Military Braggarts

Hell yes... I expect some good ole ribbing from my brothers in arms that were in a different branch. We've earned the right to do that.

Thank you too pard... :beer:

79 - 87? I was at Wright-Patt, Keesler, and Einsiedlerhof during those years. Bless and keep you all brothers.
I did my first enlistment at Nellis, second at MacDill. Couldn't have had two better bases in my opinion.

You were very lucky, those are 2 bomb ass bases. I did my first enlistment at Offutt AFB in Nebraska which was actually pretty good but my last enlistment was at Vandenberg AFB in California which was fucking terrible, I had to get out to get away from that shit hole.
WW2 vets hardly ever mentioned their service. If at all.

It is only in modern times that the phenom of going on about your military service -or inventing it - has become trendy.

Bullshit retard, this is hardly unique to this era so shut the fuck up.:eusa_hand:
You've met them all? :eusa_eh:

My dad tells his war stories to friends and family. Navy, South Pacific, underwater demolitions.

My dad served in the Pacific during WWII and in Korea. Earned a bronze and silver star. Never once talked about it.
To paint the members of the Greatest Generation with one broad brush is just silly.

Right, ginscpy?

The moron ginscpy does that all the time, he has a hard on for WW2 and talks about it all the time while shitting on the Veterans of other conflicts, even though the pussy himself has never served a damn day.
79 - 87? I was at Wright-Patt, Keesler, and Einsiedlerhof during those years. Bless and keep you all brothers.
I did my first enlistment at Nellis, second at MacDill. Couldn't have had two better bases in my opinion.

You were very lucky, those are 2 bomb ass bases. I did my first enlistment at Offutt AFB in Nebraska which was actually pretty good but my last enlistment was at Vandenberg AFB in California which was fucking terrible, I had to get out to get away from that shit hole.

Bet you froze your ass at Offutt. I know I did at WP. These days I live about 10 miles north of I-10, and that's about as far north as I wanna go, except maybe in the summertime.
I did my first enlistment at Nellis, second at MacDill. Couldn't have had two better bases in my opinion.

You were very lucky, those are 2 bomb ass bases. I did my first enlistment at Offutt AFB in Nebraska which was actually pretty good but my last enlistment was at Vandenberg AFB in California which was fucking terrible, I had to get out to get away from that shit hole.

Bet you froze your ass at Offutt. I know I did at WP. These days I live about 10 miles north of I-10, and that's about as far north as I wanna go, except maybe in the summertime.

I'm from Kansas City so I was used to that type of weather plus I was only 2 and a half hours away from home so I didn't mind it. Offutt was very under rated, there was actually alot to do there and I enjoyed it very much, I absolutely hated my time at Vandenberg it was the most miserable experience in my life. I can honestly say being stationed there ended my time with the Air Force.
I just don't understand how people who lie about Military service can look at themselves in the mirror.

some of them go on and on about it...... even when they are flat caught.

Kind of reminds me of when I was in high school, so many people were talking about joining the Army and Marines and going out in the field and being real bad asses. Than when graduation time came and it was time to hit the recruiters office all I heard was excuses and crickets, I was the only one out of my group of friends who went. Now that theres a war going on theres even more excuses not to enlist.
Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?

Scars are not always visible when Combat Vets have their clothes on.
Officers do not have stripes on their shoulders.
I take exception to idiots that malign grunts. I was a Marine Grunt in Vietnam and proud of it!.

Over all your statement tells me you have absolutely no knowledge of the military. Those of us who served in the Armed Forces know how to ferret out the phonies.

We have no use for irrelevant fools like you.

Soooooooooooooo Stinger I'm pretty sure Syrenn started this topic because she was irritated by the postings of fake vets

that means she is on the side of real vets

and if she accidentally offended you that leads me to believe that you might be one of those fake vets

Because a real vet would have understood her intent and supported her for supporting us

So while she may have accidentally offended you now, I will purposefully offend you


PS. Knowing how to google doesn't make you a vet. :eusa_whistle:
Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?

Scars are not always visible when Combat Vets have their clothes on.
Officers do not have stripes on their shoulders.
I take exception to idiots that malign grunts. I was a Marine Grunt in Vietnam and proud of it!.

Over all your statement tells me you have absolutely no knowledge of the military. Those of us who served in the Armed Forces know how to ferret out the phonies.

We have no use for irrelevant fools like you.

Soooooooooooooo Stinger I'm pretty sure Syrenn started this topic because she was irritated by the postings of fake vets

that means she is on the side of real vets

and if she accidentally offended you that leads me to believe that you might be one of those fake vets

Because a real vet would have understood her intent and supported her for supporting us

So while she may have accidentally offended you now, I will purposefully offend you


PS. Knowing how to google doesn't make you a vet. :eusa_whistle:

I don't know why stinger went off on Syrenn, all she did was ask a question.
Scars are not always visible when Combat Vets have their clothes on.
Officers do not have stripes on their shoulders.
I take exception to idiots that malign grunts. I was a Marine Grunt in Vietnam and proud of it!.

Over all your statement tells me you have absolutely no knowledge of the military. Those of us who served in the Armed Forces know how to ferret out the phonies.

We have no use for irrelevant fools like you.

Soooooooooooooo Stinger I'm pretty sure Syrenn started this topic because she was irritated by the postings of fake vets

that means she is on the side of real vets

and if she accidentally offended you that leads me to believe that you might be one of those fake vets

Because a real vet would have understood her intent and supported her for supporting us

So while she may have accidentally offended you now, I will purposefully offend you


PS. Knowing how to google doesn't make you a vet. :eusa_whistle:

I don't know why stinger went off on Syrenn, all she did was ask a question.

Possibly i hit far to close to the bone and mark... this is interesting... see any posers we know?

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Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?

Scars are not always visible when Combat Vets have their clothes on.
Officers do not have stripes on their shoulders.
I take exception to idiots that malign grunts. I was a Marine Grunt in Vietnam and proud of it!.

Over all your statement tells me you have absolutely no knowledge of the military. Those of us who served in the Armed Forces know how to ferret out the phonies.

We have no use for irrelevant fools like you.

Soooooooooooooo Stinger I'm pretty sure Syrenn started this topic because she was irritated by the postings of fake vets

that means she is on the side of real vets

and if she accidentally offended you that leads me to believe that you might be one of those fake vets

Because a real vet would have understood her intent and supported her for supporting us

So while she may have accidentally offended you now, I will purposefully offend you


PS. Knowing how to google doesn't make you a vet. :eusa_whistle:

I am pretty sure real military knew what i was saying/asking. :eusa_whistle:
Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?
Military poseurs, are commonplace, both in real time and in these Internet forums. They turn up at parades wearing uniforms with all sorts of decorations and there are businesses which specialize in supplying this category of pretender with their often elaborate costumes and paraphernalia. And unless there are a few exceptionally determined lesbians who pose as active or former military personnel this probably is an exclusively male practice and the fundamental motivation behind it is, in a few words, obsessively compulsive machismo.

Contemporary military service, especially in such traditionally celebrated fighting organizations as the Navy Seals, Army Airborne, Marine Recon, etc. is the modern analogy of the tribal warrior. Wearing the uniform is analogous to wearing a lion's tooth or eagle's feather. So those who engage in the pretense are alleviating the tormenting frustration of being unable, for some reason, to serve their tribe as a warrior. So they dress up in real time or they come on-line and engage in verbal masquerade.

Essentially they are pathetic characters but they can be annoying.
Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?
Military poseurs, are commonplace, both in real time and in these Internet forums. They turn up at parades wearing uniforms with all sorts of decorations and there are businesses which specialize in supplying this category of pretender with their often elaborate costumes and paraphernalia. And unless there are a few exceptionally determined lesbians who pose as active or former military personnel this probably is an exclusively male practice and the fundamental motivation behind it is, in a few words, obsessively compulsive machismo.

Contemporary military service, especially in such traditionally celebrated fighting organizations as the Navy Seals, Army Airborne, Marine Recon, etc. is the modern analogy of the tribal warrior. Wearing the uniform is analogous to wearing a lion's tooth or eagle's feather. So those who engage in the pretense are alleviating the tormenting frustration of being unable, for some reason, to serve their tribe as a warrior. So they dress up in real time or they come on-line and engage in verbal masquerade.

Essentially they are pathetic characters but they can be annoying.

I agree, it is very pathetic their need to stroke their ego with others glory. I think there is a need to impress others and make up for what is lacking within themselves.

Can you stop them right off... or does it take you some time to figure it out?
Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?
Military poseurs, are commonplace, both in real time and in these Internet forums. They turn up at parades wearing uniforms with all sorts of decorations and there are businesses which specialize in supplying this category of pretender with their often elaborate costumes and paraphernalia. And unless there are a few exceptionally determined lesbians who pose as active or former military personnel this probably is an exclusively male practice and the fundamental motivation behind it is, in a few words, obsessively compulsive machismo.

Contemporary military service, especially in such traditionally celebrated fighting organizations as the Navy Seals, Army Airborne, Marine Recon, etc. is the modern analogy of the tribal warrior. Wearing the uniform is analogous to wearing a lion's tooth or eagle's feather. So those who engage in the pretense are alleviating the tormenting frustration of being unable, for some reason, to serve their tribe as a warrior. So they dress up in real time or they come on-line and engage in verbal masquerade.

Essentially they are pathetic characters but they can be annoying.

I agree, it is very pathetic their need to stroke their ego with others glory. I think there is a need to impress others and make up for what is lacking within themselves.

Can you spot them right off... or does it take you some time to figure it out?
Some are rather obvious. But rather than expose them right out, which could occur as a kind of schoolyard bickering, I prefer to ignore them -- unless they become really obnoxious.

But I'm sure there are some who are so well studied in their pose, having learned the jargon and certain specifics from books, movies and television, they can get over with little effort.
Military poseurs, are commonplace, both in real time and in these Internet forums. They turn up at parades wearing uniforms with all sorts of decorations and there are businesses which specialize in supplying this category of pretender with their often elaborate costumes and paraphernalia. And unless there are a few exceptionally determined lesbians who pose as active or former military personnel this probably is an exclusively male practice and the fundamental motivation behind it is, in a few words, obsessively compulsive machismo.

Contemporary military service, especially in such traditionally celebrated fighting organizations as the Navy Seals, Army Airborne, Marine Recon, etc. is the modern analogy of the tribal warrior. Wearing the uniform is analogous to wearing a lion's tooth or eagle's feather. So those who engage in the pretense are alleviating the tormenting frustration of being unable, for some reason, to serve their tribe as a warrior. So they dress up in real time or they come on-line and engage in verbal masquerade.

Essentially they are pathetic characters but they can be annoying.

I agree, it is very pathetic their need to stroke their ego with others glory. I think there is a need to impress others and make up for what is lacking within themselves.

Can you spot them right off... or does it take you some time to figure it out?
Some are rather obvious. But rather than expose them right out, which could occur as a kind of schoolyard bickering, I prefer to ignore them -- unless they become really obnoxious.

But I'm sure there are some who are so well studied in their pose, having learned the jargon and certain specifics from books, movies and television, they can get over with little effort.

sad... very sad. It sorta fall under the idea of if you say it enough its "true"
My dad served in the Pacific during WWII and in Korea. Earned a bronze and silver star. Never once talked about it.
To paint the members of the Greatest Generation with one broad brush is just silly.

Right, ginscpy?

The moron ginscpy does that all the time, he has a hard on for WW2 and talks about it all the time while shitting on the Veterans of other conflicts, even though the pussy himself has never served a damn day.

I like slam-dunk wins like in WW2.
Every run across Military Braggarts? You know... the ones who lie about their "service" and what they have done, gained, earned? You the ones who somehow are in ever battle, saved everyone and killed everything in site? Wounded but have no scars, advanced skills that are never used? The pissant grunts who somehow turn into officers but have no stripes?

I am wondering what you think of the people who do this?

God bless 'em if they buy a fellow Vet a drink. I'll lie right back at them.
We know the questions to ask them. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know how we feel about them.

You're a poser.
And a phony.

USMC "Stinker" is more appropriate.

You aren't fit to suck a Lance Corporal's balls.
C Co.1st Bn 4th Marines Infantry Fire Team Leader Northern I Corps, Leatherneck Square, C2 Bridge, Dong Ha, Dong Ha, Camp Evans, Phu Bai, Nam Hoi. I was not a hero. Besides the being there medals, I received the Combat Action Ribbon. And you? I suppose you have no problem with the term pissy ass grunts. If you were not a grunt, I guess you wouldn't.
And what war did you participate in and with what unit. When it comes to those posing as USMC Vietnam Combat Vets, we out them with questions others would not understand.

A person states he was a Navy Corpsman with the Marines in Vietnam at Dak To. Is he a poser? If yes, then explain why? If no explain why?

This still going on? Ok Stinger, I'll play. Answer to your question is, either a poser, or can't remember what branch he served in. I'm no expert on operations down in II Corps, but western Kontum province was an Army (and ARVN) AO, and at the time you were up in Quang Tri province, the area near Dak To was where the 173rd ABN was, before they went over to Binh Dinh; they had a big fight there with the NVA in late '67. The area had a reputation of being pretty hot (not surprising, considering where it is).While we're playing trivia, what/where was "Highway 9"?

Just for the record, I've never met anyone who was actually a grunt in Vietnam who thinks he is/was a hero, including some with decorations that say otherwise. Remembering being scared half to death on many occasions has a way of making a man feel like a survivor, not a hero. I served with some who really were heroes...and most of them are dead.
You're a poser.
And a phony.

USMC "Stinker" is more appropriate.

You aren't fit to suck a Lance Corporal's balls.
C Co.1st Bn 4th Marines Infantry Fire Team Leader Northern I Corps, Leatherneck Square, C2 Bridge, Dong Ha, Dong Ha, Camp Evans, Phu Bai, Nam Hoi. I was not a hero. Besides the being there medals, I received the Combat Action Ribbon. And you? I suppose you have no problem with the term pissy ass grunts. If you were not a grunt, I guess you wouldn't.
And what war did you participate in and with what unit. When it comes to those posing as USMC Vietnam Combat Vets, we out them with questions others would not understand.

A person states he was a Navy Corpsman with the Marines in Vietnam at Dak To. Is he a poser? If yes, then explain why? If no explain why?

This still going on? Ok Stinger, I'll play. Answer to your question is, either a poser, or can't remember what branch he served in. I'm no expert on operations down in II Corps, but western Kontum province was an Army (and ARVN) AO, and at the time you were up in Quang Tri province, the area near Dak To was where the 173rd ABN was, before they went over to Binh Dinh; they had a big fight there with the NVA in late '67. The area had a reputation of being pretty hot (not surprising, considering where it is).While we're playing trivia, what/where was "Highway 9"?

Just for the record, I've never met anyone who was actually a grunt in Vietnam who thinks he is/was a hero, including some with decorations that say otherwise. Remembering being scared half to death on many occasions has a way of making a man feel like a survivor, not a hero. I served with some who really were heroes...and most of them are dead.

I take it from this you are saying he is a military braggart. I sorta figured this topic would pull a few in.....

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