Michigan: Concealed carry permits for guns up 25% in 14 months...good for them


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Getting rid of anti gun restrictions is allowing more Michigan citizens to have guns to stop criminals...

Michigan Concealed Pistol Licensees Increase 25% in 14 Months - The Truth About Guns

On 3 May, 2015, Governor Rick Snyder signed a sweeping reform of the Concealed Pistol License laws into effect. While much of the law went into effect immediately, the reform that removed the power of county gunboards to arbitrarily deny concealed pistol licenses did not go into full effect until 1 December, 2016. Coincident with the reform, the number of CPLs have increased dramatically. From mlive.com:

Michigan has seen a 25% increase in concealed pistol licenses in 14 months, when state law changed to make it easier to get a CPL.

A total of 621,327 Michigan residents had a concealed pistol license as of Feb. 1 compared to 497,016 as of Dec. 1, 2016, according to Michigan State Police data.

Dec. 1, 2016, was the effective date of a state law eliminating county gun boards that ruled on CPL applications. The boards could deny a permit if they determined the license would be detrimental to the safety of the applicant or any other person.

Under the new law, county clerks and the Michigan State Police are now responsible for processing concealed weapon applications.

In 2018, there are 7.24 million people in Michigan over the age of 21. Of those, .621 million have Concealed Pistol Licenses (CPL). On average 8.6% of Michigan residents over the age of 21 have a CPL.

Other reforms passed in the 2015 law:

– No charge for second set of fingerprints if required by the state.

– If no permit or disqualification in 45 days, receipt acts as permit.

– Plastic, not paper used for the permit material

– Notification of expiration 3-6 months before expiration

– Allow online application of renewal

– Active duty military and reserves to be able to apply for renewal by mail if on duty outside the state.

– Expiration date of permit extended if renewal made in time.

Range time for renewal requirement met with certification on renewal form that applicants have complied with 3 hours review of training, 1 hour range time, within 6 months of renewal.

– Record keeping by the State patrol of offenses committed by license holders.
Shocking...Michigan? Whoda thunk it? Let me guess, Wayne (Detroit) and Genesee (Flint) Counties disproportionately lead the bunch??
Shocking...Michigan? Whoda thunk it? Let me guess, Wayne (Detroit) and Genesee (Flint) Counties disproportionately lead the bunch??

And to that point...this is what happened when Detroit issued more concealed carry permits...

Detroit Police Chief: Crime Going Down Amid Spike in Legal Gun Ownership

The Detroit police chief has called on the law-abiding people of his community to arm themselves.

Now, James Craig says his city has seen a drop in crime of 12%, as Detroit moves lower on the list of America's deadliest cities.

In 2014, the Detroit police department issued more than 1,100 handgun permits, while more than 8,100 guns were registered in the city.

The number of shootings and robberies dropped from 2013. Home invasions are down 17% so far this year, Craig said, following a drop of 38% last year.

Craig noted that in a survey of 1,800 felons, the respondents pointed to "armed citizens" as the thing they were most afraid of.

Craig said his police officers are doing tremendous work, but said that there are more and more incidents in recent years in which a criminal encounters an armed individual.

He said his time working in Maine taught him about the importance of Americans exercising their Second Amendment right and he brought those lessons with him to Detroit two years ago.

"My time in Maine was pivotal for me taking another look at what good Americans who are armed can have on reducing violence," said Craig.
Wow..pleasantly surprised.

Of course, there are studies that do show that concealed carry laws help lower the violent crime rate......but even if you don't look at those studies...this helps show that law abiding people, owning, and even carrying, guns for self defense do not increase the crime rate.....

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