Michael Moore calls for protesters to 'disrupt' Trump's inauguration

I'm thinking Tubby the Cameraman is looking for footage for his next movie: "Trumpocity" or some such nonsense.

If you think about it, this is exactly the kind of shit he loves to make movies about. The EEEVil right and the Stoooopid cons.

bank it. he's putting one in the can, doing what he does, bitching about Trump and going right to the bank with it.

and the libbers will guzzle it on down. suckas....
First reasonable thing that's come out of that fatass's mouth in years. I hope the protesters make it a spectacle.

Define "reasonable". He's a smart guy, but also a guy I can imagine one day packing up and leaving for Russia, a la Steven Siegel.
He's nearly broke after 8 years of a Dem White House.

time to scam the libber rubes again!
First reasonable thing that's come out of that fatass's mouth in years. I hope the protesters make it a spectacle.

Same here.

The occutards did a great job showing America what filthy degenerates you parasites are.

I hope you assholes are so out of control popular opinion calls for you to be expatriated to Laos as chattel in exchange for an ox, a sack of rice or an old M16.

First reasonable thing that's come out of that fatass's mouth in years. I hope the protesters make it a spectacle.

Same here.

The occutards did a great job showing America what filthy degenerates you parasites are.

I hope you assholes are so out of control popular opinion calls for you to be expatriated to Laos as chattel in exchange for an ox, a sack of rice or an old M16.

Michael Moore calls for protesters to 'disrupt' Trump's inauguration

Pure class. Maybe others should be suggesting patriots protest outside one of his latest Anti-American propaganda film.

Trump has created jobs in his lifetime, how many jobs has Moore created with all his wealth?
I'm thinking of going. Mike is big and fat isn't he? Easy to spot?

Careful, him and that hog Rosie O'Donnel look alike....you may get the wrong hog

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