

Nov 18, 2012


More and more people at work are referencing our President, Barack Hussein Obama, as The Messiah.

I am not quite ready to make this leap, I’ll wait until he addresses EFCA; The Employee Free Choice Act before I start thinking about using that epithet.

The Messiah
, the New Messiah? Who would have guessed that a President, America’s first black President, could garner such spiritual association?

Although, when I think about it, our world doesn’t enamor kings of countries anymore. We have Presidents and such. In this respect, Barack Obama is The King of Kings The President of Presidents, so I think I can nod to that reference.

Barack Hussein Obama has brought the world the emotion of Hope for a huge amount of people in the world, and in this respect emotions are spiritual.

In a world that finds religious people as the ones who are constantly warring with each other of different factions. I find most people who are religious, no matter what religion to be, for the most part rude, arrogant, filled with the outer convictions that reveal little of the inner currency that fosters a character of inner confidence in a other world, a better world after their death. Where is that strength? Who has it? Somewhere, in the back recesses of my mind somewhere I remember the essence, the first concept of soul being reveled, I think, by the Greeks. Thumos meant fire within. We have derived the word thermos from this term that merged an inner emotion, an inner conviction, to an, at that time, undefined spirit.

Some people refer to the 43ed & 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama as The Black Messiah. For decades I have pointed out to people, that the Christians’ Jesus was black. Jesus Christ is considered the world’s first black messiah. For those who are unable to shake their Hollywood associations I point out the fact that Egypt is located in the African Continent. Jesus Christ was African. When the Hollywood impaired persist in their convictions of a white Jesus, I now just settle back, smile and say, Oh yeah, good point, and let it go.

Perhaps my coworkers are right and their, casual references to The Messiah or The New Messiah are amplified in my mind because of something deep inside me. We can we make the spiritual association to our President of the United States. All we need is the emotion, a newly defined spirit, all we need is The Audacity of Hope.

Good grief.

Every fascist regime the world has ever known goes the route of glorifying the #1 tyrant.
You have some odd co-workers.

Your thread made me think of Handel's Messiah.

Looking forward to hearing it.
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"The Employee Free Choice Act" is a not just a misnomer, it is deliberately deceptive. It is nothing but union-backed legislation designed to DENY employees freedom of choice. The proposed regulation DENIES employees free choice by doing away with elections by secret ballots.

It used to be that if the unions got more than 30% of employees to sign cards, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) would hold an election to see if the employees wanted to unionize. The employees voted by secret ballot. But under the proposed legislation all the unions have to do is get enough workers to sign cards and they are automatically declared the bargaining unit representative. The unions have already received the right to force employers to give the unions the names and addresses of all employees. These union organizers will be knocking on the workers' doors with union cards in hand. I doubt that many workers will have the courage to refuse to sign the card.

Doing away with the secret ballot does nothing good for the employees. In fact, it takes away the only protection they have and exposes them to threats and intimidation by union organizers. This legislation has only one purpose: To make it easy for unions to organize a work force through coercion.

Anyone who calls the elimination of the sacred secret ballot "The Employee Free Choice act" is a con man of the worst kind.

Obama supports the legislation, but certainly not because it's good for the workers. He supports it because it makes it easier for labor unions to force employees to become members. As bad as the legislation is, it will most likely pass because unions spend a lot of money to grease the political wheels, and in Washington it's all about quid pro quo.
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Let's see.
1. Lover of Islam:
Obama proclaimed he had been "captivated" by the change that had taken place, and he provided some examples to bolster this point.
Of Tunisia he said, "We were inspired by the Tunisia protests that toppled a dictator. We recognized our own beliefs in those who took to the streets." Of Egypt he said, "We insisted on change in Egypt, because our support for democracy put us on the side of the people." He also boasted of the U.S. intervention in Libya's uprising against Muammar Qaddafi.
Tunisian lawmakers are currently attempting to make Sharia the law of the land in their country. Early last week, US citizens were urged to flee Tunisia as the American embassy came under attack.

2. Hatred of Jews:
So French President Nicolas Sarkozy, not knowing his microphone is hot, expresses his contempt for Bibi Netanyahu, calls him a liar, and President Barack Obama commiserates, lamenting the fact that he has to deal with Netanyahu even more than the French...........

Cover all crosses:
( - Georgetown University says it covered over the monogram “IHS”--symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ—because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where President Obama spoke at the university on Tuesday and the White House had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols there.
As of Wednesday afternoon, the “IHS” monogram that had previously adorned the stage at Georgetown’s Gaston Hall was still covered up--when the pediment where it had appeared was photographed by

In 2009, at the behest of the Obama administration, the United States joined 152 other countries in endorsing a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Resolution. The resolution establishes an international conference to be held next year, at which leaders from countries around the world—many of which have deplorable human rights records—will draw up an international treaty designed to severely restrict or even outright ban your right to sell, purchase, carry or own a firearm.

In reversing President George W. Bush’s opposition to U.N. mandated global gun control, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared, “The United States is committed to actively pursuing a strong and robust treaty that contains the highest possible, legally binding standard. …”

And Liar?
Well, take your pick:
Libya was spontaneous........
Taxes will hurt a struggling economy, so I won't.....
We'll spend our way out of debt........ < my favorite
Keep your own insurance company.......
I'm a Christian........
Marriage is between a man and a woman........

Someone's nuts. It's not me.
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