Michele Who?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Earlier this month, Rep. Michele Bachmann utterly failed to organize a Tea Party uprising against President Obama’s executive action on immigration, as what she hoped would be a massive Washington, D.C., rally against “amnesty” eventually became a press conference attended by a handful of activists holding anti-Obama signs.

The anti-immigrant movement had yet another embarrassing failure yesterday when two demonstrations, one billed as a “Massive Gathering in Washington to Oppose Executive Amnesty,” failed to draw more than a few dozen people.

- See more at: Anti-Immigrant Protests A Bust Again Right Wing Watch
woman haters who has the REAL war on women, is in the Democrat party. how women don't see this and don't run the hell away is astounding to me

nasty stuff

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