Mexican Side Fires At Border Patrol

I have relatives in Texas that say that the lower Rio Grande Valley is owned by the cartels.....and yet Texas does nothing about it.
This is what I have heard too from Steve Bannon who is active in the wall building process. No one comes across the border unless the cartel gets a cut first.

I wouldn't say Texas is doing nothing but you are talking about covering a vast area and it is in the illegals' interests
to keep this arrangement going. So if we could find these people and stop them there would be no need for a wall
or border security as no one would ever try to cross the border illegally.
If there is big money to be made, the cartels are there. When the going rate for helping illegals cross is 10 to 20 thousand dollars a head you can bet the drug cartels have a big part of that action. And hey, they sure appreciate those automatic weapons Obumble and Holdit shipped to them!

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