying to broker a deal for 10 kilos of cocaine probably played a part in it, dont ya think?


What about Senator Carol Mosely Braun? Why did kerry get 99.9% of the white vote against her in the 2004 Dem primary.

Racism? :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Yeah, it was because kerry was the better candidate.

And obama was a better candidate than Hillary, than McCain, and than Edwards. That's why he won. And that's why he beat your party in a landslide.
Here's another one.

Alan Keyes routinely runs in the GOP primaries. And 99% of republicans vote against him.

Why? Because they're racist? :lol:

No, its because alan keyes is a crackpot and a terrible candidate. Colin Powell, in contrast, just might win a GOP primary. Or, at least he would have when the GOP still had a lot of moderates.
No, its because alan keyes is a crackpot and a terrible candidate. Colin Powell, in contrast, just might win a GOP primary. Or, at least he would have when the GOP still had a lot of moderates.

Absolutely right, cept for the last part. If Colin Powell had run for office this election, it would have been a different ball game. Obama is a good guy, but he aint no Colin Powell.

You could have put crackhead Bob on the ballot and the Blacks would have voted for him. But an American election is still won and lost on non-Hispanic Whites! The US population is +/- 300 mil. There are 200 mil non-hispanic whites. There are another 24 mil white hispanics. Now there are 45 mil Hispanics (which 29 mil are Mexicans). There are 39 million blacks. Asians, Native Americans, Asian Indians and Arab making up a small percent. Take all the blacks, hispanics and other minorities and you don't come up with even half of what the white vote is!

Face it GWB turned off everyone! A failed Republican President (the worst since Carter) and for most part failed Republican Congress is what did it. Anyone remember the effect that Carter had? Reagan took every state but one! If Obama fails expect a Republican rebound. If Obama succeeds, and god hope he does, then see the D's split even more! See a few fools stick loyally to parties even if they failing, but the majority switch when they are upset with the direction of America!
People are making it seem like 67-33 is the largest margin they have ever seen. Obama was charismatic and the Bush stench was strong. The black vote of 95% was racial based no doubt!

See Howard Stern: Funny as shit! :clap2:
[ame=]YouTube - Howard Stern's show: Harlem voters[/ame]

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