Minus 22 degrees!

Our weather here in northern Florida is pretty damn nice for 9 out of 12 months. Summers are miserable, but I figure we get more out-of-door time than most places.
Our weather here in northern Florida is pretty damn nice for 9 out of 12 months. Summers are miserable, but I figure we get more out-of-door time than most places.

Not Me! (I lived in south florida for nearly 10 years then Central Florida for almost another 10...)

I went from my air conditioned Condo to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned job back to my airconditioned car back to my air conditioned home.

I was NEVER outside, unless i was sitting on a raft in the Gulf of Mexico....with cold drink in hand...

If i walked for exercise, i mall walked, in the air conditioning or went to the air conditioned gym down the block...

i get more outside time up here in 6 months than i ever did in a years time there in Florida....outside gardening every single day from may thru october, and never a bead of sweat.... take walks and hikes every day thru the woods and near the river, around here...then all the outside festivals all summer long are fun too, never too hot...all the shops on maine street in the small coastal towns are walked by us as well....just so much to do outside....EXCEPT, going in the ocean....only the canadians can go in the water up here and think it is warm....turn blue in 5 minutes of being in it....lakes are warmer, but no ocean or bay is warm enough in my humble opinion, then again, i came from 87 degree water in the gulf of mexico in the month of october!
Our weather here in northern Florida is pretty damn nice for 9 out of 12 months. Summers are miserable, but I figure we get more out-of-door time than most places.

Not Me! (I lived in south florida for nearly 10 years then Central Florida for almost another 10...)

I went from my air conditioned Condo to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned job back to my airconditioned car back to my air conditioned home.

I was NEVER outside, unless i was sitting on a raft in the Gulf of Mexico....with cold drink in hand...

If i walked for exercise, i mall walked, in the air conditioning or went to the air conditioned gym down the block...

i get more outside time up here in 6 months than i ever did in a years time there in Florida....outside gardening every single day from may thru october, and never a bead of sweat.... take walks and hikes every day thru the woods and near the river, around here...then all the outside festivals all summer long are fun too, never too hot...all the shops on maine street in the small coastal towns are walked by us as well....just so much to do outside....EXCEPT, going in the ocean....only the canadians can go in the water up here and think it is warm....turn blue in 5 minutes of being in it....lakes are warmer, but no ocean or bay is warm enough in my humble opinion, then again, i came from 87 degree water in the gulf of mexico in the month of october!

ya---but you got black flies and bears ! :lol:
Our weather here in northern Florida is pretty damn nice for 9 out of 12 months. Summers are miserable, but I figure we get more out-of-door time than most places.

Not Me! (I lived in south florida for nearly 10 years then Central Florida for almost another 10...)

I went from my air conditioned Condo to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned job back to my airconditioned car back to my air conditioned home.

I was NEVER outside, unless i was sitting on a raft in the Gulf of Mexico....with cold drink in hand...

If i walked for exercise, i mall walked, in the air conditioning or went to the air conditioned gym down the block...

i get more outside time up here in 6 months than i ever did in a years time there in Florida....outside gardening every single day from may thru october, and never a bead of sweat.... take walks and hikes every day thru the woods and near the river, around here...then all the outside festivals all summer long are fun too, never too hot...all the shops on maine street in the small coastal towns are walked by us as well....just so much to do outside....EXCEPT, going in the ocean....only the canadians can go in the water up here and think it is warm....turn blue in 5 minutes of being in it....lakes are warmer, but no ocean or bay is warm enough in my humble opinion, then again, i came from 87 degree water in the gulf of mexico in the month of october!

ya---but you got black flies and bears ! :lol:

i am more afraid of the black flies than the black bears up here and if i ever leave here and go back home to florida to live, the black flies will be the single reason for doing such!!!!!
Not Me! (I lived in south florida for nearly 10 years then Central Florida for almost another 10...)

I went from my air conditioned Condo to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned job back to my airconditioned car back to my air conditioned home.

I was NEVER outside, unless i was sitting on a raft in the Gulf of Mexico....with cold drink in hand...

If i walked for exercise, i mall walked, in the air conditioning or went to the air conditioned gym down the block...

i get more outside time up here in 6 months than i ever did in a years time there in Florida....outside gardening every single day from may thru october, and never a bead of sweat.... take walks and hikes every day thru the woods and near the river, around here...then all the outside festivals all summer long are fun too, never too hot...all the shops on maine street in the small coastal towns are walked by us as well....just so much to do outside....EXCEPT, going in the ocean....only the canadians can go in the water up here and think it is warm....turn blue in 5 minutes of being in it....lakes are warmer, but no ocean or bay is warm enough in my humble opinion, then again, i came from 87 degree water in the gulf of mexico in the month of october!

ya---but you got black flies and bears ! :lol:

i am more afraid of the black flies than the black bears up here and if i ever leave here and go back home to florida to live, the black flies will be the single reason for doing such!!!!!

I hear they can find you wherever you go
People that have no respect for private property ruined CA years ago. Not exactly sure what it will take to return it back to the wonderful state that it used to be.
Get rid of the liberals and the illegal aliens.

the 70's is lovely, that's what it is like around here for the 4 months of summer...

idealy, i would like to live in Florida near my parents in the winter months and here in maine during the spring, summer and fall....

90 degrees with 90% humidity for 5 straight months is WHY I do not live in the south year round.
And THAT is exactly what I plan on doing. I spent four years in Phoenix, which I consider FRYING PAN HOT to the point of WHY DOES ANYONE LIVE HERE, and then moved up to Reno, Nevada, which had a short, mild winter, and not that hot of a summer, and I considered it about perfect. Except... Reno had EARTH QUAKES! Screw that. So back to Wisconsin after eight years out west, and now it's colder than HELL! So I know what you're going through Care. Check the national weather, and you'll see that usually Wisconsin is right in the middle of the coldest temps in the nation. So yeah, this summer I'm finding me a nice, 25 to 30 foot camper with a bathroom and washer and dryer in it, and after the holidays are done around January 3rd, I'm hooking that camper trailer up to the truck and I'm off for down south. I lived in Tampa, Florida for almost four years, and I'm sure looking forward to checking out some old stomping grounds and getting the HELL OTTA THE COLD!
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Pale, my family lives in florida, but they are not floridians, they are transplants, my husband's family comes from tampa, or lived there for over 40 years for my mother in law who was originally from around Dallas, Texas....my husband and his father and grandfather/grandmother etc, were all born in Tampa....he's a true floridian....born and bread, but he still likes it up here....except on days like today, that''s just toooo much cold for anyone!

and somehow, the chickadees and bluejays survived the minus 22, because they were at the feeder going mad this morning, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to the feeder! red squirrel was out there too, and then my other feeder at a distance had maybe 10 big ass black crows eating from the ground under the feeder and another squirrel and chickadees....

I honestly do not understand how these birds and mammals survive outside...it just boggles my mind....
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People that have no respect for private property ruined CA years ago. Not exactly sure what it will take to return it back to the wonderful state that it used to be.
Get rid of the liberals and the illegal aliens.

the 70's is lovely, that's what it is like around here for the 4 months of summer...

idealy, i would like to live in Florida near my parents in the winter months and here in maine during the spring, summer and fall....

90 degrees with 90% humidity for 5 straight months is WHY I do not live in the south year round.
And THAT is exactly what I plan on doing. I spent four years in Phoenix, which I consider FRYING PAN HOT to the point of WHY DOES ANYONE LIVE HERE, and then moved up to Reno, Nevada, which had a short, mild winter, and not that hot of a summer, and I considered it about perfect. Except... Reno had EARTH QUAKES! Screw that. So back to Wisconsin after eight years out west, and now it's colder than HELL! So I know what you're going through Care. Check the national weather, and you'll see that usually Wisconsin is right in the middle of the coldest temps in the nation. So yeah, this summer I'm finding me a nice, 25 to 30 foot camper with a bathroom and washer and dryer in it, and after the holidays are done around January 3rd, I'm hooking that camper trailer up to the truck and I'm off for down south. I lived in Tampa, Florida for almost four years, and I'm sure looking forward to checking out some old stomping grounds and getting the HELL OTTA THE COLD!

so you were a master sergeant per your avatar? Dad spent 22 years in USAF and was a chief master sergeant(E-9, i think?) when he retired, then he went and worked for the FAA, civil service, for the next 20 years, and retired from them....gs14....

not bad for a kid who joined at 17, quit high school to do it, but then over the next 20 years got both his hs and college degrees...plus a ton of technical schools....

He was just determined to get out of the dirt poor life he came from!!!! Left at 17 and never looked back....hahahahahaha!!!

Really cold weather I like, but frozen water lines (especially copper ones) are a nasty side effect. Back in 92 here in Indiana we had 30 below for about 4 days straight, day and night. Take Care.


It was 30 below for 4 days straight here in 92? Why can't I remember that? :confused:

Let's see, I was working at TGI Fridays then........what month was it?
so you were a master sergeant per your avatar?

Yup, was a Msgt. Only my stripes looked like this...


... I just like the looks of the new Msgt stripes, so I used them.
And your paw's stripes looked like this if he was a Cheif. Senior and Cheif Master Sergeants walked on water. It took an ACT OF CONGRESS to bust one of them. One more stripe and I'd have been a SMsgt.


I spent eight years in the AF and made every one of my stripes in minimum time. Even went "Below the Zone" they called it, and got Buck Sergeant early. I loved the AF. I planned on life'ing it myself until I got injured and they took me off the flight line. It was pretty much a dead end then so I got out. Really didn't want to but, I needed to get on with my life, and my opportunities in the AF didn't look good.
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Really cold weather I like, but frozen water lines (especially copper ones) are a nasty side effect. Back in 92 here in Indiana we had 30 below for about 4 days straight, day and night. Take Care.

It was 30 below for 4 days straight here in 92? Why can't I remember that? :confused:

Let's see, I was working at TGI Fridays then........what month was it?

That was my first best effort at coming up with a date. Let's see, we hadn't added the garage yet which we did in 94, and we parked outside so it could've been as late as 94. :doubt:

I remember going out every few hours and starting the engine on my van, and keeping the engine covered; but we just stayed in and didn't leave the house here in Ellettsville until it warmed up some. Not sure of the month but expect that it was late January. I wasn't aware TGIF had been built yet...the one near Lowes?

Really cold weather I like, but frozen water lines (especially copper ones) are a nasty side effect. Back in 92 here in Indiana we had 30 below for about 4 days straight, day and night. Take Care.

It was 30 below for 4 days straight here in 92? Why can't I remember that? :confused:

Let's see, I was working at TGI Fridays then........what month was it?

That was my first best effort at coming up with a date. Let's see, we hadn't added the garage yet which we did in 94, and we parked outside so it could've been as late as 94. :doubt:

I remember going out every few hours and starting the engine on my van, and keeping the engine covered; but we just stayed in and didn't leave the house here in Ellettsville until it warmed up some. Not sure of the month but expect that it was late January. I wasn't aware TGIF had been built yet...the one near Lowes?

No, the one in Indy at Keystone at the Crossing. I would drive up there and work on he weekends while attending IU, great money! I also worked there for a bit after graduation from IU, It was a really fun place to work back then.
Well Austin is forecast to get sleet and freezing rain ,dammit---what's all that about ? it was 81 degrees 3 days ago :evil:


  • $winter.jpg
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I note that much of the South is also dealing with exceptionally cold weather this year.

Ya'll have my sympathies, too.

Whenever and whereever we find our weather much much colder than the norm, problems arise from it.

Proably too late to buy Orange Juice futures, but there's a fairly good example of what I mean.
I note that much of the South is also dealing with exceptionally cold weather this year.

Ya'll have my sympathies, too.

Whenever and whereever we find our weather much much colder than the norm, problems arise from it.

Proably too late to buy Orange Juice futures, but there's a fairly good example of what I mean.

I just get cabin fever and don't feel like putting 17 layers of clothes on to work outside so y'all are jsut gonna have to suffer with hearing my boring and inane ramblings.
PS--and people don't knowhow to drive in this weather for crap---damn near too dangerous to get in my truck. :lol:

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