Mine workers join demands for US$ salaries


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
WORKRS in the mining sector have made a raft of demands which include payment of salaries in US Dollars as labour unrest continues over the country’s deteriorating economy.

The workers have further demanded Poverty Datum Line (PDL) based remuneration, adding that their salaries should also be in line with regional counterparts in the mining sector.

The miners feel short-changed by employers and argue that the minerals are paid for in the coveted US dollars whilst they receive the “devalued bond note”.

Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) secretary general Justice Chinhema said despite the miners being the country’s key foreign currency earner they “are amongst the country’s lowest paid workers in an industry which is labour intensive, high risk and hazardous to health”.

“The country’s economy is deteriorating, and we are seeing the inflation galloping causing serious suffering to workers,” he said.

“Workers’ salaries have been eroded and they have been robbed of their hard-earned income by the devaluation of the Bond Note, the RTGs and Eco-Cash.
Mine workers join demands for US$ salaries - NewZimbabwe.com

Second group to demand US currency.

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