Militants are dying, Americans aren't

If it's a stupid idea, it's YOUR stupid idea. You posted it. Nobody's is talking about runnnig air cover for Iranian troops. The air strikes are on behalf of the American people, to protect them from the nuclear ANNIHILATION that would result, if/whenever ISIS were to acquire control over Iraq, its massive oil reserves, its massive wealth, and thereby a nuclear arsenal.

Wow. What a bizarre fantasy.

The Sunni crazy group is not getting control of Iraq and its non existent nuclear capacity.

Upon what do you base that statement ? Some particular set of facts, or pure speculation ?

After five days of siege and foreboding, the citizens of Baghdad breathed easier on Saturday. Old-world tea houses were once again brimming. So were new militia recruitment centres, where would-be fighters signed up to defend the capital.

The city's collective relief stemmed from three live television addresses, only one of them made by an Iraqi. On Friday, President Barack Obama said enough to convince most that he would soon send US jets to deal with the insurgents at the gates. Hours later the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, said an alarmed Iran, which is overwhelmingly Shia, would send whatever it took to stem the insurgent Sunni tide. The alliance of common interests was perceived as a rebuff to Isis (the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant), a jihadist group so hardline it was disowned by al-Qaida. Isis has been rampaging through the country, pledging to rewrite the region's borders.

But it was a religious cleric who succeeded in steeling Iraqis for a fightback. The call to arms by the highest Shia authority in the land, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, mobilized in less than one day around a division of militia men who, unlike the military, will not run from a fight with the insurgents.

Shia militia: 'Isis will not take Baghdad' | World news | The Observer
It is clear with every left wingers post in this thread that their hatred for Bush and conservatives overwhelms any compassion for Joe and Mary Mohammed six pack in Iraq.

You are swine.

I suggest you go to Iraq and join the Sunni militia.

Republicans never met a war they didn't like.

Chris its well documented on this board that you hate the US why would someone like you care if they live or die?...i would think every time one dies you would be happier than shit....
Iraq is now Iran's problem.

Uh-huh...and IRAN will team up with the other weird-Beards and institute Sharia...and then go after Israel...and US. Real brilliant shithead.

YOU lack ability to think ahead...Only in the knee-jerk moment. Typical retard.:eusa_hand:

We have 7,000 nuclear weapons. No one is going after us.

Our nukes have no deterrent upon jihadist looneytunes. The mutual deterrence that characterized the cold war, was based on a mutual fear of death on the parts of the US and the USSR. That doesn't exist in this case. These nutjobs like the idea of getting killed, and becoming a martyr, hadn't you heard ? That's what makes this so all-the-more dangerous.
Absolutely. And what of the five he recently released? ONE of which was one of the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks...being released to join these same people.

Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

WHAT is the GOAL of these Son-Of-Bitches son? :eusa_hand:

Report: Released Taliban Leader Played Key Role in 9/11 Taliban Strategy

One of the five senior Taliban leaders released in the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl played a role in al-Qaida's strategy for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, The Weekly Standard reported.

Mohammad Fazl, who served as the Taliban's army chief of staff and deputy defense minister, worked with one of Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenants to execute a military offensive against the Northern Alliance on Sept. 10, 2001, according to the Standard.

The successful operation was a key part of the strategy to ensure that opposition to the Taliban in Afghanistan was weakened. The Taliban was preparing for an anticipated American retaliation immediately following 9/11.

A leaked Joint Task Force Guantanamo threat assessment of Fazl said that he met with Abdul Hadi al Iraqi to "immediately coordinate an attack with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance," according to the Standard. The attack was to be carried out the day after al-Qaida assassinated Northern Alliance commander Ahmed Shah Massoud in a suicide bombing so as to weaken the opposition's morale.

:eusa_hand: TRY AGAIN
Lame. You claim Fazl was a mastermind behind 9/11. You are trying to make a direct link to the Taliban for planning 9/11. Al Qaeda was assisting the Taliban efforts to control Afghanistan. The Taliban had no interest in al Qaeda's global intentions and strategies. You are helping to create an enemy where the enemy does not exist. Fasl waged war in Afghanistan when and were his commanders ordered him. Far from a the "master mind" you are trying to lie about.
When we invaded Iraq, George W. Bush did not know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

It helps to have a smart president.

On the other hand, Bush knew, as did most Americans over the age of 12, that there were 50 states in the USA not 58 as Obama believed (Obama said he had been to 57 states and had one more to go). And Bush knew, as most Americans knew, that the word “corpsman” was pronounced “” not “” as Obama read the word from his teleprompter (he did it twice). And Bush knew, as almost every adult on the planet knew, that Europe was a continent not a country as Obama claimed it was. And so forth and so forth.

It's strange that when Bush said something foolish, the Democrats and their allies in the MSM made him out to be a blubbering idiot, but when Obama did the same thing they said he simply misspoke. Well, fuck that double standard.

Bush said some stupid things.
Obama said some stupid things.

Neither one is the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

And herein lies the horror that cannot be overcome. Unless you revolt like we did and take out the Progressive Conservative party and let them die, you will never get a party that will respect you .

If you dont take out the Mitch McConnells you are doomed. I am looking at bringing my girl Raven down for a hunt (shes a black and tan and we do this kind of thing) I was thinking of really rocking that district to make the Democrat win and knock out Mitch.
Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

WHAT is the GOAL of these Son-Of-Bitches son? :eusa_hand:

Report: Released Taliban Leader Played Key Role in 9/11 Taliban Strategy

One of the five senior Taliban leaders released in the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl played a role in al-Qaida's strategy for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, The Weekly Standard reported.

Mohammad Fazl, who served as the Taliban's army chief of staff and deputy defense minister, worked with one of Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenants to execute a military offensive against the Northern Alliance on Sept. 10, 2001, according to the Standard.

The successful operation was a key part of the strategy to ensure that opposition to the Taliban in Afghanistan was weakened. The Taliban was preparing for an anticipated American retaliation immediately following 9/11.

A leaked Joint Task Force Guantanamo threat assessment of Fazl said that he met with Abdul Hadi al Iraqi to "immediately coordinate an attack with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance," according to the Standard. The attack was to be carried out the day after al-Qaida assassinated Northern Alliance commander Ahmed Shah Massoud in a suicide bombing so as to weaken the opposition's morale.

:eusa_hand: TRY AGAIN
Lame. You claim Fazl was a mastermind behind 9/11. You are trying to make a direct link to the Taliban for planning 9/11. Al Qaeda was assisting the Taliban efforts to control Afghanistan. The Taliban had no interest in al Qaeda's global intentions and strategies. You are helping to create an enemy where the enemy does not exist. Fasl waged war in Afghanistan when and were his commanders ordered him. Far from a the "master mind" you are trying to lie about.

Fuck off. Who the hell did that you moron?
If it's a stupid idea, it's YOUR stupid idea. You posted it. Nobody's is talking about runnnig air cover for Iranian troops. The air strikes are on behalf of the American people, to protect them from the nuclear ANNIHILATION that would result, if/whenever ISIS were to acquire control over Iraq, its massive oil reserves, its massive wealth, and thereby a nuclear arsenal.

Wow. What a bizarre fantasy.

The Sunni crazy group is not getting control of Iraq and its non existent nuclear capacity.

Hey, look, it's the WMD excuse being regurgitated!

FALSE! The WMD excuse in 2003 was a "nuclear imminent threat" idea , based on nukes that
were alleged to exist in Iraq. Now (as the Rock, of WWE fame, would say) "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if they exist or not. What matters is that you have a group whose crazy ideology motivates them to use nukes, combined with a capability to gain the wealth to obtain them. Simple as that. Elementary school kids are talking about it. Adults shouldn't have trouble being able to fathom it. :rolleyes:
Uh-huh...and IRAN will team up with the other weird-Beards and institute Sharia...and then go after Israel...and US. Real brilliant shithead.

YOU lack ability to think ahead...Only in the knee-jerk moment. Typical retard.:eusa_hand:

We have 7,000 nuclear weapons. No one is going after us.

Our nukes have no deterrent upon jihadist looneytunes. The mutual deterrence that characterized the cold war, was based on a mutual fear of death on the parts of the US and the USSR. That doesn't exist in this case. These nutjobs like the idea of getting killed, and becoming a martyr, hadn't you heard ? That's what makes this so all-the-more dangerous.

Shias will defeat the Sunnis. No need for American troops.

It helps to have a smart president.
You idiot. You are showing your colors in true blazing idiotic fashion. ISIS is not a Sunni insurgency.

They are the product of your dear leader releasing Baghdadi in 2009 and letting him amass a terrorist army.

Absolutely. And what of the five he recently released? ONE of which was one of the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks...being released to join these same people.

Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

You just shot down what could have been some degree of credibility you might have had. The released 5 are not considered terrorists, huh ? Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head) What in the world have YOU been smoking ?
Wow. What a bizarre fantasy.

The Sunni crazy group is not getting control of Iraq and its non existent nuclear capacity.

Hey, look, it's the WMD excuse being regurgitated!

FALSE! The WMD excuse in 2003 was a "nuclear imminent threat" idea , based on nukes that
were alleged to exist in Iraq. Now (as the Rock, of WWE fame, would say) "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if they exist or not. What matters is that you have a group whose crazy ideology motivates them to use nukes, combined with a capability to gain the wealth to obtain them. Simple as that. Elementary school kids are talking about it. Adults shouldn't have trouble being able to fathom it. :rolleyes:

Who alleged that nukes existed in Iraq?
Lame. You claim Fazl was a mastermind behind 9/11. You are trying to make a direct link to the Taliban for planning 9/11. Al Qaeda was assisting the Taliban efforts to control Afghanistan. The Taliban had no interest in al Qaeda's global intentions and strategies. You are helping to create an enemy where the enemy does not exist. Fasl waged war in Afghanistan when and were his commanders ordered him. Far from a the "master mind" you are trying to lie about.

Fuck off. Who the hell did that you moron?

Um, The T called one of the released Taliban a mastermind of 9/11. His quote has been quoted a bunch of times.
Sunni militants are dying in Iraq. Shiite militants are dying in Iraq. ISIS militants are dying in Iraq. According to some reports, soon Iranians will die in Iraq.

But guess what!! Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

No wonder the GOP is staging a temper tantrum. Gosh, with all the dying in Iraq, Americans are getting left out.

Let me reiterate, for the first time in the 21st century, Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

Three cheers for President Obama.

The war was won in 2003, why is Obama being blamed:

ABOARD USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CNN) -- President Bush on Thursday praised the toppling of Saddam Hussein as "a job well done," but he warned that the battle in Iraq was but "one victory in a war on terror."

Bush, addressing the nation not from the White House but from the dramatic setting of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, announced: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." (Transcript)

Standing on the giant flight deck, with a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" overhead on the bridge, the commander-in-chief saluted the men and women of the U.S. military.

"Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free," was his message. "America is grateful for a job well done."

And now Obama has repeated the same dumb mistake (in 2011), only to have to now send warships and fighter jets back to Iraq. And much too late.
Here is a suggestion then for you and all the NRA gun boys who want to pack and show their guns around town:even if you have already served, F*ck sign up again and go show your guns to those people for a bit.
I already served and protected DUMBASSES like YOU.

Stow it shitstain.:eusa_hand: should not need much training before you go, right? However, I should point out, there may not be much alcohol there.

Well, Boehner sure ain't shipping out then:lol:
We have 7,000 nuclear weapons. No one is going after us.

Our nukes have no deterrent upon jihadist looneytunes. The mutual deterrence that characterized the cold war, was based on a mutual fear of death on the parts of the US and the USSR. That doesn't exist in this case. These nutjobs like the idea of getting killed, and becoming a martyr, hadn't you heard ? That's what makes this so all-the-more dangerous.

Shias will defeat the Sunnis. No need for American troops.

It helps to have a smart president.

You mean the guys who have been taking their uniforms off and running away ? And leaving weapons and humvees behind for ISIS to acquire ? Those guys ?
And to imbeciles like you the correct response to 9/11 is to attack the wrong country.
Being led into it by deceit. Then have American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4489 3528
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list)


Since Handover (6/29/04): 3627 2899
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 256 128
Since Operation New Dawn: 66 39
American Wounded Official Estimated
Total Wounded: 32021 Over 100000

Who is the idiot! Fool!

3000 Americans die on 9-11 because leftover 60's wannabe revolutionaries stuck in the 1960s and remembering how the FBI spied on radicals MADE IT HARDER FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TO SHARE INTEL; and race-obessed liberals thought it was a bad thing to keep track of "brown-skinned" people who were plotting to kill us

idiots and hypocrites
Hey, look, it's the WMD excuse being regurgitated!

FALSE! The WMD excuse in 2003 was a "nuclear imminent threat" idea , based on nukes that
were alleged to exist in Iraq. Now (as the Rock, of WWE fame, would say) "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if they exist or not. What matters is that you have a group whose crazy ideology motivates them to use nukes, combined with a capability to gain the wealth to obtain them. Simple as that. Elementary school kids are talking about it. Adults shouldn't have trouble being able to fathom it. :rolleyes:

Who alleged that nukes existed in Iraq?
It is then amazing that Reagan brought down a bona fide nuclear power without firing a shot. Alas, he has been followed by lightweights like Bush II, and even lighter weights like the current POTUS. One has to hope that decades of incompetence can be off set with actual leadership instead of Rambo and pajama boy.
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Hey, look, it's the WMD excuse being regurgitated!

FALSE! The WMD excuse in 2003 was a "nuclear imminent threat" idea , based on nukes that
were alleged to exist in Iraq. Now (as the Rock, of WWE fame, would say) "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if they exist or not. What matters is that you have a group whose crazy ideology motivates them to use nukes, combined with a capability to gain the wealth to obtain them. Simple as that. Elementary school kids are talking about it. Adults shouldn't have trouble being able to fathom it. :rolleyes:
Who alleged that nukes existed in Iraq?

Who cares ? What anyone said 11 years ago, has little or nothing to do with his current situation. All that matter is what I described in Post # 87. What matters is that you have a group whose crazy ideology motivates them to use nukes, combined with a capability to gain the wealth to obtain them. Simple as that.
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Lame. You claim Fazl was a mastermind behind 9/11. You are trying to make a direct link to the Taliban for planning 9/11. Al Qaeda was assisting the Taliban efforts to control Afghanistan. The Taliban had no interest in al Qaeda's global intentions and strategies. You are helping to create an enemy where the enemy does not exist. Fasl waged war in Afghanistan when and were his commanders ordered him. Far from a the "master mind" you are trying to lie about.

Fuck off. Who the hell did that you moron?

Um, The T called one of the released Taliban a mastermind of 9/11. His quote has been quoted a bunch of times.

Yet photos appear of two different men, and is said to hide his face even among top ISIS aides. And Abu Bakr was an Iraqi militant, not Taliban, and just barely accepted by al Qaeda, for a time. He began terrorists activities in Syria, the media isn't sure who he is, nor are we.
FALSE! The WMD excuse in 2003 was a "nuclear imminent threat" idea , based on nukes that
were alleged to exist in Iraq. Now (as the Rock, of WWE fame, would say) "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if they exist or not. What matters is that you have a group whose crazy ideology motivates them to use nukes, combined with a capability to gain the wealth to obtain them. Simple as that. Elementary school kids are talking about it. Adults shouldn't have trouble being able to fathom it. :rolleyes:

Who alleged that nukes existed in Iraq?
It is then amazing that Reagan brought down a bona fide nuclear power without firing a shot. Alas, he has been followed by lightweights like Bush II, and even lighter weights like the current POTUS. One has to hope that decades of incompetence can be off set with actual leadership instead of Rambo and pajama boy.

Amazing as in...not true. Right.
Attack funded by Saudi Arabia and we attacked Iraq.

Any who argue for armed intervention, particularly boots on the ground, should be removed from office.

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