Michigan Governor Backs Off ‘Unfair’ Electoral Rigging Plan: ‘I Don’t Think This Is T


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Dec 3, 2012
Michigan Governor Backs Off ‘Unfair’ Electoral Rigging Plan: ‘I Don’t Think This Is The Right Time’

The prospects of a proposal to rig Michigan’s electoral votes in favor of Republicans took a nosedive on Tuesday as Gov. Rick Snyder (R) came out against the plan this year.

Snyder had previously been considering the plan to shift Michigan’s presidential system from a winner-take-all system to divvying electoral votes by congressional district.

However, in an interview with Bloomberg, Snyder backed off, saying he was “very skeptical” of the idea, noting it would “change the playing field so it’s an unfair advantage.” He finished by saying, “I don’t think this is the appropriate time to look at it.”

Michigan Governor Backs Off 'Unfair' Electoral Rigging Plan: 'I Don't Think This Is The Right Time' | ThinkProgress
Under the Republican Plan, most electoral votes will be allocated to the winner of individual Congressional districts, rather than to the winner of the state as a whole. Because the Republican Plan would be implemented in states that are heavily gerrymandered to favor Republicans, the resulting maps would all but guarantee that the Republican would win a majority of each state’s electoral votes, even if the Democratic candidate wins the state as a whole.

How Republicans Plan To Rig The Next Presidential Election, In Six Pictures | ThinkProgress

Instead of investing this amount of time and effort into crazy schemes to steal elections, perhaps republicans could simply reach out to more Americans by addressing jobs and the economy, respecting individual liberty, and abandoning social conservative nonsense such as opposition to privacy rights and marriage equality.

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