Militarization of Police- DHS

Has it ever occurred to you that not all police follow protocol? Not all police have citizens best interest at heart? Why would anyone want to raise their kids in a police state? The cops don't just protect and serve anymore. They spend a lot of their time trying to look intimidating to innocent people and instilling fear upon the community. A lot of cops won't even wave to you or be friendly anymore. You could be walking down the road and instead of being polite or civil, they just give you dirty looks and watch every step you take. And hollowpoint ammunition expands making it more likely to sever arteries and damage vital organs. You may think that's a good thing because it's only going to be used on "bad guys" and you say round point bullets stray killing innocent people but have you ever considered what a hollow point will do to an innocent citizen if hit by accident? Lets say your caught in the line of fire between cops and a criminal but instead of just being shot and severely injured by a round point, a stray hollow point expanded in your body, one or two of your organs fail, you bleed out, you die. Gotta love a happy ending. (Sarcasm)


No system in the history of humankind is foolproof. Nor is there any benevolent power that always does the right thing, or does what's right all of the time. But that imperfection is the system we have and have to make work as best we can. You odn't toss it all because anarchy is much worse.

Without fear of punishment, there can be no order. I'd rather have scary looking police than a bunch of Barney Fifes walking around and the bad guys being the scary intimidating ones.

You don't shoot people with bullets to get their attention, you shoot to stop them from doing whatever they're doing. Can go look up old police shooting incidents before modern ammo came about. Get some crazed, drunk, or drugged suspect running amok, the old .38 special ammo resulted in having to turn them into swiss cheese whereas now a single shot will do it, in effect making their survival higher, not lower.

I've had multiple interactions with law enforcement and have never had a bad experience. Important to remember that our rights only exist in a courtroom before a judge with our lawyer standing beside us. Out in the world one on one with a cop while you have rights in theory, asserting them is only going to escalate the encounter and you're going to have a bad time of it. Do everything an officer orders you to do whether they're right or not. Then avail yourself of your rights at trial.

If I get shot and killed in a crossfire, I promise I wont care or complain. ;)
Just move to a military base if this is what you need to feel safe. I don't need cops in my town to have military weapons and MRAP's to feel safe. It actually has the opposite effect on myself and many other law abiding citizens. Stuff like that is made for WAR and war zones. What's that imply? The last time we had a war on our own land was the civil war. So unless the governments waging war on it's own people...we don't need this shit.

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