Midterm Ratings: Fox News Doubles Primetime Viewership from 2006, MSNBC, CNN Both Dow


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

By Alex Weprin on November 3, 2010 1:50 PMThe first bits of ratings data are beginning to trickle in from yesterday, and it is looking great for Fox News Channel.

Here is what the cable networks drew on average From 8-11 PM ET:

•FNC: 6.957 million total viewers, 2.43 million A25-54
•CNN: 2.423 million total viewers, 1.03 million A25-54
•MSNBC: 1.945 million total viewers, 669,000 A25-54
Compared to the 2006 midterm elections, Fox News more than doubled its total viewership, while CNN was down significantly and MSNBC was down slightly.

Not surprisingly, the numbers for all three networks are down significantly from election night 2008.

Update: Numbers from 7 PM-1 AM and 7 PM- 3 AM are after the jump.


FNC: 6.078 million total viewers, 2.184 million A25-54

CNN: 2.081 million total viewers, 917,000 A25-54

MSNBC: 1.698 million total viewers, 638,000 A25-54


FNC: 5.051 million total viewers, 1.860 million A25-54

CNN: 1.745 million total viewers, 778,000 A25-54

MSNBC: 1.495 million total viewers, 584,000 A25-54

Early indications show that FNC may have a clean sweep, even beating the broadcast network election coverage. That said, the final numbers for the broadcast networks will not be available until tomorrow morning, and they could be very different than the preliminary ratings.

Midterm Ratings: Fox News Doubles Primetime Viewership from 2006, MSNBC, CNN Both Down - TVNewser
I watched Fox, and Sky News, and the BBC for election coverage. It's weird that the Brits take such an interest in our elections that they ran specials on the Mid-Terms!!

On the BBC, they had quite an intelligent, slightly liberal, American analyst who is one of the very few people I have heard talk about the TEA Parties with intelligence. She corrected someone who said that the TEA Parties were a 'racist reaction to Obama's election' by explaining that, in fact, the TEA Parties started under Bush as a reaction to expanding Government.

I thought all three did really good coverage.
And then were taken over by Bush fans who dont like a black man in the presidency
Then why are they always claiming that nothing should be blamed on Bush?
I watched Fox, and Sky News, and the BBC for election coverage. It's weird that the Brits take such an interest in our elections that they ran specials on the Mid-Terms!!

On the BBC, they had quite an intelligent, slightly liberal, American analyst who is one of the very few people I have heard talk about the TEA Parties with intelligence. She corrected someone who said that the TEA Parties were a 'racist reaction to Obama's election' by explaining that, in fact, the TEA Parties started under Bush as a reaction to expanding Government.

I thought all three did really good coverage.
That's a load of bull. Ron Paul's Libertarian Tea Parties during the Bush administration had absolutely nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement which began in Jan 2009.

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes - YNN, Your News Now

01/24/2009 09:20 PM

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes

By: Neil St. Clair


BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- Just call it the Binghamton Tea Party without the tea. A group of locals took to the South Washington Street Bridge Saturday and poured a few gallons of soda into the Susquehanna River to protest Governor Paterson's new proposed taxes.
Around two dozen protesters showed up, mostly outraged by the governor's obesity tax on soda.

They want a freer economy with less government intervention.

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"We really want to see a sense of fiscal responsibility from the government and have them get their hands out of our pockets. The government has gotten out of hand and out of control in the last few decades and we're taking notice of that," said Trevor Leach, chairman of the Young Americans for Liberty in New York State.
Several of the protesters wore indian headdresses similar to the band of 18th century patriots who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to express outrage about British taxes.
I watched Fox, and Sky News, and the BBC for election coverage. It's weird that the Brits take such an interest in our elections that they ran specials on the Mid-Terms!!

On the BBC, they had quite an intelligent, slightly liberal, American analyst who is one of the very few people I have heard talk about the TEA Parties with intelligence. She corrected someone who said that the TEA Parties were a 'racist reaction to Obama's election' by explaining that, in fact, the TEA Parties started under Bush as a reaction to expanding Government.

I thought all three did really good coverage.
That's a load of bull. Ron Paul's Libertarian Tea Parties during the Bush administration had absolutely nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement which began in Jan 2009.

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes - YNN, Your News Now

01/24/2009 09:20 PM

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes

By: Neil St. Clair


BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- Just call it the Binghamton Tea Party without the tea. A group of locals took to the South Washington Street Bridge Saturday and poured a few gallons of soda into the Susquehanna River to protest Governor Paterson's new proposed taxes.
Around two dozen protesters showed up, mostly outraged by the governor's obesity tax on soda.

They want a freer economy with less government intervention.

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enable JavaScript. Learn how.
install Adobe Flash 9 or above. Install now.

Then come back here and refresh the page.

"We really want to see a sense of fiscal responsibility from the government and have them get their hands out of our pockets. The government has gotten out of hand and out of control in the last few decades and we're taking notice of that," said Trevor Leach, chairman of the Young Americans for Liberty in New York State.
Several of the protesters wore indian headdresses similar to the band of 18th century patriots who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to express outrage about British taxes.

No, it's not bull. You're whining doesn't change fact.
I watched Fox, and Sky News, and the BBC for election coverage. It's weird that the Brits take such an interest in our elections that they ran specials on the Mid-Terms!!

On the BBC, they had quite an intelligent, slightly liberal, American analyst who is one of the very few people I have heard talk about the TEA Parties with intelligence. She corrected someone who said that the TEA Parties were a 'racist reaction to Obama's election' by explaining that, in fact, the TEA Parties started under Bush as a reaction to expanding Government.

I thought all three did really good coverage.
That's a load of bull. Ron Paul's Libertarian Tea Parties during the Bush administration had absolutely nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement which began in Jan 2009.

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes - YNN, Your News Now

01/24/2009 09:20 PM

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes

By: Neil St. Clair


BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- Just call it the Binghamton Tea Party without the tea. A group of locals took to the South Washington Street Bridge Saturday and poured a few gallons of soda into the Susquehanna River to protest Governor Paterson's new proposed taxes.
Around two dozen protesters showed up, mostly outraged by the governor's obesity tax on soda.

They want a freer economy with less government intervention.

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enable JavaScript. Learn how.
install Adobe Flash 9 or above. Install now.

Then come back here and refresh the page.

"We really want to see a sense of fiscal responsibility from the government and have them get their hands out of our pockets. The government has gotten out of hand and out of control in the last few decades and we're taking notice of that," said Trevor Leach, chairman of the Young Americans for Liberty in New York State.
Several of the protesters wore indian headdresses similar to the band of 18th century patriots who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to express outrage about British taxes.

No, it's not bull. You're whining doesn't change fact.
Well then back up your crap. Teabagging Congress was first mentioned here on Jan 20, 2009:

MAIL A TEA BAG TO CONGRESS & TO SENATE! [FedUp-Old] - MarketTicker Forums

Who started it all? The person who did that post, the one goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate.
That's a load of bull. Ron Paul's Libertarian Tea Parties during the Bush administration had absolutely nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement which began in Jan 2009.

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes - YNN, Your News Now

01/24/2009 09:20 PM

A "tea party" to protest Paterson's taxes

By: Neil St. Clair


BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- Just call it the Binghamton Tea Party without the tea. A group of locals took to the South Washington Street Bridge Saturday and poured a few gallons of soda into the Susquehanna River to protest Governor Paterson's new proposed taxes.
Around two dozen protesters showed up, mostly outraged by the governor's obesity tax on soda.

They want a freer economy with less government intervention.

To view our videos, you need to
enable JavaScript. Learn how.
install Adobe Flash 9 or above. Install now.

Then come back here and refresh the page.

"We really want to see a sense of fiscal responsibility from the government and have them get their hands out of our pockets. The government has gotten out of hand and out of control in the last few decades and we're taking notice of that," said Trevor Leach, chairman of the Young Americans for Liberty in New York State.
Several of the protesters wore indian headdresses similar to the band of 18th century patriots who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to express outrage about British taxes.

No, it's not bull. You're whining doesn't change fact.
Well then back up your crap. Teabagging Congress was first mentioned here on Jan 20, 2009:

MAIL A TEA BAG TO CONGRESS & TO SENATE! [FedUp-Old] - MarketTicker Forums

Who started it all? The person who did that post, the one goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate.

My parents were involved in TEA Party protests when Bush was POTUS. That is evidence for me. As for you, I don't really give a shit and your supposed 'proof', it is meaningless. This guy may have been part of the TEA Parties, he may just have had an idea that took off... either way, it makes no difference, other than that the woman on the BBC was right. The protests had started before Obama took office.
Compared to the 2006 midterm elections, Fox News more than doubled its total viewership, while CNN was down significantly and MSNBC was down slightly.
While it might be fun for Liberals to bash FoxNews, most people know where to get the unvarnished truth.
And I suspect that this time around those same Liberals voted against the Dems but will not tell anyone! :lol:
Why is the success of a TV station a partisan victory? Says it all.
No, it's not bull. You're whining doesn't change fact.
Well then back up your crap. Teabagging Congress was first mentioned here on Jan 20, 2009:

MAIL A TEA BAG TO CONGRESS & TO SENATE! [FedUp-Old] - MarketTicker Forums

Who started it all? The person who did that post, the one goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate.

My parents were involved in TEA Party protests when Bush was POTUS. That is evidence for me. As for you, I don't really give a shit and your supposed 'proof', it is meaningless. This guy may have been part of the TEA Parties, he may just have had an idea that took off... either way, it makes no difference, other than that the woman on the BBC was right. The protests had started before Obama took office.
Well if that's true it should be piss easy for you to just ask them when and where they took place so they can be googled and confirmed. Or you can email the woman on the BBC for HER proof, but until then you got nothing.
On a side note from the editorial cable channels which have little if anything to do with news, I thought the following article was rather interesting as part of the conversation here.

PHILADELPHIA — Comcast Chief Operating Officer Steve Burke will succeed Jeff Zucker as the new CEO of NBC Universal later this year, when Comcast takes control of the broadcaster.

Comcast Corp. and General Electric Co., which currently owns NBC, said Sunday that Burke will work with Zucker during the transition. Zucker, who has spent his entire career at NBC, said last week that he would be stepping down after the change in control, telling employees in an e-mail that he understood the new owners would want to have one of their own at the helm.
Comcast COO Burke to lead NBC Universal - Business - U.S. business - Media biz - msnbc.com

It does appear at least from several readings that COMCAST may be looking to change MSNBC somewhere down the road and from the ratings once can see why they would want too.

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