Military Voters.. getting screwed..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Inept Democrat controlled State governments, could be. A direct attempt by Democrat controlled States to suppress the military vote, mmm . I don't know but it's fishy and an insult to our military, don't ya think


Military voting advocates fear American troops stationed and fighting overseas may again get the short end of the stick on Election Day.

The U.S. Department of Justice announced last week that several states -- most notably New York and Illinois -- failed to get ballots to troops deployed overseas at least 45 days before Tuesday's election as required by federal law.

"There are laws in place to make sure ballots get to our servicemembers in time, and they just didn't," said Eric Eversole, executive director of the Military Voter Protection Project. "It just doesn't seem to be a priority in some communities, and we don't have anyone watching or standing up to make sure our servicemembers have time to vote."

The 45-day deadline was enacted as part of the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act passed by Congress last year to protect the voting rights of servicemembers, their families and other overseas citizens.

According to a study published in November by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 480,757 ballots were transmitted to military voters during the 2008 election. Of those, 320,950 were returned, and 309,629 were counted, according to the study.

Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, who also is the president of the National Association of Secretaries of State, said a year may not have been enough time for some states to overhaul existing elections law.

"I'm glad that people are concerned about this issue because for a long time, they weren't," Dunlap said. "The biggest challenge in this case, is how do you get a ballot in the hands of someone who is in a rifle company in the mountains of Afghanistan and get it back?"

Eversole said it is up to federal, state and local officials to figure that out.

"You have people over there fighting for our rights ... and they have had their voices silenced," Eversole said. "It's important that we find a solution so that these voters do not continue to be disenfranchised."
The fucking dems whine about the disenfranchised illegals who can't vote, but don't care if the guys protecting them in the military get disenfranchised or not. Fucking slime deserves to get voted out.
You know what I would like?

An election year where we DON'T hear about the men and women fighting for our freedom being fucked at the ballot box...

How hard is it to count overseas military votes? Jeebus....
You know what I would like?
An election year where we DON'T hear about the men and women fighting for our freedom being fucked at the ballot box...How hard is it to count overseas military votes? Jeebus....

Its not hard to do, its just that the dems would rather not count them....but would like illegals' to vote....wonder why the dems are getting bounced?
I would guess the Traitor-in-Chief arranged for the ballots to go out too late. He knows the military would not vote for Democrats.

He should be tried for treason and executed...for a number of crimes. And we know how they execute traitors - hanging. :clap2:
They screw over the military vote on purpose because they know true Americans do not support them. So then they make it possible for illegal aliens to vote because they do support them, idiots. If you support the dimwits efforts you are not TRUE AMERICAN!!!!!
Obviously the Democrats are working hard at rigging Absentee Voting and especially Military Voting. There will be litigation over this. Our Soldiers certainly deserve better than this.
I wonder if Democrats generally approve of this?

Winning is important to them..
So now I suppose their just forgotten.... it sucks

I'm disappointed in you, Lefty. I would think that, even being a lefty, you'd agree that our Military should not be disenfranchised in the election process. Yet you choose to trivialize it. I personally know many troops who were unable to vote because they didn't get their ballots. Do you think that's acceptable? Seriously?

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