Mexico is getting barriers and Trump is having taxpayers finance it....


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow..............just when you thought the debate about the border wall couldn't get any stranger. Seems that all the concertina wire that was laid down last year to help fortify the border is now being stolen and sold to residents of Mexico to use to keep intruders out of their house.

Mexico is getting free barrier wire, and Trump is having the U.S. taxpayer pay for it.

Anyone else getting tired of all this "winning"?

America pays for the wall: thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.
Wow..............just when you thought the debate about the border wall couldn't get any stranger. Seems that all the concertina wire that was laid down last year to help fortify the border is now being stolen and sold to residents of Mexico to use to keep intruders out of their house.

Mexico is getting free barrier wire, and Trump is having the U.S. taxpayer pay for it.

Anyone else getting tired of all this "winning"?

America pays for the wall: thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.
Way to go Trump!
Wow..............just when you thought the debate about the border wall couldn't get any stranger. Seems that all the concertina wire that was laid down last year to help fortify the border is now being stolen and sold to residents of Mexico to use to keep intruders out of their house.

Mexico is getting free barrier wire, and Trump is having the U.S. taxpayer pay for it.

Anyone else getting tired of all this "winning"?

America pays for the wall: thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.
Way to go Trump!

"Way to go Trump"? Did you even read the link? Did you understand what is happening? Trump had troops lay out a whole bunch of concertina wire last year, and now Mexicans are going up to the border, stealing the wire, and selling it to Mexican citizens to protect MEXICAN property in MEXICO. The Mexicans are stealing some of the border protection that was ordered by Trump.

How the fuck is that "way to go Trump"? He's wasted a bunch of tax dollars having the military string it along the border, only to have Mexicans steal it and use it for themselves.
I love this winning !!!
Thank you Mr Trump and:

Apparently, you didn't read the link either. Mexicans are stealing the wire and using it as security for their homes back in Mexico. And...............the US taxpayer has already paid for it, and now it's being stolen.
Wow..............just when you thought the debate about the border wall couldn't get any stranger. Seems that all the concertina wire that was laid down last year to help fortify the border is now being stolen and sold to residents of Mexico to use to keep intruders out of their house.

Mexico is getting free barrier wire, and Trump is having the U.S. taxpayer pay for it.

Anyone else getting tired of all this "winning"?

America pays for the wall: thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.
Way to go Trump!

"Way to go Trump"? Did you even read the link? Did you understand what is happening? Trump had troops lay out a whole bunch of concertina wire last year, and now Mexicans are going up to the border, stealing the wire, and selling it to Mexican citizens to protect MEXICAN property in MEXICO. The Mexicans are stealing some of the border protection that was ordered by Trump.

How the fuck is that "way to go Trump"? He's wasted a bunch of tax dollars having the military string it along the border, only to have Mexicans steal it and use it for themselves.
We LOVE Trump :clap2:We LOVE Trump
I love this winning !!!
Thank you Mr Trump and:

Apparently, you didn't read the link either. Mexicans are stealing the wire and using it as security for their homes back in Mexico. And...............the US taxpayer has already paid for it, and now it's being stolen.

like I said on the other MILLION anti-Trump threads = WE DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...we don't care if he murders/steals/lies/has SEX/etc
Well, if the Democrats hadn't held up the immigration legislation that would have allocated enough border agents to keep this from happening -- instead they wanted to shut down the government to hurt Trump -- then that wire would still be in place.
He's wasted a whole bunch of money laying down that wire just to have Mexicans steal it for their own use.

And.....................I don't have much faith that Trump is going to have construction on the wall start any time soon, other than just small repairs like they have done so far.
Well, if the Democrats hadn't held up the immigration legislation that would have allocated enough border agents to keep this from happening -- instead they wanted to shut down the government to hurt Trump -- then that wire would still be in place.

That wire should have never been laid down in the first place. It was a huge waste of tax dollars.
I don't see why this is so mind boggling. The truth is, even Mexicans want to protect themselves from Mexicans and Central Americans. Another year of open borders and caravans and there will be Americans stealing the razor wire for the same reason. The US congress sucks for this chaos they have caused.
Like I said.................the wire should never have been laid in the first place. Not only is it a waste of money, but as evidenced by Mexicans stealing it, it's not as effective as Trump thought it would be.
Well, if the Democrats hadn't held up the immigration legislation that would have allocated enough border agents to keep this from happening -- instead they wanted to shut down the government to hurt Trump -- then that wire would still be in place.

That wire should have never been laid down in the first place. It was a huge waste of tax dollars.
If the Democrats had compromised and given Trump what he wanted -- a mere fraction of what they had been willing to vote for prior to Trump -- That wire would not have been necessary.

However, when you have 10's of thousands of people threating to bums rush our border while the Dem's play games, then this is the predictable outcome.

Maybe they should stop protesting troops on the border and set them to protecting this wire. was probably old wire that had been sitting around--and Trump at least used it = NOT wasting $$$$$$
I love this winning !!!
Thank you Mr Trump and:

Apparently, you didn't read the link either. Mexicans are stealing the wire and using it as security for their homes back in Mexico. And...............the US taxpayer has already paid for it, and now it's being stolen.

They have an aversion to reading, that is what Trump calls the "poorly educated".
I love this winning !!!
Thank you Mr Trump and:

Apparently, you didn't read the link either. Mexicans are stealing the wire and using it as security for their homes back in Mexico. And...............the US taxpayer has already paid for it, and now it's being stolen.

They have an aversion to reading, that is what Trump calls the "poorly educated".

we don't need to read--we can listen to Fox and watch videos
Hail to the Greatest Chief
Wow..............just when you thought the debate about the border wall couldn't get any stranger. Seems that all the concertina wire that was laid down last year to help fortify the border is now being stolen and sold to residents of Mexico to use to keep intruders out of their house.

Mexico is getting free barrier wire, and Trump is having the U.S. taxpayer pay for it.

Anyone else getting tired of all this "winning"?

America pays for the wall: thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.
Way to go Trump!

"Way to go Trump"? Did you even read the link? Did you understand what is happening? Trump had troops lay out a whole bunch of concertina wire last year, and now Mexicans are going up to the border, stealing the wire, and selling it to Mexican citizens to protect MEXICAN property in MEXICO. The Mexicans are stealing some of the border protection that was ordered by Trump.

How the fuck is that "way to go Trump"? He's wasted a bunch of tax dollars having the military string it along the border, only to have Mexicans steal it and use it for themselves.
The Democrats should've gave Trump the money for a wall in the beginning. I blame Pelosi and Schumer.
Wow..............just when you thought the debate about the border wall couldn't get any stranger. Seems that all the concertina wire that was laid down last year to help fortify the border is now being stolen and sold to residents of Mexico to use to keep intruders out of their house.

Mexico is getting free barrier wire, and Trump is having the U.S. taxpayer pay for it.

Anyone else getting tired of all this "winning"?

America pays for the wall: thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.
Way to go Trump!

"Way to go Trump"? Did you even read the link? Did you understand what is happening? Trump had troops lay out a whole bunch of concertina wire last year, and now Mexicans are going up to the border, stealing the wire, and selling it to Mexican citizens to protect MEXICAN property in MEXICO. The Mexicans are stealing some of the border protection that was ordered by Trump.

How the fuck is that "way to go Trump"? He's wasted a bunch of tax dollars having the military string it along the border, only to have Mexicans steal it and use it for themselves.
Did anyone tell them that stuff doesnt work?

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