Military Officials Say Trump Approved Raid Without Sufficient Prep


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report

Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


It's the nature of SpecOps that shit happens. Sometimes there is no time to plan for a mission, you have plans in place, and when the opportunity arises you go. This sounds like some obummer appointee's and their sour grapes.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


If you actually believe that 19 boxcutter welding "terrorists" buttfucked the CIA, NSA, the Pentagon, the FBI and NORAD all being directed by a CIA asset (that was also known as Tim Osman) in a cave and in front of the whole world and then quickly got their act together to prevent another attack? You are beyond fucking stupid......
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


How gullible are you? Based on your ridiculous assertions Trump would have had to plan & execute this raid himself.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


It's the nature of SpecOps that shit happens. Sometimes there is no time to plan for a mission, you have plans in place, and when the opportunity arises you go. This sounds like some obummer appointee's and their sour grapes.

I think so. From what I heard tonight from a sub guest on America Now was that the plan was in place in December; had something to do with no moon . Didn't quite get it all.
Trump already killed a little girl he hasn't been in office 2 weeks.... its funny watching republicans switch back and forth from preaching non violence about the protesters while screaming for another bloody genocide overseas
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


Well you might be in luck. Democrats will probably take over the Senate & House in 2018 and then they can do 8 investigations into this.
Ruh roh for Dems. In their haste to smear President Trump they are calling for a briefing and/or an inquiry as to how this supposedly "all went wrong".

Problem is that this was all planned on Obama's watch.

"At the White House, press secretary Sean Spicer said the raid had been approved in December by the Pentagon, and that Obama administration recommended greenlighting the operation.

But the next moonless night, which the military sought for the raid, was not until after Trump had been sworn into office. The new president ultimately approved the mission, according to the White House.

“This was a very, very well thought-out and executed effort,” Spicer said."

House Dem wants briefing on Yemen raid
Trump already killed a little girl he hasn't been in office 2 weeks.... its funny watching republicans switch back and forth from preaching non violence about the protesters while screaming for another bloody genocide overseas

Wow. You need to get up to speed. This operation was designed and approved in December.

You know. Before Trump became President.

Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


Well you might be in luck. Democrats will probably take over the Senate & House in 2018 and then they can do 8 investigations into this.

Why would they want to keep investigating Obama?
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


It's the nature of SpecOps that shit happens. Sometimes there is no time to plan for a mission, you have plans in place, and when the opportunity arises you go. This sounds like some obummer appointee's and their sour grapes.

I think so. From what I heard tonight from a sub guest on America Now was that the plan was in place in December; had something to do with no moon . Didn't quite get it all.

It was planned to go on a new moon so the aircraft couldn't be silhouetted against the night sky. It also gives the boots on the ground an advantage with their night vision devices. BTW new moon = no moon. That required them to hold into the new administration.
fake news

Agree. Military leaders prepare the plan before submitting for approval. Things don't always work out. I think there are many things that Trump can rightfully blame Obama for but he doesn't seem as whiny as our previous president. As much as the left claims otherwise, at least Trump fights his own battles and doesn't hide behind a coddling media and a spokesperson.

There is always criticism of presidents, as there should be, but Trump is criticized before he even does anything and when he does, the left immediately says it's wrong.

Going to be a bumpy ride. Too much fake news out there but the good news is that the majority are willing to give Trump a chance and the idiots out there crying/rioting/bitching are in the minority.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


Watch the video at this link, they go through the time line on the mission.

Full Video: Spicer elaborates on Trump-Australia call, Yemen raid in briefing
It was planned in December. Fake news.

Yes, they make preliminary plans for a wide range of possibilities, well in advance. Each one needs to be re-evaluated and adjustments made for any differences between the situation that was planned months ago, and the situation as it exists at the time of execution. The Cheeto in Chief didn't bother with that particular step. He's an idiot.
fake news

Agree. Military leaders prepare the plan before submitting for approval. Things don't always work out. I think there are many things that Trump can rightfully blame Obama for but he doesn't seem as whiny as our previous president. As much as the left claims otherwise, at least Trump fights his own battles and doesn't hide behind a coddling media and a spokesperson.

There is always criticism of presidents, as there should be, but Trump is criticized before he even does anything and when he does, the left immediately says it's wrong.

Going to be a bumpy ride. Too much fake news out there but the good news is that the majority are willing to give Trump a chance and the idiots out there crying/rioting/bitching are in the minority.

The majority didn't vote for Trump. Less than 25% of the population thinks he has any idea how do the job.
It was planned in December. Fake news.

Yes, they make preliminary plans for a wide range of possibilities, well in advance. Each one needs to be re-evaluated and adjustments made for any differences between the situation that was planned months ago, and the situation as it exists at the time of execution. The Cheeto in Chief didn't bother with that particular step. He's an idiot.

Your a liar, try watching the video at the link in post 16. You might learn something.

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