misgivings about the stormy danials trial

(1). Campaign finance violations are ALWAYS a "Summary" offense, punishable by a FINE. Period.
(2). The corrupt prosecutor in NYC has fashioned this case - unlike any other case in the history of jurisprudence - to be a FELONY.
(3). Given the venue, if the case reaches the point of a verdict, the verdict will be guilty, without question.
(4). The guilty verdict will be appealed and overturned, without question.
(5). The purpose of the trial is to BE ABLE TO CALL TRUMP A CONVICTED FELON before November. That's it. Everybody knows that Trump will never be incarcerated for this non-crime.
(6). Proving again that the Left is evil and the enemy of democracy.

As I have stated previously, the grotesque manipulation of the "justice" system is not the worst aspect of this series of show-trials. The worst aspect of it is that even though everyone knows it is a grotesque manipulation of the justice system, half of the voting public are fine with it.

As is demonstrated a hundred times a day on this very forum.
Your thinking would involve a jay walker a walk down the hall to the little room with no exit.
I am sure you are... just don't talk to me about "Family values".
They can have their family values if they want it. I suspect that your perceived hypocrisy is that you focus on one or two GOP pols or clergy caught sucking dick and try to make it into something it is not to smear an entire diverse group of people. It is really a very simplistic tactic if you think about it, which makes it perfect for you morons.
They can have their family values if they want it. I suspect that your perceived hypocrisy is that you focus on one or two GOP pols or clergy caught sucking dick and try to make it into something it is not to smear an entire diverse group of people. It is really a very simplistic tactic if you think about it, which makes it perfect for you morons.

This is probably too complicated for you, but let's try.

If we got rid of all the social issues bullshit and only voted on our economic interests, the Republicans would lose every election.

Not even the dumbest working-class white thinks, 'Working harder for less money so the rich can enjoy their mansions" is a good idea.

So, how do the Republicans get people like you to vote for tax cuts for billionaires and fewer protections at work?

By talking about the social issues... playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears. Abortion, Guns, Gays, Evolution vs. Creation, Trannies, etc.

So, um, yeah, it is kind of a big deal when we find one of the televangelists in bed with a rent-boy and a pile of crystal meth. It shows you are all being played for fools.
This is probably too complicated for you, but let's try.

If we got rid of all the social issues bullshit and only voted on our economic interests, the Republicans would lose every election.

Not even the dumbest working-class white thinks, 'Working harder for less money so the rich can enjoy their mansions" is a good idea.

So, how do the Republicans get people like you to vote for tax cuts for billionaires and fewer protections at work?

By talking about the social issues... playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears. Abortion, Guns, Gays, Evolution vs. Creation, Trannies, etc.

So, um, yeah, it is kind of a big deal when we find one of the televangelists in bed with a rent-boy and a pile of crystal meth. It shows you are all being played for fools.
^ total crap from a moron🤪
This is probably too complicated for you, but let's try.

If we got rid of all the social issues bullshit and only voted on our economic interests, the Republicans would lose every election.

Not even the dumbest working-class white thinks, 'Working harder for less money so the rich can enjoy their mansions" is a good idea.

So, how do the Republicans get people like you to vote for tax cuts for billionaires and fewer protections at work?

By talking about the social issues... playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears. Abortion, Guns, Gays, Evolution vs. Creation, Trannies, etc.

So, um, yeah, it is kind of a big deal when we find one of the televangelists in bed with a rent-boy and a pile of crystal meth. It shows you are all being played for fools.
I look at it completely opposite from that. If the GOP ran only on (1) economic prosperity policies; and (2) having a strong national security, then they would never lose another election.

That leftist economic bullshit you daydream about is pure bunk, you moron.
This is probably too complicated for you, but let's try.

If we got rid of all the social issues bullshit and only voted on our economic interests, the Republicans would lose every election.

Not even the dumbest working-class white thinks, 'Working harder for less money so the rich can enjoy their mansions" is a good idea.

So, how do the Republicans get people like you to vote for tax cuts for billionaires and fewer protections at work?

By talking about the social issues... playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears. Abortion, Guns, Gays, Evolution vs. Creation, Trannies, etc.

So, um, yeah, it is kind of a big deal when we find one of the televangelists in bed with a rent-boy and a pile of crystal meth. It shows you are all being played for fools.
“This is probably too complicated for you”

Pure Kammy Harris bullshit. Joe even talks like a fucking retard, just like our creep veep.🤪
oh, yes. trump did commit a crime by influencing the 2016 election. period. that is the underlying offense that resulted in breaking the campaign finance law.
You're a moron and a liar. Trump did not in any way break any campaign finance law, you pathetic TDS afflicted moron.
Wow, three responses, I probably hit a sensitive spot.

Okay, this is the only one where you attempted to engage your brain before getting on the keyboard.

I look at it completely opposite from that. If the GOP ran only on (1) economic prosperity policies; and (2) having a strong national security, then they would never lose another election.

That leftist economic bullshit you daydream about is pure bunk, you moron.

First, how can the Republicans run on "economic prosperity" when they consistently fuck up the economy?

Ten of the last eleven recessions occurred when a Republican was in the White House. There's a reason for that.

National Security usually means a big windfall for defense contractors.
For tax evasion

"Cohen pleaded guilty to counts of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making a campaign contribution at the request of a candidate or campaign."

To wit:
  1. Five counts of tax evasion,
  2. one count of making false statements to a financial institution,
  3. one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and
  4. one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election
Item #3 and #4 aren't tax evasion, they are illegal campaign contributions.

The conviction is in the books.


"Cohen pleaded guilty to counts of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making a campaign contribution at the request of a candidate or campaign."

To wit:
  1. Five counts of tax evasion,
  2. one count of making false statements to a financial institution,
  3. one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and
  4. one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election
Item #3 and #4 aren't tax evasion, they are illegal campaign contributions.

The conviction is in the books.

No one goes to prison for exceeding campaign finance contributions.
No one goes to prison for exceeding campaign finance contributions.

Cohen did. It was two of the charges involved in his multiple convictions.

I mean you can spin it, but he was charged and the convictions stand.

Of course Tee'ing up one of at least three possible routes to prove the enhancement crimes for the falsification:
  1. Hiding Cohen's crimes,
  2. Tax fraud,
  3. Failure to report is in-kind contributions to his own campaign (and yes, candidates can make unlimited contributions but they are required to report them in campaign filings).

That's not what he's accused of.

He's accused of falsifying business documents.

We were talking about Cohen not PO1135809. Cohen was charged and convicted of campaign finance violations. P01135809's falsification of business records were to support that crime.

Second, and last time, he went to prison for tax evasion

"Cohen pleaded guilty to counts of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making a campaign contribution at the request of a candidate or campaign."

To wit:
  1. Five counts of tax evasion,
  2. one count of making false statements to a financial institution,
  3. one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and
  4. one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election
Item #3 and #4 aren't tax evasion, they are illegal campaign contributions.

The conviction is in the books.


"Cohen pleaded guilty to counts of tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and making a campaign contribution at the request of a candidate or campaign."

To wit:
  1. Five counts of tax evasion,
  2. one count of making false statements to a financial institution,
  3. one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and
  4. one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election
Item #3 and #4 aren't tax evasion, they are illegal campaign contributions.

The conviction is in the books.

Not arguing the guilty plea, he went to prison for the tax violations. No one has gone to prison for exceeding campaign contribution limits.
Wow, three responses, I probably hit a sensitive spot.

Okay, this is the only one where you attempted to engage your brain before getting on the keyboard.

First, how can the Republicans run on "economic prosperity" when they consistently fuck up the economy?

Ten of the last eleven recessions occurred when a Republican was in the White House. There's a reason for that.

National Security usually means a big windfall for defense contractors.
That is an entirely vapid and mindless response.

You want a cracker?