Michigan Starbucks Employee Union to strike!!! Seriously!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Grand Rapids Starbucks Union and Spanish CNT announce global day of action | libcom.org

Ok. Now this is just too much.

There is a union for God-dang Starbucks employees? SERIOUSLY? They pour freakin coffee for a living for Christs sake!!! They work in a clean, comfortable environment. Easy going atmosphere. And they need to unionize and strike?

Honestly, I just don't know where to start on this one. Just the fact that.....that a union exists for employees of starbucks.

Whats next? The McDonalds frie cook union? The putt-putt family fun center's skee ball ticket taker's union?
I read it again. Apparantly the "Baristas" (translation, the chick who pours your coffee) are pissed off and striking.

Do the Baristas know they work for a company that sells a luxury item? By that I mean, a $4 cup of coffee that people treat themselves to, NOT something that is crucial for daily life? They do know that the customers can just...........oh, go home and make their own damn coffee? They do know that Starbucks doesn't have to look very hard to find someone else who can perform the incredibly difficult task of..........pouring coffee.
Oh my God, there is even a picture. Look at all the "baristas", er, I mean coffee pourers, all lined up protest style in their starbucks aprons? This is our youth that will take over our nation one day.


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Oh my God, there is even a picture. Look at all the "baristas", er, I mean coffee pourers, all lined up protest style in their starbucks aprons? This is our youth that will take over our nation one day.

this happened three years ago. it lasted for one day, as planned.

try again.
Remember that one day strike the illegals did? To show us they were the only ones that worked? We survived.. :lol::lol::lol:

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