Migrant mob beats NYPD officers near Times Square, released days later without bail according to the New York Post


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This is what Democrats are doing to big and medium size cities. They intend to bring it to small cities and to suburbia next.

In NYC, the leftoid City Council voted to override a leftoid mayor's veto that will now force police to write a report of ANY interaction they have with anyone, no matter how simple that interaction may be.

It is the same in most Democrat rum hellholes. Blame police, tie the hands of police, allow violent crime to fester, then blame police even more and tie their hands even more.

They are more afraid of what the cartels will do to them, if they don't make their quotas, than they are of the police and the state, and the penalties they face for breaking the law. These poor folks laugh at our toothless enforcement of the law here.

. . . and the politicians? These folks are either corrupt or spineless.


This is what Democrats are doing to big and medium size cities. They intend to bring it to small cities and to suburbia next.

In NYC, the leftoid City Council voted to override a leftoid mayor's veto that will now force police to write a report of ANY interaction they have with anyone, no matter how simple that interaction may be.

It is the same in most Democrat rum hellholes. Blame police, tie the hands of police, allow violent crime to fester, then blame police even more and tie their hands even more.

New York deserves this.
Neither did I.
I was, as one British citizen referred when I described what happened "tortured" by the police. Rendered deaf in one ear, my pants taken down to my ankles as a teen! A stick banged between my knees and into my scrotum by a "detective" as two uniformed cops held me.

Why? Because ShockedCanadian is not a rat. I try to be a man of my word and protect others and I always pay the price. More irony, the key person I was protecting was an adult AND a cop. It would make a startling movie or a book...

Never so much as gave a cop or anyone in authority a dirty look. I still would never condone the abuse of cops by a mob.

We cannot paint all cops with the same brush, it tears into our souls and there was a time it tore into mine because of what I had experienced. Ironically, I had mentally moved on from that assault, wanting to make something of my life, it wasn't until the Creepy Ones worked overtime to destroy my life that I learned just how abusive the covert are in a caste system/police state. Far worse than those in uniform.

Don't celebrate the abuses of police, it will just wear you down and harm your soul. Those who assaulted the cops must be charged and held to account. A deportation would be the most sensible response, no?
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