Mexicans fighting their government and drug cartels...they could have used the 2nd amendment....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The people of Mexico are about to go militia on the tyranny of their government.....and they are going to use guns to do it....with their government siding with drug cartels to kill innocent anti gunners still think the people being armed is a dumb idea....

Increasingly Armed Mexican Populace Preparing for a Revolution - The Truth About Guns

America’s anti-gunners vilify gun owners who dare suggest that armed citizens are a bulwark against government tyranny. Maybe back in the late 1700’s, but not today. They scoff at the idea, arguing that these latter day self-styled armed American patriots wouldn’t stand a chance against the might of a modern military, should such a thing come to pass. Well it has come to pass, just across our southern border . . .

Mexico is a case study of exactly what happens to a disarmed populace faced with a tyrannical government, backed by military force.

Suffering from decades of kidnapping, rape, torture, mutilation, murder and mass murder; brutalized by drug cartels and their government enablers, Mexico’s disarmed rural populations have taken up arms in their own defense – illegally – and formed citizen militias. These autodefensas are locked in battle with vicious drug cartels, corrupt local police, the Mexican military and the recently formed faux citizens’ police force called Fuerza Rural.

The following article provides a roughly translated update on the growing tension between the increasingly rural Mexican population and the central government. In the aftermath of the disappearance of 43 students at the hands of local police in Iguala, retired Army General José Francisco Gallardo Rodríguez [above] warns of a civil war to come. He’s not exaggerating.

As one commentator puts it, “there is just no other way than to take arms, otherwise nothing will change.” The exact same words spoken during the American revolution. Hopefully, we will never again find ourselves in this position. Regardless of Mexico’s history of corruption and the role billionaire narco-terrorists play in this conflict, when Mexico disarmed its populace, it sealed its fate.

Mex. Army General: “The only way an event (Iguala) of this magnitude could happen is collusion and participation of the Army. …. may cause a civil war”

COLIMA, Col. From his personal experience in the militia, where he tried without success to create the office of military ombudsman within the army (to protect the public from human rights abuses), the general in retirement José Francisco Gallardo Rodríguez affirms that, his attitude after looking at the facts of Tlatlaya and Ayotzinapa, is that president Enrique Peña Nieto is betting on repression.

Yes....the 4th reason to own guns....when the government has decided to kill it's civilians....
I hear that this is the guy behind this anti-government movement:


His name is Pancho, something or other....
Well...let's see if the Mexican people can get some relief from their government and the cartels....of course....obama may still be supplying the cartels with guns and grenades.....
It's been a while....and watching your friends and family die tends to give you a new perspective on freedom from tyranny....something we haven't had to worry about in a long time....

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