Mexico response to Trump's threat (more winning!)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
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( 500 Mexican federal agents with riot gear are flown to the Border)....


Liberals lack the foresight to grasp just how bad a problem this is. It isn't like the old West when pioneers said "just stay out of my way and I'll make it on my own". These are the most needy, helpless, uneducated, unhealthy people that will require assistance of every kind for years if not their entire lives. Some will be successful, most will not. And they are REALLY good at having lots of kids creating a new perennial underclass. That sounds cruel, yes. That sounds heartless, yes. It just happens to be the truth. This Asylum Exodus has got to stop.
Mexico to migrants: you will be deported if you don’t have documentation

As many as 4,000 migrants are believed to be heading for Mexico's southern border

Seems Mexico is beefing up its police forces on the southern border. Is this for real or just an effort to deflect anger from the north?

I also have a question; who’s financing these people? Feeding and housing them? Providing transportation?

To me, this is clearly just another political attempt to affect our midterm elections.

The federal government has warned a caravan of Central American migrants traveling to the United States via Mexico that if they enter the country illegally they will be detained and deported.

In a joint statement, the secretariats of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the Interior (Segob) said that in accordance with the law, anyone who enters Mexico “irregularly” will be “rescued” and subjected to review.

If they do not have the required documentation they will be returned to their own country.

More @ Mexico to migrants: you will be deported if you don't have documentation

With 1 Statement Trump Had Caravan Organizer in Custody & 3 Countries Desperately Trying to Stop Immigrants @ With 1 Statement Trump Had Caravan Organizer in Custody & 3 Countries Desperately Trying to Stop Immigrants
Mexico to migrants: you will be deported if you don’t have documentation

As many as 4,000 migrants are believed to be heading for Mexico's southern border

Seems Mexico is beefing up its police forces on the southern border. Is this for real or just an effort to deflect anger from the north?

I also have a question; who’s financing these people? Feeding and housing them? Providing transportation?

To me, this is clearly just another political attempt to affect our midterm elections.

The federal government has warned a caravan of Central American migrants traveling to the United States via Mexico that if they enter the country illegally they will be detained and deported.

In a joint statement, the secretariats of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the Interior (Segob) said that in accordance with the law, anyone who enters Mexico “irregularly” will be “rescued” and subjected to review.

If they do not have the required documentation they will be returned to their own country.

More @ Mexico to migrants: you will be deported if you don't have documentation

With 1 Statement Trump Had Caravan Organizer in Custody & 3 Countries Desperately Trying to Stop Immigrants @ With 1 Statement Trump Had Caravan Organizer in Custody & 3 Countries Desperately Trying to Stop Immigrants
I hope they're serious.

I hope we follow Mexico's wisdom

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