Michigan: Romney v Santorum vote count

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Michigan: Romney v Santorum vote count

I will come by here during the day to see what the polls are saying, but whatever opinions people have here...

Santorum Could Lose Michigan Vote But Still Gain Delegates : It's All Politics : NPR Because of an allocation formula that distributes almost all of its delegates by congressional district, neither Romney nor Rick Santorum is likely to gain more than a handful of delegates over the other, regardless of who wins the statewide vote. (There is also the possibility that Santorum could lose the statewide vote but nevertheless get more delegates.)


Santorum waging class warfare: http://www.forbes.com/sites/brianso...es-romney-to-wall-street-billionaire-buddies/
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Unless Mittens takes a commanding lead over Ex-Senator Frothy, he'll be seen as weak and Michigan as a loss.
Prompting some republicans to desire a brokered convention and a new nominee.

It won't matter who you run CONZ.
You're all crooks and liars.
Unless Mittens takes a commanding lead over Ex-Senator Frothy, he'll be seen as weak and Michigan as a loss.
Prompting some republicans to desire a brokered convention and a new nominee.

It won't matter who you run CONZ.
You're all crooks and liars.
a new nominee?

I think you pay too much attention to media spin docs. :lol:

Stop listening to media pundits and tea leaf readers.


Santorum waging class warfare: http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansol...naire-buddies/
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For this election you don't have to be registered with a particular party.

"You're not declaring yourself as a member of that party. You're simply choosing which ballot you want to vote in this election," said Chris Swope, Lansing City Clerk.

Michigan Voters Head To The Polls - WLNS TV 6 Lansing Jackson Michigan News and Weather - WLNS.COM |


Willie and Patsie Gaffner, 72, of Haslett, cast their votes for Santorum, saying they agree with the former Pennsylvania senator's moral values.

"We're for Santorum for the social issues — he's against abortion, against homosexual rights," Willie Gaffner said. "We believe if we vote for those things God's going to give us the rest. That comes before economics and everything else."

Michigan voters head to polls in GOP primary | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com
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CNN Political TickerAll politics, all the time - CNN.com Blogs

TRENDING: Democrats in Michigan explain crossover vote campaign
Posted by
CNN's Dana Bash and Eric Marrapodi

Dearborn Heights, Michigan (CNN) – A longtime liberal radio host asking Democratic listeners to vote for Rick Santorum in Michigan's Republican primary told CNN Tuesday he loves making mischief.

"Barry, I hear you need $1 Billion to run negative ads on the Repubes, guess how much I just stole from my clients?"
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Romney cruised to victory in Arizona and squeaked by to win Michigan despite massive democratic crossover shenanigans. Good job Mitt!
So let's do a bit of follow up: Mitt Romney votes in Belmont, declines to criticize Rush Limbaugh for remarks about law student - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

Romney has been willing to mislead voters if necessary. He pretends, for example, that he never said that his Massachusetts health plan was a model for the nation, when he plainly said exactly that in a 2009 op-ed article http://mittromneycentral.com/op-eds/2009-op-eds/mr-president-whats-the-rush/ . Romney wrote: “Using tax penalties, as we did, or tax credits, as others have proposed, encourages ‘free riders’ to take responsibility for themselves rather than pass their medical costs on to others.”

Mitt Romney, winning votes, not love - The Washington Post
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