Michelle (Michael Robinson) Obama admits one truth, still calls birthers "racist"

That would be Miriam Goderich. An editor who wrote the promotional pamphlet for a publishing company called Acton & Dystel.

The latest piece of garbage to

"stand up and LIE for the LEFT"

Does your yearbook say you were born in Kenya?

Why not?

Um, dip....that's not a yearbook. That's not a Harvard bio. You're still clinging to your ignorant delusion as if it were fact. It was a blurb from an obscure promotional pamphlet from 1991. Written by an editor of the pamphlet.

Not Obama.

Laughing......you wallow in ignorance and delusion like a pig does in mud, tinfoil.
It was a blurb from an obscure promotional pamphlet from 1991. Written by an editor of the pamphlet.

What kind of "editor" gets that WRONG???


and then, years later, a major Chicago newspaper makes the same "error..."


everyone is lying except you.... or so you want us to believe...
Wow, and your kind talk about me.

So, the "Standard" lied, the Harvard Law yearbook "lied" and only you and your Mossad pal tell the truth....

Amazing how the "same lies" get outed over and over....

For the 4th time....that's not a Harvard Law yearbook. That's a blurb from an obscure promotional pamphlet written by a woman named Miriam Goderich.

FACT CHECK: Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

You're stark refusal to address evidence is merely a demonstration of your contempt for evidence. And your bizarre fixation on your own delusions in its place.

But tell us more about your imaginary birth certificate for Michael Robertson, so we can all giggle even more.
It was a blurb from an obscure promotional pamphlet from 1991. Written by an editor of the pamphlet.

What kind of "editor" gets that WRONG???

Laughing...that's your working theory? That an editor can't get a fact wrong in an obscure pamphlet?

That's your entire argument? You didn't even know it was a blurb from a promotional pamphlet until I told you, tin foil.


and then, years later, a major Chicago newspaper makes the same "error..."


Except that they didn't. Remember, Tinfoil....I know your conspiracies better than you do.

I was the one who educated you on your imaginary 'Harvard Bio', and your imaginary birth certificate for Michael Robertson was in fact, a death certificate for a person who was born n 1854.

You're really bad at this. I mean, I'm starting to feel bad for you. Not bad enough to stop my eviceration of your delusions.

Here's a spoiler for your absurd conspiracy's collapse; Sunday Standard.
Those bullshit left wing Google "Fact Checks" are hilarious.

What caused the "error" to be published?

How did the "editor" get the "wrong" info?


Everyone submitted their own info to the editor, who then publishes it...

That Ivy League "educated" Obama claims a "ghost writer" wrote that is fucking embarrassing and further evidence that Affirmative Action does not work as intended...
That an editor can't get a fact wrong in an obscure pamphlet?

So the claim "Skylar" makes is that the "editor" just randomly picked out countries and ascribed the person as having being born there.

How many others in that yearbook were written up with the wrong country of birth??


It was only QUEER-O

and that once again outs Skylar as a LIAR....
Those bullshit left wing Google "Fact Checks" are hilarious.

In comparison to what? You making shit up?

You claimed Obama wrote it. You were proven wrong. You claimed that it was a Harvard Bio. You were laughably wrong. You offered us a death certificate for someone born in 1854 as "Michael Robertson's" birth certificate. You were comically wrong.

But now you expect us to accept your word, backed by nothing? Laughing....that's *adorable*.

Sorry, tinfoil. But Miriam Goderich is far more credible than you, just making shit up.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s literary agent misidentified his birthplace in 1991

But *you* know better, huh Tinfoil?
That an editor can't get a fact wrong in an obscure pamphlet?

So the claim "Skylar" makes is that the "editor" just randomly picked out countries and ascribed the person as having being born there.


Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii.

But per the pour deluded soul that didn't even know this was from a promotional pamphlet until I told him, its absolutely impossible for anyone to get those mixed up?

Sorry, tinfoil....but I know your conspiracies better than you do.

How many others in that yearbook were written up with the wrong country of birth??


It was only QUEER-O

and that once again outs Skylar as a LIAR....

Says you, citing your imagination. Meanwhile, Miriam Goderich obliterates your silly little conspiracy:

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Laughing....but you know better, huh? If you know better, why didn't you even know where your 'bio' came from until I told you?
You making shit up?

I have made up nothing. Everything here is not of my making.

I did not call Michelle "Michael," QUEER-O did on the Senate campaign trail, TWICE...

Face it, your lies to attempt to explain why BORN IN KENYA is all over Obama's past write-ups are beyond lame....
You claimed Obama wrote it. You were proven wrong.

"Proven Wrong" = believing Google leftists...

Did Stallone also go "tinfoil" or not....

FACT CHECK: Did Sylvester Stallone Say Obama Is a ‘Closet Homosexual Living a Lie’?

HINT = Stallone and Joan Rivers were very good friends... he DID SAY THAT

Barack Obama is a “closet homosexual” who has “lived his whole pathetic life as a lie” according to Sylvester Stallone, who says “I have nothing against homos, but I can’t stand liars.”

“Everybody who is anybody in Chicago knows all about the real Barack Obama,” Stallone said on the set of Creed 2. “I’ve spent a lot of time in Chicago and the stories you hear about that guy – wow. It just disturbs me and concerns me that we had a liar and a fraud in control for eight years.“
You making shit up?

I have made up nothing.

Of course you did. You claimed that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says 'Michael Robertson'. Yet when pressed to show us the birth certificate that says that, you offered us a DEATH certificate for someone born in 1854, then changed your story that there is no birth certificate.

You made it all up.

You made claims about "Harvard Bio written by Obama". But there is no such Harvard Bio. It wasn't from a yearbook, as you made up. And it wasn't written by Obama.

You made it all up.

You're so easy, Tinfoil.
You claimed Obama wrote it. You were proven wrong.

"Proven Wrong" = believing Google leftists...

Did Stallone also go "tinfoil" or not....

FACT CHECK: Did Sylvester Stallone Say Obama Is a ‘Closet Homosexual Living a Lie’?

HINT = Stallone and Joan Rivers were very good friends... he DID SAY THAT

Barack Obama is a “closet homosexual” who has “lived his whole pathetic life as a lie” according to Sylvester Stallone, who says “I have nothing against homos, but I can’t stand liars.”

“Everybody who is anybody in Chicago knows all about the real Barack Obama,” Stallone said on the set of Creed 2. “I’ve spent a lot of time in Chicago and the stories you hear about that guy – wow. It just disturbs me and concerns me that we had a liar and a fraud in control for eight years.“

Laughing.....so now if Sylvester Stallone makes shit up, its gospel?

You're proving my point.....that conspiracy theorists just make shit up, then quote their own accusations as proof that the accusations must be true.

But tell us more about 'Michael Robertson's' Birth certificate. Given that the doc you provided us was for a person born in 1854, you're apparently arguing that Michelle Obama is 164 years old.

Laughing.......you can't fix stupid, tinfoil.
You claimed that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says 'Michael Robertson'.

once claim you cannot disprove, since you cannot show us a "Michelle" certificate. Everything else I fully document.

You made claims about "Harvard Bio written by Obama". But there is no such Harvard Bio. It wasn't from a yearbook, as you made up. And it wasn't written by Obama.

and then the Tooth Fairy appeared....


WHY was QUEER-O the ONLY one they got the country of birth wrong?

WHY did the STANDARD make the SAME "ERROR" years later?


QUEER-O was "Kenyan" when it helped him get more affirmative action, and then he wasn't Kenyan when he ran for Prez....
and Stallone and Joan Rivers and Don Young and Farrakhan are all "liars" who "lie" about the TRUTH that is so friggin obvious...
You claimed that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says 'Michael Robertson'.

once claim you cannot disprove, since you cannot show us a "Michelle" certificate. Everything else I fully document.

Laughing......your argument has literally devolved into 'disprove whatever I make up!'

With you having absolutely nothing to back your claims. Instead offering us a DEATH certificate from someone who was born in 1854 as 'Michael Robertson's' birth certificate.

Per the wasteland of your imagination, Michelle Obama is 164 years old!

Back in reality, you're just making shit up, backed by nothing. As conspiracy theorists do.
You made claims about "Harvard Bio written by Obama". But there is no such Harvard Bio. It wasn't from a yearbook, as you made up. And it wasn't written by Obama.

and then the Tooth Fairy appeared....


Again, for the intentionally slow......Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. That's how it got in there. A man that shares Obama's exact name, his father, was born in Kenya.

Barack Hussein Obama II, the former president, was born in Hawaii.

With the woman who wrote the pamphlet (not a Harvard Bio, tinfoil), being Miriam Goderich, indicating that the mistake was hers. And that Obama *never* told her he was born in Kenya.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s literary agent misidentified his birthplace in 1991

Why would I ignore her....and instead believe your imagination? Remember, you didn't even know the blurb was from a promotional pamphlet until I told you an hour ago.
and Stallone and Joan Rivers and Don Young and Farrakhan are all "liars" who "lie" about the TRUTH that is so friggin obvious...

And none of them can back any of it. Again, conspiracy theorists make shit up....and then cite their accusations as proof the accusation must be true. Its the 'if there is smoke, there must be fire' delusion.

Where repeating the same lie over and over proves the lie true.

And like the adorable, simple, and thoroughly gullible soul that you are......you believe whatever you're told to think, backed by nothing.

Just as you did for your 'Harvard Bio' delusion. Just as you did for your 'Michael Robertson' hallucination.
I like dealing with sincere people who have a genuine interest in truth

TRANSLATION: 'I like dealing with people that agree with me without me having to provide support for my crazy arguments'

Exactly. Sincerity, in Buttercup's argument....is the unerroring willingness to accept whatever hapless batshit she makes up without asking for proof.

Demand evidence, and you aren't worth her time. This she calls a 'genuine interest in truth'.
I hope I look as young the former First Lady when I turn 165 years old.

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