Migrants in Hungary Remain in Tense Standoff at Bicske Station


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
LONDON — Hundreds of migrants remained locked in a tense standoff with the police on Friday morning at the Bicske station in Hungary, with some barricading themselves in a train to avoid being sent to a nearby camp.

The mayhem in Hungary, which has become an unwilling center of Europe’s migration crisis, has highlighted divisions in Europe over how to grapple with the large influx of migrants from Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere who have come by sea and land through the Balkans in search of a better life.

Divisions over how to approach the crisis were expected to cloud a meeting of European Union foreign ministers on Friday in Luxembourg. Separately, members of the so-called Visegrad group of countries — the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia — were expected to meet in Prague to forge a common approach.

Reflecting the split in Europe, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary has said that migrants could turn Europeans into a minority on their own continent, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has said that Europe is responsible for every migrant death.

On Thursday, the Hungarian authorities reopened the gates at the Keleti station in Budapest to migrants, briefly giving them hope that they would be able to board trains for Germany, the favored destination of many because of its prosperity and welcoming stance.

Instead, when a train bound for the Austrian frontier halted at Bicske, outside Budapest, and the migrants realized that they were en route to a detention center, many erupted in protest.

One man flung himself on to the tracks, dragging his wife and child with him, while others locked themselves in the train and refused to leave or to take food. They chanted “Germany! Germany!”

In Budapest, thousands of migrants have been sleeping for days at the Keleti station and on the streets, hungry, desperate and unsure what the future holds. Many migrants in Hungary refuse to go to camps to be registered, even though regulations require them to apply for asylum in the country in which they entered the European Union. The government of Hungary has made clear that they will receive a frosty reception there.

No sign of letting up either.
Germany is set to take in 800,000 mid-east refugees by the end of this year, mostly Syrian.

Germany has taken in 800,000 refugees. Guess how many the US has taken in?

Oxfam wants the U.S. to take in 70,000.

Oxfam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of these refugees are or will become ISIS supporters is anybodys' guess. Western Europe is f^cked..........hopefully, we (U.S.) doesn't f^ck ourselves anymore.
Obviously Oxfam does not appreciate or care that we have absorbed millions from Mexico and Central America. Hopefully, our politicians do not take the same position as Oxfam..........but you never know........
This is really sad. Shows you just how desperate these people are. I read an article last night about how Hungarian police pepper sprayed a bunch of people, including children and their mothers, trying to cross over the border.

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