Mission Accomplished: Islamists 70 Miles from Baghdad


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Tell Dick and Dubya and Bill and Hill to saddle up, militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have taken Mosul and Tikrit and are moving on Samarra, a one hour drive from Baghdad.

"Clashes between Iraqi Security forces and hundreds of Sunni militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, an offshoot of al Qaeda) resulted in the capture of Mosul and Tikrit by ISIL earlier today.

"Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, was overrun -- Iraqi forces reportedly abandoning their posts, shedding their uniforms and dropping their weapons as they fled the ISIL attacks.

"Tikrit, about 135 miles closer to Baghdad, was attacked not long after, with little resistance -- and the AFP is reporting fighting now outside Samarra, only 70 miles north of the capital city.

"The attackers overran a military base, freed hundreds of prisoners, and have seized the Turkish consulate in Mosul, capturing and holding 50 Turkish citizens. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has promised to put a halt to the advances, and called on citizens to take up arms as well."

Iraqi Insurgents Capture Northern Cities, Move Toward Baghdad - In Focus - The Atlantic
Tell Dick and Dubya and Bill and Hill to saddle up, militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have taken Mosul and Tikrit and are moving on Samarra, a one hour drive from Baghdad.

"Clashes between Iraqi Security forces and hundreds of Sunni militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, an offshoot of al Qaeda) resulted in the capture of Mosul and Tikrit by ISIL earlier today.

"Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, was overrun -- Iraqi forces reportedly abandoning their posts, shedding their uniforms and dropping their weapons as they fled the ISIL attacks.

"Tikrit, about 135 miles closer to Baghdad, was attacked not long after, with little resistance -- and the AFP is reporting fighting now outside Samarra, only 70 miles north of the capital city.

"The attackers overran a military base, freed hundreds of prisoners, and have seized the Turkish consulate in Mosul, capturing and holding 50 Turkish citizens. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has promised to put a halt to the advances, and called on citizens to take up arms as well."

Iraqi Insurgents Capture Northern Cities, Move Toward Baghdad - In Focus - The Atlantic
George Bushists must be proud.
Tell Dick and Dubya and Bill and Hill to saddle up, militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have taken Mosul and Tikrit and are moving on Samarra, a one hour drive from Baghdad.

"Clashes between Iraqi Security forces and hundreds of Sunni militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, an offshoot of al Qaeda) resulted in the capture of Mosul and Tikrit by ISIL earlier today.

"Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, was overrun -- Iraqi forces reportedly abandoning their posts, shedding their uniforms and dropping their weapons as they fled the ISIL attacks.

"Tikrit, about 135 miles closer to Baghdad, was attacked not long after, with little resistance -- and the AFP is reporting fighting now outside Samarra, only 70 miles north of the capital city.

"The attackers overran a military base, freed hundreds of prisoners, and have seized the Turkish consulate in Mosul, capturing and holding 50 Turkish citizens. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has promised to put a halt to the advances, and called on citizens to take up arms as well."

Iraqi Insurgents Capture Northern Cities, Move Toward Baghdad - In Focus - The Atlantic
George Bushists must be proud.
It looks like the ISIL advance has been stopped at Samarra:

"BAGHDAD: Iraqi security forces repelled an assault by militants Wednesday on the highly sensitive city of Samarra, witnesses said.

"Samarra is home to a revered Shiite shrine that was bombed in 2006, sparking a sectarian conflict between Iraq's Shiite majority and Sunni Arab minority that left tens of thousands dead.

"It lies just 110 kilometres (70 miles) north of Baghdad on the main highway from the country's second city Mosul, which jihadists seized on Tuesday.

"Witnesses said militants arrived in trucks mounted with machineguns, and a policeman said his unit was battling them at the northwest entrance to Samarra.

Iraq forces repel militant assault on Samarra: witnesses | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
Congrats to Iraqis taking back their country from US backed puppets.
Reports of half-a-million refugees fleeing from Mosul:

"An estimated half a million people are said to be fleeing Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, after fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), an al-Qaeda splinter group, seized the city.

"ISIL fighters overran Iraqi security forces in Mosul, capital of the northern Nineveh province, on Tuesday, prompting tens of thousands to leave their homes.

The Geneva-based International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said the takeover had 'displaced over 500,000 people in and around the city'".

Half a million flee unrest in Iraq's Mosul - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Where will the puppets flee?
Actually it was the Obama administration that let the leader go in 2009. Not with all the hoopla like he did with the 5 Taliban leaders. But they let this jihadist go free and clear to terrorize Syria and now Iraq.

Terrorists don't go back to their old ways do they now?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 43, known as Adu Dua, has emerged as one of the world's most lethal terrorist leaders

Tikrit falls to Islamist terrorists | Mail Online
I don't know what it's like in liberal never-never land but the last I heard the commander-in-chief is still Barry Hussein. Did anyone on the left blame FDR for the Berlin Wall?
Bush and Cheney didn't win shit, and Obama sat on his hands until it was time to pull our soldiers out according to Bush's timeline because the Iraqis weren't going to extend any pardons to US soldiers accused of war crimes.

There was nothing about the Iraq war that was correct.
The Iraq War Ten Years After
Actually it was the Obama administration that let the leader go in 2009. Not with all the hoopla like he did with the 5 Taliban leaders. But they let this jihadist go free and clear to terrorize Syria and now Iraq.

Terrorists don't go back to their old ways do they now?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 43, known as Adu Dua, has emerged as one of the world's most lethal terrorist leaders

Tikrit falls to Islamist terrorists | Mail Online
Bush won the war and Obama lost the peace.

Bush spent a lot of money and lives to create this mess. Saddam had no wmd's and had nothing to do with 9/11. He did keep Iraq stable however, kept the terrorists out, and kept Iran in check.
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LMAO Bush didn't win shit. Bush and company got their asses handed to them and Obama got us out of a war we should have never been in. Vietnam redux.

Obama surrendered like the coward he is. Bergdahl and Obama, the Coward Brothers. The vast majority of those who served respect Bush far more than Obama.
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I don't know what it's like in liberal never-never land but the last I heard the commander-in-chief is still Barry Hussein. Did anyone on the left blame FDR for the Berlin Wall?
Did FDR invade Iraq over complete lies?

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war | World news | The Guardian
?Curveball,? man who lied about WMDs, comes clean - WorldViews - The Washington Post
Congress including 36% of democrats authorized the President to use Troops to enforce about 100 UN sanctions violated by Saddam and then the entire democrat establishment undermined the mission. Now the mission is theirs and Hussein still doesn't seem to understand it after five years.
LMAO Bush didn't win shit. Bush and company got their asses handed to them and Obama got us out of a war we should have never been in. Vietnam redux.

Obama surrendered like the coward he is. Bergdahl and Obama, the Coward brothers. The cast majority of those who served respect Bush far more than Obama.

Bush set the 2011 withdrawal date because Iraq wasn't going to extend pardons or immunity to US soldiers accused of war crimes.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | New 'Iraq massacre' tape emerges

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