Military Field Rations of the World

C rations were heavy. It was mostly canned stuff even the cookies and you had to learn to use the so-called P-38 to open the cans, which was an ingenious folding piece of meta, or go hungry. Like everything else in the world you could only operate it with the right hand (i'm left handed) but once you got the hang of it you could get through a can in seconds. The cocoa would not dissolve in water and the secret was to make a paste and add the powdered milk packet. A little box of about four cigarettes was included with all meals.
We lived on K's for some weeks, and one night the kitchen truck came up. The next morning we were given a hot breakfast, and into our perimeter came some sorry looking people. One on a wooden crutch and a sailor hat, the others in bad shape. We were wary but they turned out to be American POW's rescued by the Sixth Rangers from Cabantuan during the night. There were about ten of them and they stayed for breakfast. I remember one of them asking if we always ate like this. We lied and said yes.
A truck came by a little later and picked our guests up. We watched as they left and I felt a sudden stab of envy, they were going home, and we would be back on K's.

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