Methodist Pastor Reinstated After Conducting Son's Gay Marriage!

Love? No it is lust. And a sinful lust at that. This will just continue to split churches and denominations. It is probably a good thing. Christians support churches. Christians should know exactly where their church stands so they don't support sin themselves. Just split the church. Those who condone perversion get to belong to a friendly congregation.

To Katz...marriage is all about lust. There you have it.

Sad, marriage can, and should, mean more. I gather the disabled should be barred from marrying, in that twisted view, if they cannot reproduce......

When did the disabled lose their rights to reproductive privacy?
This is, of course, Wonderful News!! The pastor should not have ever been placed in such a terrible position just for uniting two people in love in Holy Matrimony! KUDOS to the Church panel for their decision on this and we hope and pray that such bigotry becomes a thing of the past whereby two people of a same-sex orientation who are in love and desire marriage will be able to share in that love and in matrimony with the continuous blessings of the Methodist Church.

No, it's not.

Bastardizing marriage is one thing but pretending this is Holy Matrimony is all together different. If you know this and don't care you're an idiot, if you don't know this you're just stupid.

Isn't that up the religious institution and it's congregation? Churches have been conducting gay weddings for decades. I attended a lesbian wedding at a Southern Baptist church in San Francisco in 1986. Gays have always had equal access to religious's the civil marriage we want equal access to.
This will happen more and more. Gay people have families and those families aren't going to want to go to a church that is not accepting of their gay loved ones. Churches will adapt or die.

Or when people get tired of your outlandish behaviors , the opposite will happen.

History and current evidence does not support your claim. What is happening is the opposition is either dying off or having a family member come out to it.
Love? No it is lust. And a sinful lust at that. This will just continue to split churches and denominations. It is probably a good thing. Christians support churches. Christians should know exactly where their church stands so they don't support sin themselves. Just split the church. Those who condone perversion get to belong to a friendly congregation.

To Katz...marriage is all about lust. There you have it.

Sad, marriage can, and should, mean more. I gather the disabled should be barred from marrying, in that twisted view, if they cannot reproduce......

Lust and fertility are two different things.

Most marriages do start with lust and grow to other feelings.

As to the notion that churches will fall apart if they perform gay marriages ... Pretty dumb thing to say but as always, the so called christians have no faith in their own faith. If marriage equality is all it will take to split and destroy churches, they're not worth much.
This will happen more and more. Gay people have families and those families aren't going to want to go to a church that is not accepting of their gay loved ones. Churches will adapt or die.

Or when people get tired of your outlandish behaviors , the opposite will happen.

History and current evidence does not support your claim. What is happening is the opposition is either dying off or having a family member come out to it.

Or a marketing campaign trying to turn a pigs ear into a purse. Might work for a time, but in the long run they always fail.
This will happen more and more. Gay people have families and those families aren't going to want to go to a church that is not accepting of their gay loved ones. Churches will adapt or die.

They won't die, but they will become more like the Church that Christ envisioned. Churches are not popularity contests.

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