Micheal Jackson: Blame the Jooooooooos!


Senior Member
May 11, 2004
Madison, WI

Michael Jackson going Muslim?

American pop icon announces intention to convert to Islam, according to sources in Bahrain
Roee Nahmias

Does this explain the anti-Semitic comments? American pop star Michael Jackson has officially announced that he has been following the five tenets of Islam and intends to convert to Islam, according to a report on the website of Arab-Israeli newspaper Panorama.

The report is based on information elicited from sources in Bahrain.

According to the report, Jackson’s announcement noted he is moving to Bahrain and has purchased some real-estate on an artificial island there. The singer said he decided to convert to Islam because he is convinced it is the closest religion to his personal beliefs.

I'm not gonna make a joke. Not gonna make a joke. Not gonna do it. Nope.

Jackson also noted he intends to soon move all his assets and his studio from the U.S. to Bahrain, and expressed his hope to be rid of various legal troubles and enjoy the kind of freedom he says he does not have in America.

Notably, if the reports are correct Jackson would not be the first member of his family to make the move to Islam. His brother, Jermaine, who moved to the Gulf nation of Dubai, is also a convert.

According to the sources, Jermaine was the one to provide his famous brother with books about Islam and encouraged him to convert. The report says the pop star read the books and even added his comments on some pages.

Jackson was the center of recent controversy after it was reported that he referred to Jews as “leeches” in a phone message to a former business partner.

Referring to Jews, Jackson was heard saying that "they're like leeches…I'm so tired of it…They start out the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money, big house, cars and everything. End up penniless. It is a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose."

Well it looks to me like he's got it pretty much down.
I hope he realizes that if he gets caught with little boys there he will be stoned to death.
Avatar4321 said:
I hope he realizes that if he gets caught with little boys there he will be stoned to death.

unfortunately, not with his money.
DJ on Islam radio announcing 'Michael Jihad Jackson- mini Muhammad's new release......"Decapitate It" followed by 'No Ham for da Man' :teeth:
I hope that we can begin to feel better now that the idea that the black boy, white man, kiddie rapist is no longer a citizen of the US. This is just the first step in healing. I wonder what Muslims think of plastic surgery and raping 13 year old boys... I wonder if he'll love being a citizen of Bahrain when there is an investigation and trial there. He won't be able to avoid doing it again....

Oh well, not our worry any longer, is it?


Jacko Kicked Out, Cut Off by Arab Prince

Thursday, February 09, 2006

By Roger Friedman

Michael Jackson

Jacko Kicked Out, Cut Off by Arab Prince

Today will be the seventh week in a row that employees at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch have not received paychecks.

And now I have really bad news for them: Jackson has been cut off and kicked out by Prince Abdullah, son of the King of Bahrain. He is no longer, I repeat, not doing it anymore — not funding Jackson, his kids and nanny in an extended stay in Bahrain.

The first clue that this was the case was Jackson's traveling last week from Bahrain to Germany, and then on to Italy — on commercial flights in business class. There was no more private plane.

But now I'm told that the prince has been informed by his family, the al-Khalifa clan, that Jackson is no longer welcome to unlimited generosity from the Bahraini royals.

In fact, Jackson is aware of this. Sources tell me that he had found a couple of wealthy families in Dubai who helped him out, but their largesse was limited.

"Jackson is essentially bouncing around the United Arab Emirates looking for handouts," my sources say.

Compounding this now dire situation is a sharp, harsh reality: Jackson's $270 million worth of loans owned by Fortress Investments are due on Feb. 20.

Fortress had given Jackson a 60-day extension, which began on Dec. 20, to resolve his problems with it, but nothing's happened. Now Fortress will either foreclose on Feb. 20 or make a deal with Sony Music.

Sony, I am told, doesn't want Fortress to foreclose and send Jackson's loans to a public auction via bankruptcy court. Sony has been negotiating for weeks with Fortress, sources say, to avoid that development.

But either way, Jackson's inability to deal with reality and his financial problems constitutes a veritable house of cards. And it's all about to come crashing down.

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