Mexico Is the Main Election Problem, Not Russia


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Yes, we certainly DO have a problem with the security of our elections, the cornerstone of our democracy. We have a huge problem. And part of that problem is our US officials are dropping the ball by looking in the wrong direction, and addressing a relatively minor problem (Russia), while flat out ignoring the major problem, Mexico, and the capability of millions of votes to actually be made, illegally without eligibility, from a foreign country.

The media is also Russia mesmorized, while paying no attention to the monster in our midst. I just watched a PBS show, Washington Week, with 5 liberals all discussing the Russia issue, and our election integrity. Not once was the word Mexico mentioned.

The fact is, our US election system primary problem is that of foreign, ineligible voting. Rather than being secured against this, it is left wide open to fraudulent abuse. That's because there is no screening for US citizenship. Not one US state has a requirement that voters show proof of citizenship, and therefore eligibility to vote. This is contemporary with a time when the US is occupied by millions of foreigners, most of them from Mexico.

36 states do not even require ANY ID, and all those that do, do so only to prevent voters from voting more than once. What an incredible lack of care we show, to something so important. In days of old when knights were bold, castles were erected to secure the tribe from attacks by other tribes of different cultures, looking to pillage, These massive structures were hundreds of feet tall, and built of stone, by hand, before the invention of motorized construction equipment. They took decades to be built, yet, the inhabitants felt that this huge effort was necessary to defend themselves from outside intruders.

Everything about these castles says SELF-DEFENSE. Their stone construction, their tall walls with tiny windows, their ramparts, moats, and drawbridges. People all over Europe poured tremendous labor and resources to defend themselves. In contrast, all we today have to do is enact laws, together with a secure system of verifications, and we leave it undone. The result is a massive opening for millions of foreigners to vote here, and change the way we do things.

This threat is real from a variety of countries, but none more so than Mexico. Mexico has developed its emigration to the US to a fine art. In addition to having remittances$$ from Mexicans living in the US becoming Mexico's # 1 source of income (as ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox bragged about a few years ago), and having us pay their poverty bill for them, Mexico can even shape our politics. This is the case, with millions of their people living in the US, and nothing to stop them from voting in our elections, while media and US politicians scurry around talking about Russia, as Democrats seem to have so cleverly deflected the issue.

In a news conference, US Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, just said >> "We're doing everything we can to have a legitimate election, that the American people can have trust in." With all due respect Dan, that is a FALSE statement. Until we have established nationwide, a strict requirement for eligible voting (ie citizenship proof), we will continue to not be doing everything we can, and will have a huge hole on our election integrity defenses.

DNI Dan Coats: 'We're Doing Everything We Can To Have A Legitimate Election' - The Register Citizen
i'd agree with your posts general message as its just common sense . A third world country right on USA door step and many 'mex' lying , cheating and killing , murdering to get into the USA . Plus the tons on 'dual citizen mex' already voting in the USA . Just a comment on the general theme of your post Protectionist and i did not click link .
Yes, we certainly DO have a problem with the security of our elections, the cornerstone of our democracy. We have a huge problem. And part of that problem is our US officials are dropping the ball by looking in the wrong direction, and addressing a relatively minor problem (Russia), while flat out ignoring the major problem, Mexico, and the capability of millions of votes to actually be made, illegally without eligibility, from a foreign country.
What's your estimate of Mexico's threat to US democracy compared to i360's?

"For at least forty years, Charles and David Koch, majority owners of a sprawling fossil fuels multi-national company called Koch Industries, have been blurring the lines between tax-exempt organizations and their own corporate political interests.

"We can now report that the blurred lines have disappeared. Koch Industries is unabashedly advertising for IT professionals at Indeed, LinkedIn, and at its own website to staff a massive voter data operation, i360, for the upcoming election...."

"The help-wanted ads Koch Industries is now running show both its logo and that of i360.

"The ads include positions for Data Scientists with Ph.D.s, Database Engineer, Android Developer, Political Analyst and others.

"The career section of the i360 website lists the same jobs.

"When you click on 'Apply Now' at i360, it links to an application at Koch Industries that says this: 'Koch Industries collects the information you provide for the sole purpose of considering your employment at Koch Industries.'

"The ad for the Senior Data Scientist defines part of the job as this: 'Develop and apply models that predict individuals’ propensity to engage in a behavior or hold a particular viewpoint.'

"An ad for Automation Engineer makes it clear the job applicant will be deployed in this year’s election, writing: '…your work will be at the center of driving voter engagement in the upcoming campaign cycle and beyond.'"

Koch Industries Is Staffing Up with Voter Data Scientists to Tip the November Election to the Extreme Right
What's your estimate of Mexico's threat to US democracy compared to i360's?

"For at least forty years, Charles and David Koch, majority owners of a sprawling fossil fuels multi-national company called Koch Industries, have been blurring the lines between tax-exempt organizations and their own corporate political interests.

"We can now report that the blurred lines have disappeared. Koch Industries is unabashedly advertising for IT professionals at Indeed, LinkedIn, and at its own website to staff a massive voter data operation, i360, for the upcoming election...."

"The help-wanted ads Koch Industries is now running show both its logo and that of i360.

"The ads include positions for Data Scientists with Ph.D.s, Database Engineer, Android Developer, Political Analyst and others.

"The career section of the i360 website lists the same jobs.

"When you click on 'Apply Now' at i360, it links to an application at Koch Industries that says this: 'Koch Industries collects the information you provide for the sole purpose of considering your employment at Koch Industries.'

"The ad for the Senior Data Scientist defines part of the job as this: 'Develop and apply models that predict individuals’ propensity to engage in a behavior or hold a particular viewpoint.'

"An ad for Automation Engineer makes it clear the job applicant will be deployed in this year’s election, writing: '…your work will be at the center of driving voter engagement in the upcoming campaign cycle and beyond.'"

Koch Industries Is Staffing Up with Voter Data Scientists to Tip the November Election to the Extreme Right
I haven't read too deeply into it, but just from this post, it looks like some people getting involved in lobbying for votes for who they want to win (certainly not Donald Trump). So ? No actual connection, to foreign countries or foreign citizens (millions) voting in US elections.

There a slight connection, but fundamentally, I 'd say its OFF TOPIC to the OP/thread, which is about Mexico vs Russia in importance + voting ELIGIBILITY (as from CITIZENSHIP)

And it's obviously waaay too early to assess i360 impact, before it even begins operating, but it would be very surprising if it could come anywhere near the impact of what Mexico's threat (if not actual damage) is to US democracy. With 30 million illegal aliens in the US, if just 1/3 of them voted, that's 10 million votes (95% Democrat)
Yes, we certainly DO have a problem with the security of our elections, the cornerstone of our democracy. We have a huge problem. And part of that problem is our US officials are dropping the ball by looking in the wrong direction, and addressing a relatively minor problem (Russia), while flat out ignoring the major problem, Mexico, and the capability of millions of votes to actually be made, illegally without eligibility, from a foreign country.

The media is also Russia mesmorized, while paying no attention to the monster in our midst. I just watched a PBS show, Washington Week, with 5 liberals all discussing the Russia issue, and our election integrity. Not once was the word Mexico mentioned.

The fact is, our US election system primary problem is that of foreign, ineligible voting. Rather than being secured against this, it is left wide open to fraudulent abuse. That's because there is no screening for US citizenship. Not one US state has a requirement that voters show proof of citizenship, and therefore eligibility to vote. This is contemporary with a time when the US is occupied by millions of foreigners, most of them from Mexico.

36 states do not even require ANY ID, and all those that do, do so only to prevent voters from voting more than once. What an incredible lack of care we show, to something so important. In days of old when knights were bold, castles were erected to secure the tribe from attacks by other tribes of different cultures, looking to pillage, These massive structures were hundreds of feet tall, and built of stone, by hand, before the invention of motorized construction equipment. They took decades to be built, yet, the inhabitants felt that this huge effort was necessary to defend themselves from outside intruders.

Everything about these castles says SELF-DEFENSE. Their stone construction, their tall walls with tiny windows, their ramparts, moats, and drawbridges. People all over Europe poured tremendous labor and resources to defend themselves. In contrast, all we today have to do is enact laws, together with a secure system of verifications, and we leave it undone. The result is a massive opening for millions of foreigners to vote here, and change the way we do things.

This threat is real from a variety of countries, but none more so than Mexico. Mexico has developed its emigration to the US to a fine art. In addition to having remittances$$ from Mexicans living in the US becoming Mexico's # 1 source of income (as ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox bragged about a few years ago), and having us pay their poverty bill for them, Mexico can even shape our politics. This is the case, with millions of their people living in the US, and nothing to stop them from voting in our elections, while media and US politicians scurry around talking about Russia, as Democrats seem to have so cleverly deflected the issue.

In a news conference, US Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, just said >> "We're doing everything we can to have a legitimate election, that the American people can have trust in." With all due respect Dan, that is a FALSE statement. Until we have established nationwide, a strict requirement for eligible voting (ie citizenship proof), we will continue to not be doing everything we can, and will have a huge hole on our election integrity defenses.

DNI Dan Coats: 'We're Doing Everything We Can To Have A Legitimate Election' - The Register Citizen
Not to mention the fact that illegal aliens are allowed to raise funds for and advertise for Democrats.
Ann Coulter has written an entire book on this one issue ("Adios America"). She explains in great detail how and why the fictitious number of "11 million" is perpetuated in the MSM. The actual number of illegals in the country is AT LEAST 30 MILLION, but once the legal pathways are clear, it will not be possible to stop the tidal wave at 5, 10, 11, or even 20 million. Every one of them will be signing up to be a citizen and to vote.

There can be no doubt that HRC's first term would have been consumed with the issue of first Legalizing the border jumpers, then shortly thereafter, making them all voting citizens. This, along with the Supreme Court, are the two reasons why Trump must remain in office until 2024!

Somebody explain to me why every Democrat governor on the country stonewalled the Trump Administration's effort to audit the election results, to see if any significant voter fraud actually occurred.

There is only one possible reason. Because voter fraud was MASSIVE, especially in California.

Popular vote, my ass.
Yes, we certainly DO have a problem with the security of our elections, the cornerstone of our democracy. We have a huge problem. And part of that problem is our US officials are dropping the ball by looking in the wrong direction, and addressing a relatively minor problem (Russia), while flat out ignoring the major problem, Mexico, and the capability of millions of votes to actually be made, illegally without eligibility, from a foreign country.

The media is also Russia mesmorized, while paying no attention to the monster in our midst. I just watched a PBS show, Washington Week, with 5 liberals all discussing the Russia issue, and our election integrity. Not once was the word Mexico mentioned.

The fact is, our US election system primary problem is that of foreign, ineligible voting. Rather than being secured against this, it is left wide open to fraudulent abuse. That's because there is no screening for US citizenship. Not one US state has a requirement that voters show proof of citizenship, and therefore eligibility to vote. This is contemporary with a time when the US is occupied by millions of foreigners, most of them from Mexico.

36 states do not even require ANY ID, and all those that do, do so only to prevent voters from voting more than once. What an incredible lack of care we show, to something so important. In days of old when knights were bold, castles were erected to secure the tribe from attacks by other tribes of different cultures, looking to pillage, These massive structures were hundreds of feet tall, and built of stone, by hand, before the invention of motorized construction equipment. They took decades to be built, yet, the inhabitants felt that this huge effort was necessary to defend themselves from outside intruders.

Everything about these castles says SELF-DEFENSE. Their stone construction, their tall walls with tiny windows, their ramparts, moats, and drawbridges. People all over Europe poured tremendous labor and resources to defend themselves. In contrast, all we today have to do is enact laws, together with a secure system of verifications, and we leave it undone. The result is a massive opening for millions of foreigners to vote here, and change the way we do things.

This threat is real from a variety of countries, but none more so than Mexico. Mexico has developed its emigration to the US to a fine art. In addition to having remittances$$ from Mexicans living in the US becoming Mexico's # 1 source of income (as ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox bragged about a few years ago), and having us pay their poverty bill for them, Mexico can even shape our politics. This is the case, with millions of their people living in the US, and nothing to stop them from voting in our elections, while media and US politicians scurry around talking about Russia, as Democrats seem to have so cleverly deflected the issue.

In a news conference, US Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, just said >> "We're doing everything we can to have a legitimate election, that the American people can have trust in." With all due respect Dan, that is a FALSE statement. Until we have established nationwide, a strict requirement for eligible voting (ie citizenship proof), we will continue to not be doing everything we can, and will have a huge hole on our election integrity defenses.

DNI Dan Coats: 'We're Doing Everything We Can To Have A Legitimate Election' - The Register Citizen
Bingo. When you legitimize illegal aliens and THEN give them the right vote (All without the popular consensus or any kind of vote). Well, isn't that rather cynical if not self serving? We didn't get to vote on giving illegal aliens a vote...But because of some weird quirks nobody understands, Illegal aliens get to change immigration laws. This is my best evidence of foreign collusion. To me, it's as obvious as it is shocking.
Ann Coulter has written an entire book on this one issue ("Adios America"). She explains in great detail how and why the fictitious number of "11 million" is perpetuated in the MSM. The actual number of illegals in the country is AT LEAST 30 MILLION, but once the legal pathways are clear, it will not be possible to stop the tidal wave at 5, 10, 11, or even 20 million. Every one of them will be signing up to be a citizen and to vote.

There can be no doubt that HRC's first term would have been consumed with the issue of first Legalizing the border jumpers, then shortly thereafter, making them all voting citizens. This, along with the Supreme Court, are the two reasons why Trump must remain in office until 2024!

Somebody explain to me why every Democrat governor on the country stonewalled the Trump Administration's effort to audit the election results, to see if any significant voter fraud actually occurred.

There is only one possible reason. Because voter fraud was MASSIVE, especially in California.

Popular vote, my ass.
I have read Adios America!, and a few other of Ann Coulter's enormously informative books. With her irreverent, New York City, brash humor, she blows liberal critics to bits, like no one else I've seen (other than Donald Trump).

I agree with you in general, but I would have just one criticism of your post. You speak of illegals signing up to become citizens, and then the tidal wave at 5, 10, 11, or even 20 million. What I'm saying is they are undoubtedly ALREADY VOTING by the millions, and whether the Democrats have the absolute proof they are always clamoring about or not, is irrelevant.

The point is, you simply DO NOT leave your nation vulnerable to a massive invasion of your election process, by allowing ANYONE to vote, without a secure verification of their citizenship/eligibiity.

We don't have doors and windows on our homes that lack locks. We should take the fundamental precautions to defend our elections, as well. And those people whose faux outrage about Russia is so loud and consistent, should be just as consistently loud about voting verification for citizenship/eligibility, especially in light of the occupation of our territory by 30 million illegal aliens (Bear Stearns estimate) + millions more legal aliens (who also are ineligible to vote, but have the capability).
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When voter laws are changed , say if you give a drivers license to any tom dick or harry without proof of citizenship because it's just convenient. Then you give voting "rights" to anyone with a drivers license. We have become this stupid. It's all to the benefit of illegals, who is driving this? I really doubt most Americans desire or want this silliness, but we got it. I see rich people that profit that don't care who or how it effects anyone. They are like the wizard of Oz. They are pulling all the handles and using all this smoke and mirrors to their benefit. Poor witto' rich white manipulators. We see through them.
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Yes, we certainly DO have a problem with the security of our elections, the cornerstone of our democracy. We have a huge problem. And part of that problem is our US officials are dropping the ball by looking in the wrong direction, and addressing a relatively minor problem (Russia), while flat out ignoring the major problem, Mexico, and the capability of millions of votes to actually be made, illegally without eligibility, from a foreign country.

The media is also Russia mesmorized, while paying no attention to the monster in our midst. I just watched a PBS show, Washington Week, with 5 liberals all discussing the Russia issue, and our election integrity. Not once was the word Mexico mentioned.

The fact is, our US election system primary problem is that of foreign, ineligible voting. Rather than being secured against this, it is left wide open to fraudulent abuse. That's because there is no screening for US citizenship. Not one US state has a requirement that voters show proof of citizenship, and therefore eligibility to vote. This is contemporary with a time when the US is occupied by millions of foreigners, most of them from Mexico.

36 states do not even require ANY ID, and all those that do, do so only to prevent voters from voting more than once. What an incredible lack of care we show, to something so important. In days of old when knights were bold, castles were erected to secure the tribe from attacks by other tribes of different cultures, looking to pillage, These massive structures were hundreds of feet tall, and built of stone, by hand, before the invention of motorized construction equipment. They took decades to be built, yet, the inhabitants felt that this huge effort was necessary to defend themselves from outside intruders.

Everything about these castles says SELF-DEFENSE. Their stone construction, their tall walls with tiny windows, their ramparts, moats, and drawbridges. People all over Europe poured tremendous labor and resources to defend themselves. In contrast, all we today have to do is enact laws, together with a secure system of verifications, and we leave it undone. The result is a massive opening for millions of foreigners to vote here, and change the way we do things.

This threat is real from a variety of countries, but none more so than Mexico. Mexico has developed its emigration to the US to a fine art. In addition to having remittances$$ from Mexicans living in the US becoming Mexico's # 1 source of income (as ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox bragged about a few years ago), and having us pay their poverty bill for them, Mexico can even shape our politics. This is the case, with millions of their people living in the US, and nothing to stop them from voting in our elections, while media and US politicians scurry around talking about Russia, as Democrats seem to have so cleverly deflected the issue.

In a news conference, US Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, just said >> "We're doing everything we can to have a legitimate election, that the American people can have trust in." With all due respect Dan, that is a FALSE statement. Until we have established nationwide, a strict requirement for eligible voting (ie citizenship proof), we will continue to not be doing everything we can, and will have a huge hole on our election integrity defenses.

DNI Dan Coats: 'We're Doing Everything We Can To Have A Legitimate Election' - The Register Citizen

So true! Even when illegals don't vote, and many do, they still help some blue states get more electoral votes, which is the real reason behind sanctuary cities.

Add to that a dumbed-down population of useful idiots and we may be doomed.

Too many supported Hillary. Thankfully, not enough and even with the possible millions of illegal votes, she still lost. But we still have idiots roaming around who get violent and come unglued at the mere mention of Trump. It's our education system that is failing so many because they are no longer teaching history. Schools are turning into indoctrination centers where radical leftists want to start brainwashing them at age 3.

And it's obviously waaay too early to assess i360 impact, before it even begins operating, but it would be very surprising if it could come anywhere near the impact of what Mexico's threat (if not actual damage) is to US democracy. With 30 million illegal aliens in the US, if just 1/3 of them voted, that's 10 million votes (95% Democrat)
How many of those alleged 30 million illegal aliens have been convicted (or even charged) with voting in US elections? Oligarchs like Trump, Putin, and Carlos Slim are the enemies of democracy, not the millions of poor Mexican farmers that NAFTA pushed off their land and into the US.
I love how Trumpsters get pissy when you call them out for fascism - yet they want to wall of our country with razorwire. I wonder if they can actually type this shit with a straight face?
I love how Trumpsters get pissy when you call them out for fascism - yet they want to wall of our country with razorwire. I wonder if they can actually type this shit with a straight face?

Walls and border protection are fascist?
I love how Trumpsters get pissy when you call them out for fascism - yet they want to wall of our country with razorwire. I wonder if they can actually type this shit with a straight face?

I’m thinking your dumbass doesn’t know the definition of “fascism” just know it’s a hip LefTard word to throw around. Am I right?
What does fascism and federal law / sovereignty have to do with one another?
Are you implying that citizens who believe in sovereignty and law and order are fascists?
[fash-iz-uh m]
See more synonyms on
  1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictatorhaving complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism,regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressivenationalism and often racism.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
  3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles andmethods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

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