Message from Trump....


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?
Koch brothers had a good message though, to get rid of corporate welfare.

as opposed to left-wing nutjobs begging for money from their billionaire Socialist hypocrite pimp george soros?
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual.... well as the usual media coverage of politics as usual. Folks are feed up with both and they're not just dissatisfied Republicans either.
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....
I always wished Lee Iacoca would of ran back in the 90s but he said why do I want the stress of the job and only make 250 grand?

We really need a business man, a social liberal and a fiscal conservative as president this time. A billionaire that can't be bought by special interest groups.
We really need a business man, a social liberal and a fiscal conservative as president this time. A billionaire that can't be bought by special interest groups.

I agree with all except for the "socially liberal" part.... I'm not saying Trump is perfect, just better than the others.... in order to effect change, something big needs to happen, good or bad.......
We really need a business man, a social liberal and a fiscal conservative as president this time. A billionaire that can't be bought by special interest groups.

I agree with all except for the "socially liberal" part.... I'm not saying Trump is perfect, just better than the others.... in order to effect change, something big needs to happen, good or bad.......
when I am saying social liberal I mean someone with a heart, trump clearly has that , but he has the conservative fiscal part in him to balance it out.
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....

What the people want will win.

All that money and support does is make the politician louder.

If the Koch brother really wanted their own candidate, all they had to do is run one of their yes men, less likely to be betrayed and can attract as many voters as any other empty suit could.
As big an asshole as Trump is, at least he wouldn't be beholden to anybody.
First, keep in mind that old definition of insanity...doing same thing, expecting different outcome.

Now, regardless of where you sit along the political spectrum, what has voting for professional politicians of both parties gotten us in the 7 decades since WWII? Look at our ever growing and dangerous mountain of debt, sluggish economy, illegal aliens costing us millions for decades to come, or any of a host of other problems we face, take your pick as there's no shortage. But one class of voters is getting fed up with the status quo. People who pay to support the fiscal nonsense of the D. C. professionals, the American income tax payers. They know the insanity definition is spot-on, examples abound, and they're sick of it.

So, more of the same or time to try something new? Maybe Trump's newest campaign slogan should be...Whadaya got to Lose? It's short and to the point. Democrats, independents, and others footing the bills will get it.
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....

The people want what they're told to want. Trump isn't the answer to any of the problems that exist because of money in the system.
He's not talking about changing the voting system to PR.
He's not talking about limiting the amount of money spent by politicians and political parties.
He's not talking anything but stuff that gets him notices. ie, the ALL Mexicans are rapists, ALL captured US service personnel in history aren't heroes, etc etc.
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....

The people want what they're told to want. Trump isn't the answer to any of the problems that exist because of money in the system.
He's not talking about changing the voting system to PR.
He's not talking about limiting the amount of money spent by politicians and political parties.
He's not talking anything but stuff that gets him notices. ie, the ALL Mexicans are rapists, ALL captured US service personnel in history aren't heroes, etc etc.

Doesn't matter what ANYONE says anymore because it's al lies..... they all lie...

Trump is appealing now to "cafeteria speech"... you know, the kind like we heard in school when students were running for class president..... "I'll fight for a better lunch and longer recess... "
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....

The people want what they're told to want. Trump isn't the answer to any of the problems that exist because of money in the system.
He's not talking about changing the voting system to PR.
He's not talking about limiting the amount of money spent by politicians and political parties.
He's not talking anything but stuff that gets him notices. ie, the ALL Mexicans are rapists, ALL captured US service personnel in history aren't heroes, etc etc.

Doesn't matter what ANYONE says anymore because it's al lies..... they all lie...

Trump is appealing now to "cafeteria speech"... you know, the kind like we heard in school when students were running for class president..... "I'll fight for a better lunch and longer recess... "

Yep. But hey, Trump's making people think he's "different", and people buy it.
So I guess we are going to see if $ wins or what the people want wins....
Remember, folks, Trump is not a quitter.... and the people are tired of politics as usual....

The people want what they're told to want. Trump isn't the answer to any of the problems that exist because of money in the system.
He's not talking about changing the voting system to PR.
He's not talking about limiting the amount of money spent by politicians and political parties.
He's not talking anything but stuff that gets him notices. ie, the ALL Mexicans are rapists, ALL captured US service personnel in history aren't heroes, etc etc.

Doesn't matter what ANYONE says anymore because it's al lies..... they all lie...

Trump is appealing now to "cafeteria speech"... you know, the kind like we heard in school when students were running for class president..... "I'll fight for a better lunch and longer recess... "

Yep. But hey, Trump's making people think he's "different", and people buy it.

In the end, no one is "really" different.....

The people we elect (politicians) and worship (celebrities) have something in common.


We SAY we want someone that cares about the greater good, but anyone that is going to muscle out the competition is ultimately going to be 'about' themselves... not anyone or anything else....

We elect the best con-man.

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