Mexican President: "Fentanyl is your problem"


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
That SOB has a lot of nerve. Can you imagine what Trump would have done to Mexico if he had been told that?

"MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s president said Thursday that his country does not produce or consume fentanyl, despite enormous evidence to the contrary.

President Andros Manuel Lopez Obrador appeared to depict the synthetic opioid epidemic largely as a U.S. problem, and said the United States should use family values to fight drug addiction.

His statement came during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the White House Homeland Security Advisor, to discuss the fentanyl crisis. It also comes amid calls by U.S. Republicans to use the U.S. military to attack drug labs in Mexico.

The Mexican government has acknowledged in the past that fentanyl is produced at labs in Mexico using precursor chemicals imported from China. Fentanyl has been blamed for about 70,000 opioid deaths per year in the United States.

“Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl,” Lopez Obrador said. “Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?”

Mexican president to US: Fentanyl is your problem
That SOB has a lot of nerve. Can you imagine what Trump would have done to Mexico if he had been told that?

"MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s president said Thursday that his country does not produce or consume fentanyl, despite enormous evidence to the contrary.

President Andros Manuel Lopez Obrador appeared to depict the synthetic opioid epidemic largely as a U.S. problem, and said the United States should use family values to fight drug addiction.

His statement came during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the White House Homeland Security Advisor, to discuss the fentanyl crisis. It also comes amid calls by U.S. Republicans to use the U.S. military to attack drug labs in Mexico.

The Mexican government has acknowledged in the past that fentanyl is produced at labs in Mexico using precursor chemicals imported from China. Fentanyl has been blamed for about 70,000 opioid deaths per year in the United States.

“Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl,” Lopez Obrador said. “Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?”

Mexican president to US: Fentanyl is your problem
Annex Mexico
Social decay is decay is definitely impacting the world. The West is throwing away its advantage in the process, each nation with its own challenges. It is interesting to hear a Mexican president be so opinionated about America though, especially since so many of his citizens are illegally entering the U.S. Does he not take some respinsibility for this? It is the one single.issue that could sink the Dems in 2024 IMO, maybe the best issue for the GOP in their narrow path.
“Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl,” Lopez Obrador said. “Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?”

I agree. That's why we should target their cartel leaders and hangouts with missile strikes and hunter-killer teams sent after their entire chain of employees. If the Mexican fantasy govt. objects and interferes on behalf of their gangster heroes, it should really suck to be them.
We should annex Mexico and make a new, supersized Guantanamo down there where we can send all our murderers, rapists, sexual predators and drug pushers and co mingle them with Obrador and all the other Mexican criminals. When we pick a spot for this super lockup, we could use the same criteria we use for picking where we put our garbage dumps. And lastly, put Sheriff Joe in charge of running it.
We should annex Mexico and make a new, supersized Guantanamo down there where we can send all our murderers, rapists, sexual predators and drug pushers and co mingle them with Obrador and all the other Mexican criminals. When we pick a spot for this super lockup, we could use the same criteria we use for picking where we put our garbage dumps. And lastly, put Sheriff Joe in charge of running it.

We should annex Mexico and make a new, supersized Guantanamo down there where we can send all our murderers, rapists, sexual predators and drug pushers and co mingle them with Obrador and all the other Mexican criminals. When we pick a spot for this super lockup, we could use the same criteria we use for picking where we put our garbage dumps. And lastly, put Sheriff Joe in charge of running it.

If we do, then we need to deport all the Mexicans. We can bring in Filipinos.
Start filling up cargo planes and helicopters and dumping invaders' bodies on the Mexican capitol, as well as his private home.
Fill up empty cargo ships with invaders as well, and dump them off in Veracruz, MX.
THEN start dumping ALL prisoners in the USA penal system that have life sentences on his private home as well.

And keep dumping until he shuts the border down and finishes the wall.

Easy peasy, Mexico sleazy.
That SOB has a lot of nerve. Can you imagine what Trump would have done to Mexico if he had been told that?

"MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s president said Thursday that his country does not produce or consume fentanyl, despite enormous evidence to the contrary.

President Andros Manuel Lopez Obrador appeared to depict the synthetic opioid epidemic largely as a U.S. problem, and said the United States should use family values to fight drug addiction.

His statement came during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the White House Homeland Security Advisor, to discuss the fentanyl crisis. It also comes amid calls by U.S. Republicans to use the U.S. military to attack drug labs in Mexico.

The Mexican government has acknowledged in the past that fentanyl is produced at labs in Mexico using precursor chemicals imported from China. Fentanyl has been blamed for about 70,000 opioid deaths per year in the United States.

“Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl,” Lopez Obrador said. “Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?”

Mexican president to US: Fentanyl is your problem
I already started a thread on what to do.

Lindsey Graham said he would offer legislation on declaring the drug cartels as terrorists organizations.

Then send out the never ending wolf pack of drones to attack them. This war could be fought 247 indefinably, and cheaply.

Of course, Mexico will protest because their government has become more of a drug cartel than a government.

Then we can smile and say, "That is your problem"
Agreed. The US is run by criminals too.
Which is why I think the Lindsey Graham suggestion was just BS.

They will never go to war with the cartels



Plus, they would have to fear death themselves.

In terms of hunting people down with drones, rule #1 as a hunter.

1. Never hunt game that can hunt you.


That is why they only pick on people who can't fight back.
I love the Conservative answer. It’s always the same. Get tough. Show them who’s boss. The Mexican Army and Police battle the cartels every day. But hey, if we get involved we will wipe the floor with them. Just look at our successes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Well maybe not. But the point is we could wipe the floor with them.

These guys battle the cops and military all the time. They attack convoys of police who travel in armored vehicles.

If you had half a brain. You would realize there is a solution that is cheap, and guaranteed effective.

Legalize the drugs. Take half of what we are spending on the war on drugs and put it into treatment. We save half the money we were spending, and the money flowing to the Cartels is reduced to zero. No money means no ability to hire the troops to fight the cops.

We didn’t end the Bootlegging gangs by getting tough. We got Capone on tax evasion and illegal whiskey kept right on flowing. There was never a time where there wasn’t any booze to drink. If there is no profit in the activity it’s hard to find someone who is willing to do it.

On the other hand, if you are a poor kid from Mexico and the Cartel promises to pay you a months worth of cash every day. Why wouldn’t you join? If you join you might die or get thrown in prison. If you don’t you might die from a running battle between the cartel and the police anyway.

If the Cartels don’t have any money flowing in, nobody can pay this kid.

Queue the outrage about how dangerous drugs are and we can’t be soft on crime. The same idiotic arguments that have us entering our fifth decade of the war on drugs. Successful every year.
That SOB has a lot of nerve. Can you imagine what Trump would have done to Mexico if he had been told that?

"MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s president said Thursday that his country does not produce or consume fentanyl, despite enormous evidence to the contrary.

President Andros Manuel Lopez Obrador appeared to depict the synthetic opioid epidemic largely as a U.S. problem, and said the United States should use family values to fight drug addiction.

His statement came during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the White House Homeland Security Advisor, to discuss the fentanyl crisis. It also comes amid calls by U.S. Republicans to use the U.S. military to attack drug labs in Mexico.

The Mexican government has acknowledged in the past that fentanyl is produced at labs in Mexico using precursor chemicals imported from China. Fentanyl has been blamed for about 70,000 opioid deaths per year in the United States.

“Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl,” Lopez Obrador said. “Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?”

Mexican president to US: Fentanyl is your problem
He's right.

When a drug user uses a drug who is harmed?

Drugs as a criminal/violence/smuggling problem is all our (the US) own doing.

Do we think the lessons of prohibition don't apply to drugs?

I'm old enough to remember when...

Heroin junkies were older people 30s-40s. The young junkie was a rare thing and violence in the drug trade was also a rarity.
But them came the "War on Drugs" and what was a problem for 40 year olds who'd probably die before 50 became a criminal problem.
Setting aside the racial aspect of the War on Drugs, it created crimes where none existed before.

Mexico doesn't have a fentanyl problem. It has a US problem.
It is the illegality of the drugs in the US that drives the manufacturing and smuggling crimes.
It is the illegality of drugs in the US that drives the violence.

Consider what would happen if we legalized/decriminalized everything on Schedule 1.
Pot, meth, heroin, pills, and, yes, even fentanyl.

Would an addict rather use heroin or fentanyl? Legalized the cost of a gram of heroin at a drugstore (over 21) would be less than $5
An addict could feed his habit for $10 a day or less.
The criminal aspect would disappear as would the risk premiums.
Absent the risk premium that drives the big money in street drugs the violence would disappear.
Absent the violence and criminality the neighborhoods destroyed by drugs being illegal could be restored

Yes, the social and financial impacts of illegal drugs rests on the shoulders of the US government.
I love the Conservative answer. It’s always the same. Get tough. Show them who’s boss. The Mexican Army and Police battle the cartels every day. But hey, if we get involved we will wipe the floor with them. Just look at our successes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Well maybe not. But the point is we could wipe the floor with them.

These guys battle the cops and military all the time. They attack convoys of police who travel in armored vehicles.

If you had half a brain. You would realize there is a solution that is cheap, and guaranteed effective.

Legalize the drugs. Take half of what we are spending on the war on drugs and put it into treatment. We save half the money we were spending, and the money flowing to the Cartels is reduced to zero. No money means no ability to hire the troops to fight the cops.

We didn’t end the Bootlegging gangs by getting tough. We got Capone on tax evasion and illegal whiskey kept right on flowing. There was never a time where there wasn’t any booze to drink. If there is no profit in the activity it’s hard to find someone who is willing to do it.

On the other hand, if you are a poor kid from Mexico and the Cartel promises to pay you a months worth of cash every day. Why wouldn’t you join? If you join you might die or get thrown in prison. If you don’t you might die from a running battle between the cartel and the police anyway.

If the Cartels don’t have any money flowing in, nobody can pay this kid.

Queue the outrage about how dangerous drugs are and we can’t be soft on crime. The same idiotic arguments that have us entering our fifth decade of the war on drugs. Successful every year.

So get tough and show them who’s boss, like we're trying to do in Ukraine? If we had spent half as much on the southern border wall and the Border Patrol as we have protecting Ukraine's border, there would be no fentanyl problem.
Obrador the Theologian: 'family values." Neither religion nor family values will suffice, so forget genuflecting. As Carl Gustav Jung has aptly stated: "Individuation is a painful process."

Fentanyl as drug. Religion as drug. The Beatles were right.

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