Mexifornia: A politically induced super shithole...the nations model of what not to do.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
When the populous of a state becomes low grade, low iQ, morally challenged, taxpayer dependent bottom feeders they tend to vote for politicians and policy that perpetuates more of the filthy same....It’s a vicious cycle that can and does spiral out of control eventually getting away from ever having a chance of being saved. Can good Americans ever take back their state from Mexico and save it from total collapse? Probably not...not without a votership that WILL vote against Mexico, filth and a total welfare state.
The point in this thread....don’t let your local politicians sell their asses to Mexico...don’t elect anchor babies to office...they will push policy and agendas intended to benefit Mexico while fucking good Americans over.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

You could sell it all and live like a king in Alabama. You really should.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.
No one will be happier to see you leave than Californians
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

Good reasons.

Or excuses.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

You could sell it all and live like a king in Alabama. You really should.
My cousin moved there and he was able to hire 2 white servants on his same salary. Still hates it.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

You could sell it all and live like a king in Alabama. You really should.

Alabama is not very white.

I was thinking Utah or Wyoming for our pissed off friend here.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

Good reasons.

Or excuses.

Who needs excuses, when liberal idiots are always providing reasons.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

You could sell it all and live like a king in Alabama. You really should.

Alabama is not very white.

I was thinking Utah or Wyoming for our pissed off friend here.

No beachfront property...
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

You could sell it all and live like a king in Alabama. You really should.

Alabama is not very white.

I was thinking Utah or Wyoming for our pissed off friend here.

No beachfront property...

Sometimes you have to cut off your nose to spite your face.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

Good reasons.

Or excuses.

People tied down to their mamas converted garage, their 1981 Pinto, their weed grow and an Xbox never really understand the real life challenges of productive real adults.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.

You could sell it all and live like a king in Alabama. You really should.

Alabama is not very white.

I was thinking Utah or Wyoming for our pissed off friend here.

No beachfront property...

With the kind of money he'd collect from selling his California properties, he could make his own beach complete with "Whites Only!" signs.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.
No one will be happier to see you leave than Californians

You mean illegal Mexicans, barely legals, weirdos, bottom feeders and pole puffers? Anyone legit hates to see anyone legit leave.
If you hate California so much, why don't you move?

I live on the beach in a beautiful community in a beautiful home, I have children in college, I own several properties here, I own businesses here. I’m quite vested...FOR NOW.
I have an escape route planned and in full affect. I’ve already begun liquidating.
I’m off to a RED as fuck state..far far away from Mexico and Mexifornia.
No one will be happier to see you leave than Californians

You mean illegal Mexicans, barely legals, weirdos, bottom feeders and pole puffers?
Yeeeeaaahhh... :itsok:
Pity our poor friend here.

Beach front property (in California no less) , successful business, kids in college, properties all over the state, more money than God.

And yet he's still miserable.
Pity our poor friend here.

Beach front property (in California no less) , successful business, kids in college, properties all over the state, more money than God.

And yet he's still miserable.

I’m not miserable at all bud....I’m an extremely happy person. BUT I’m intelligent enough to view things through a wide lens and think ahead. I see where things have gone and where they’re going. You should to.
I’m not miserable at all bud....I’m an extremely happy person. BUT I’m intelligent enough to view things through a wide lens and think ahead. I see where things have gone and where they’re going. You should to.

Timing is everything. We all know what dimocrap scum do to Cities and States they have complete control over. It isn't new. LBJ did it back in the 60's and dimocrap scum are continuing to do to this day. Been to downtown Dee-Troit recently??

The hammer is gonna fall and there are several States that are going to be left with some very hard decisions to make because -- They're just simply broke.

So what will they do? They'll tax THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU.

Believe it. And when they do, your property will drop in value like a dimocrap's underwear at a Hip Hop concert.

Count on it....

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

Don't put off moving too long. I really do think time is running out on you.
I’m not miserable at all bud....I’m an extremely happy person. BUT I’m intelligent enough to view things through a wide lens and think ahead. I see where things have gone and where they’re going. You should to.

Timing is everything. We all know what dimocrap scum do to Cities and States they have complete control over. It isn't new. LBJ did it back in the 60's and dimocrap scum are continuing to do to this day. Been to downtown Dee-Troit recently??

The hammer is gonna fall and there are several States that are going to be left with some very hard decisions to make because -- They're just simply broke.

So what will they do? They'll tax THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU.

Believe it. And when they do, your property will drop in value like a dimocrap's underwear at a Hip Hop concert.

Count on it....

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

Don't put off moving too long. I really do think time is running out on you.

You’re absolutely right.
What started out as a five your escape plan has turned in to a three year plan. I’ve liquidated nearly all my low end property holdings. I’ve traded or sold my equity share in two businesses. I’m making my way out. The biggest hurdle is in dealing with my daughters, their educations and careers moving forward.

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