Missile Defense Logo Caption Time


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head

The REAL name for this Logo should be?

Suggestion Number One: The New Presidential Seal?

The REAL name for this Logo should be?

Suggestion Number One: The New Presidential Seal?

Too much free time, huh..........:eusa_eh:

That's a dumb caption. Wait. Don't tell me. You're a lib.

(BTW, genius: the time it took you to respond, with your insipid little posting effort, was time well spent -- as you view these things? :cuckoo: )
The Drudge Report item on this story had an interesting take:

The image does kind of suggest a stylized version of the crescent moon and star emblem of Islam.

I wonder if they'll riot, now?
The Drudge Report item on this story had an interesting take:

The image does kind of suggest a stylized version of the crescent moon and star emblem of Islam.

I wonder if they'll riot, now?

It only looks like that to Islamaphobes.....:razz:
The Drudge Report item on this story had an interesting take:

The image does kind of suggest a stylized version of the crescent moon and star emblem of Islam.

I wonder if they'll riot, now?

It only looks like that to Islamaphobes.....:razz:

Yes. Of course. Only an Islamophobe can recognize shapes akin to crescents and starburst images akin to stars.

Excellent point!

Michelle Malkin Re-branding the government: Obama, TMP, and logo-mania

Re-branding government seems to be much ado about making much ado and not much else. Just selling an image. One thing it's clearly not about, is governing. Still, like Obama said about Scott Brown, "anyone can make a slick ad". :tongue:
TMP Talentbrew - Talentbrew Blog Home - Branding Uncle Sam andprogeny.
Branding Uncle Sam and progeny.
ellispines | Friday, January 15, 2010 at 11:37AM
Although employer branding has been around for years (Simon Barrow of TMP Worldwide’s UK subsidiary defined the term back in 1996), it hasn’t quite received presidential attention. In fact, government agencies, however, in spite of encouragement from OPM, have been slow to make it a priority. But all that’s about to change. In October, Harvard’s Kennedy School along with University of Maryland and OPM held a closed door meeting with members of the administration and Congress. OPM Director John Berry is taking key ideas garnered from the gathering to the president. As reported by The Washington Post, one of the hot topics is that “Uncle Sam should do a better job branding and promoting his work. “

Agencies have their own reasons for being and need their own unique brands. The Post article states it well: “The Army and the Marine Corps know how to do it. Certainly money is a motivating factor for recruits, but the military, in part through TV commercials, has successfully branded itself as a place where young men and women go to become mature adults with a clear sense of mission. You can't say that about your average civilian agency.”
That's a dumb caption. Wait. Don't tell me. You're a lib.

(BTW, genius: the time it took you to respond, with your insipid little posting effort, was time well spent -- as you view these things? :cuckoo: )

Nope. But it's clear that you're an I D 10 T!!

That which seems clear to a fool like you is of no import to functioning human beings, beobeyotch.

You're wittle bwain wan out of words, huh, so you had to get profane. So much for a functioning human being................HAHAHAHA...
Nope. But it's clear that you're an I D 10 T!!

That which seems clear to a fool like you is of no import to functioning human beings, beobeyotch.

You're wittle bwain wan out of words, huh, so you had to get profane. So much for a functioning human being................HAHAHAHA...

Even the most simple-minded tools KNOW that it's "widdle bwain," not "wittle bwain."

This means that you, beyobeyotch, are even dumber than the most-simple minded tool.

And wtf does "you're [ran] out of words" even mean?

Good Lord, you are the stupid one.
what is it with this administration and logos? seems a little creepy, first the Obama has his own, now this.
There is an awful lot of paranoia here. :rolleyes:

It's paranoid to notice that the symbol is similar?


Let''s see...



Red, white and blue?



It's just like Obama's logo!!!!

Just when I think the right can't sink any lower or be any more (collectively) brain dead, they come up with stupid shit like this to prove me wrong on that account.

Buncha fuckin' retards.

Hear that Sarah???

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