Mexicrats continue to claim Russian collusion while they collude with Mexico out in the open.

I think there are many reasons people may decide to have a sanctuary city besides anchor baby votes. Regardless, how does that add up to criminal collusion?

Tell us then...what are those ā€œmany reasonsā€ that would motivate politicians to buck federal law?
Pay attention to the definition.

  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
    "there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
    • LAW
      illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.
States conflict with the federal government all the time. Thatā€™s what happens in a republic where each state and county government create laws to reflect the will of their community. You know this, donā€™t play dumb.

Look at marijuana. It was first legalized by a couple states to be used medically, then more caught on, then it moved to recreation, and soon it will be legal in a federal level. Thatā€™s how things work in this country

Apples and know this, donā€™t play LibTarded.
Weed and state rights are lost in the tenth amendment as the Constitution does not clearly delegate power to the Feds.
The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of Americaā€™s sovereignty as the doctrine of sovereignty was part of the original constitution in 1789.

But do tell....what ā€œmany reasonsā€ would motivate politicians to ignore the constitution they swore to preserve, protect and defend?
Interesting, going with the constitutional argument huh? Ok Iā€™m game. So what does the constitution say about the federal governments responsibilty with immigration?

The Doctrine Of Sovereignty...look it up and report back.
ā€what ā€œmany reasonsā€ would motivate politicians to ignore the constitution they swore to preserve, protect and defend.ā€
Iā€™ve been looking and I canā€™t find the actual text only a couple law school articles about it. Does it go by a different name or do you have a link to the part of the constitution where itā€™s written?
I think there are many reasons people may decide to have a sanctuary city besides anchor baby votes. Regardless, how does that add up to criminal collusion?

Tell us then...what are those ā€œmany reasonsā€ that would motivate politicians to buck federal law?
Pay attention to the definition.

  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
    "there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
    • LAW
      illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.
States conflict with the federal government all the time. Thatā€™s what happens in a republic where each state and county government create laws to reflect the will of their community. You know this, donā€™t play dumb.

Look at marijuana. It was first legalized by a couple states to be used medically, then more caught on, then it moved to recreation, and soon it will be legal in a federal level. Thatā€™s how things work in this country

Apples and know this, donā€™t play LibTarded.
Weed and state rights are lost in the tenth amendment as the Constitution does not clearly delegate power to the Feds.
The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of Americaā€™s sovereignty as the doctrine of sovereignty was part of the original constitution in 1789.

But do tell....what ā€œmany reasonsā€ would motivate politicians to ignore the constitution they swore to preserve, protect and defend?
Interesting, going with the constitutional argument huh? Ok Iā€™m game. So what does the constitution say about the federal governments responsibilty with immigration?

The Doctrine Of Sovereignty...look it up and report back.
ā€what ā€œmany reasonsā€ would motivate politicians to ignore the constitution they swore to preserve, protect and defend.ā€
To answer your other question, what reasons other than trying to get anchor baby votes would cause people to support sanctuary cities... well thatā€™s easy. Very few people go through such lengths simply for votes, especially people who donā€™t rum for office. The idea of Sanctuary was started by church groups trying to help poor oppressed immigrants. Immigration activists who are often supporters of SCs want to help people in need. Shine the light of opportunity and hope to people everywhere who have a need and a desire to achieve great things. Other arguments are around community unity and wanting to maintain a close relationship between law enforcement and the people living in their town regardless of citizenship status. Lastly there is a procedural issue for many cities where they do not want to utilize resources for something that the federal government is responsible for. They see he act of seeking out illegals and deporting them as harmful to their community and they do not support or want to be involved with it.

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