“Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists” attack DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
DHS Kirstjen Nielsen was forced to leave a Mexican restaurant in DC, Tuesday night when angry racist Left Wing extremist attacked her while she was attempting to have a meal.

Millions of Democrat voters are fanatical racist who do not accept that America is a sovereign country with the right to control its border crossings and the right to control its immigration. These racist Democrats have a goal to “fundamentally change” America into a Latino country. They are outraged that America has the gall to try and stem the tide of illegal aliens flooding across our border annually. The Corrupt Democratic Party is pandering to these racist for votes. Democrats use hate groups such as the Brown Berets and La Raza to fan the flames of racism and agitate Democrat Voters.


There is a special place in hell for her.
Why do the Democrats want to put children in jail with adult criminals?
It's against the law to put children in jail with adults.
Why do Liberals hate children so much?

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