Missile shield


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
(...)any sort of missile defense shield over Europe all but requires the U.S. to place its highly advanced AN/TPY-2/TPSX X-band radar system in Turkey.

Actually, it's either going to have to be in Turkey, or it's going to have to be in space. And Russia has made it clear that a space-based radar system would violate its interpretation of the START II missile defense treaty, while a radar system in Turkey, farther away from Russia's perimeter, would be acceptable. The fear is that the radar, highly sensitive and studded with senors that allow it to continuously track multiple targets and intercept them at above-atmosphere levels wouldn't be passive enough for Russia's territorial integrity.
Why Turkey Needs a Light Touch - Politics - The Atlantic
No, thank you.
US Congress shall place it in Armenia/Israel.
So is the "missile defense system" defensive or offensive in intent?

The Russians seem to think it's part of a US first strike capability designed to encourage the Kremlin to accept an Anglo-US New World Order.

Are there psychopaths among British and US elites willing to use nuclear weapons that would kill millions in a matter of minutes to install the coming Banker's Paradise on Earth?

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